Inglês (Americano) for Portuguese Speakers by Memrise

There is a bug in English level 1 lesson 8.
The text in Portuguese is wrong. Where is “Ele está um pouco triste porque não tem uma namorada” (He’s a little sad because he doesn’t have a girlfriend) the correct form is “Ele está um pouco triste porque você está irritado” (He’s a little sad because your’re angry). I’m attaching a print screen of my cellphone which contains the referred bug.

Of course you’re correct.

But maybe he doesn’t have the girlfriend anymore because she’s just really pissed off? What the hell did he expect?

Can you please confirm that it is in the American English for Portuguese speakers ?

Ideally, a link to the course would be good. :slight_smile:

Yes, it is.
This is:

But did he already have a girlfriend?

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Inglês (Americano) 1-7 (English for Portuguese) by Memrise

I will be closing this thread because there is another one which memrise language specialist Ignacio is watching
Right here