Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

My recollection is that it was noted like the rest of what we said - honestly, it was relatively minor part of the meeting.
We were focused on the other main points (app, offline, paid for) but this whole Decks announcement should be a learning experience for Memrise about how it communicates, how it does user feedback, how it acts on it, etc.


This is what the forums are supposed to be for, but as @flamantrose pointed out, this function already existed on one of the former versions of the website. There was a direct link via each and every flashcard to the forum for that course, so it was really easy to tell the course creator about errors that were found.


Huh. Decks has been delayed to Mid-March according to @MemriseMatty. Gives us more time.

Delayed? I thought it was always mid march.


What has changed is that there will now definitely be a Beta period, i.e. during which Decks will be live, while the community courses will continue to be available through the Memrise app

The need for a Beta period was one of the issues raised during the meeting.


@AkiraKurusu In a recent forum post. They said Decks would be released today. But edited it to Mid March.

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I guess it depends on what you are trying to learn. I used Memrise to learn how to write Kanji, so disabling the timer was a must. In any case, it would be very easy to just make it optional from a developer point of view.

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you had to draw the kanjis in memrise? I don’t remember any course with the option of drawing the Hanzi/kanji, please do let me know, I’d like to try it… For such stuff I’d use writing recognition apps (skritter, plumago etc).

Well, I am not 18, so I canbnot waste my precious time with writing the kanjis by hand :wink:"Happy learning!

Not sure why you mentioned the age here. I’m 28, have a full time job and yet I find time to write the kanji down by hand when reviewing. I do it on paper, without any recognition software, and I find it very rewarding and very useful to remember, read and write the kanji quickly. I guess you may have other priorities and you don’t want to learn how to write Kanji, that’s ok. But it’s definintely doable no matter how old you are.


I personally do not have the time to write them on paper, I am learning 7-8 languages (and I know already some languages).

I can write on paper some 500 kanji or more, learned them in school. But I am using paper quite seldom in communication, unfortunately.

But then, what does have writing the kanjis on paper to do with the timer on memrise?

As you mention, probably it is not difficult to install an option for the user - timer on/off. Unfortunately, until now, every time some very vocal group said “this is too difficult, or too offensive, or this and that”, the team simply ditched the respective feature. I am afraid they will take out the timer as well.

Well, I used Memrise to memorise how to write the Kanji directly inside vocabulary words using SRS. To do so, in each review session I try to write down the kanji for the current prompted word as I remember it. After checking with the dictionary whether it’s right or not, I type it in Memrise right or wrong and let the system do its work in regards of SRS. This is very far from optimal and its less time consuming in other tools such Anki. The point is that the time I take to remember the kanji varies widely from an instant to sometimes 20 or 30 seconds, exceeding the time allowed by the timer. However, it is not strange for me to take 30 seconds to remember the kanji using my own mems and clues and doing it right, which is an option I can’t rely on if there is a limiting timer.

Hang on, I’d have liked to have gone to this. Why didn’t they email or something to invite people to the meeting?! Can you summarise what was said, please? Sadly there are 100+ new comments since I last checked the thread for updates and I don’t have time to read them all.


Does anyone know, are our courses back-up in case there are any problems migrating them? One of my friends was a course creator for an Arabic course of 1000+ vocab items and it just vanished one day. Apparently she got in touch with Memrise, there’d been some sort of error that wasn’t properly explained, they apologised but said there was no trace of it and nothing she could do. My whole class was on that course and all lost those flashcards too and it had been made with all the audio etc. over the course of a year. Someone asked could we auto-learn someone else’s similar course of the same textbook and there was no reply from Memrise. So I am very apprehensive that they might try and migrate our stuff, delete it, not explain how it happened and have no back-ups. Anyone able to offer reassurances, did it come up at the meetng by any chance?
Also, does anyone know, will pro-users’ data transfer to the new website? The main reason I keep paying is to see the number of words a day I did over the last year, compare trends etc. and that’s what I’m most concerned about losing (only use the website and not the app, phone doesn’t support apps…) Thanks!

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Thanks. Do you know if they said anything about how long it will be viable, i.e. how does a free website keep in line with their business model/ when are they planning to scrap it? And any mention of whether they will advertise Decks and community content more generally on Memrise website/ the app in future?

Coming back to the first paragraph. how can you be so certain that subscriptions will move over? Far as we know they will move account info and your stats and custom courses but Memrise has given the firm impression (at least how I see it) to separate Decks from Memrise entirely. It isn’t sailing under the same flag.

I imagine by migrating, they are simply duplicating the decks. It would be pretty silly if they didn’t look at the result of the said duplication process on the Decks site before removing the courses from the Memrise site. Not to mention talks of a beta earlier in the thread. Most likely they will keep the user generated courses up on Memrise during the Decks beta period. That is probably going to last more than long enough to ensure that the courses were successfully transferred over. I wouldn’t really worry about courses dissapearing as a direct result of the migration process.

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No I would ask @scmelville for details since he went to the meeting

I asked about this earlier in the thread and @kevin5284 said he would pass on my concerns and come back to it later.

I mentioned that I had noticed that many people who had done all seven levels of the official memrise Swedish courses often then continued with their Swedish by doing “my” (I’m not the original course creator, just a course contributor) Swedish courses, the four-part course, “8,000+ Most Common Swedish Words”, and that I was wondering how - and whether - these courses would be advertised in any way. Obviously, I am not only interested in “my” courses being advertised, but I would also be sad if they weren’t, because I have put in a lot of work to improving them over the last four years or so.


I’m not certain and never said I was - the words "can, “guess” and “might” are sprinkled throughout that para. I don’t work for Memrise so I can’t shed any more light.