Information about single course learning goal streaks - please

I have been wondering what happens to our daily target badge achieved on one course (for achieving the set number of points day after day), when one switches to another course.

This is NOT the same question as this thread:

Currently I have a badge for achieving 100 continuous days on a geography course and want to set targets on other courses.

What I want to know is will my badge stay at 100 until I achieve 105 days on a new course or will it reset?

Having been told in the other thread that the 365 attendance score is not a badge but is in effect reset as soon as one misses a day and has to be built up again (once the rest of the year lapses), I am a bit wary of say only going for 50 days say on a smaller course.

Has anyone had experience of this - good or bad?

I have a daily goal badge “60”. I got it once. I don’t even know for which course.
I have not been that busy learner anymore. Currently I have managed to study 24 days, but the badge still is 60.
It shows the highest I have got


Your badge will stay - it is a badge for the highest streak, not just the current streak. For example I still have a badge for 105 days, although among the courses I’m currently taking, the longest one has only 31-day streak.


Thank you @Atikker & @widle, that is very useful to know and encouraging.

Perhaps others will find this information useful too.

I still wish we got a badge for long stints or streaks on MemRise - ie continuous days irrespective of which course. I’d like to have a 1 year badge rather being under pressure of loosing it.


I can confirm what others have said about badges and learning streaks. If you complete or stop working on the geography course, your badge will stay at 100 until you reach 105 days in another course.

Also, I agree that it would be cool to have a badge for continuous use, regardless of the course. The longest learning streak I have in any single course is 240, but I’ve been using Memrise consistently since April 4, 2015… 485 days.


I recently asked the same question: Why does the learning streak badge have to linked to an individual course?


I agree completely. And even if we assume one should keep working on one course until it’s done instead of shifting between courses constantly, the system still isn’t fair the way it is now. It favors someone who takes a single long course over a person learning several shorter courses, although they are doing the same amount of work.

For example, the official Memrise German courses used to be made up of two long courses - German A1 and A2. The new version consists of seven shorter ones - German 1-7. (Which I believe to be inferior to the old ones, but that’s beside the point.) Assuming the same amount of work day after day, the person using the old courses would get a higher streak simply because they’re individually longer.

I don’t see why you don’t adopt the system of Duolingo - a single working streak for a person, not a course, and without a 365 days cap. Admittedly, Duolingo does only teach languages, while Memrise has different types of courses, but it could at least be a streak for a certain skill - say, for German, French, geography or history.

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