Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

I’m new to Memrise Pro and taking German courses. So as a newbie, how do I know if the course I paid for will be affected? Will the German 1, 2 & 3 courses still have the same modules or will those change? I’m confused by what is even going on and would like someone to clearly explain to me what may change. I really liked the application before I became a paid subscriber and I like it even more more with the current Pro modules. Thanks in advance for your replies.

I believe if the course creator is Memrise itself that those courses stay on Memrise. If by a user (so any name besides Memrise) those will move to Decks.

If you are on the website and see the list of courses you follow, click on one of them to see the levels and such, then you also see int he top right; Created by: -----

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Thank you. I appreciate the fast reply.

Thanks, that’s really encouraging, hope that’s the case!

Thanks, hope he gets back to us, please do keep us in the loop if so!

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For you, nothing will change, unless there are more bells and whistles added to the official memrise courses, which I believe is the plan. I know that the German courses for speakers of UK English have had a beta feature added for learning grammar, which is one of the new features that is available to people who have paid for a premium membership.

That’s a pretty half-hearted implementation of what I’m referring to. A specific item in a course should let you submit a correction for that item to the creator, rather than needing to make a post about it on the forum. On top of that either way you’re relying on the creator to respond, and they may not, which is why I also want the ability to override an item with your own changes. They probably don’t want to do this because they figure it’d mess with the whole gamification system Memrise has with its points, but I don’t care one bit about that. I’ve had to ignore several items in a course because even if I write them out exactly as they are they’re still read as wrong, which I can only assume was down to a botched input method when the creator implemented them. Being able to override that would solve that problem entirely.

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So, what you want is to be able to access the database of any given course directly and customise it to your own needs?

As a course contributor who has put a lot of effort into rectifying and improving the original definitions on the 8,000+ Most Common Swedish courses (and this is not a criticism of the original course creator, sehiralti, who did an amazing job putting together such a massive course in the first place), I would actually be very much opposed to letting “just anybody” make changes to a course I had made.

The courses “belong” - so to speak - to the original course creator and any course contributors that the course creator (or memrise) has approved, not to any random dude who wants to mess about with them.

If you don’t like the way a word has been defined, you have the option to ignore that word, or make mems with your own added ideas so that you can share them with others who use the same course.


Absolutely true!

And yet, I still disagree with the underlying assumption, that the timer is always needed for all of our learning styles.

Because we do speak here about learning not about knowing.

And from my own experience, there exist in every course small subset of words, I am repeatedly failing to memorize. Hard words.
No matter how many times I am given the right answer, they still fail to stick in my mind.

And the veeery best method I found how to overcome this is exactly the painful pondering in front of the screen (without timer and time limit), not allowing myself the relief of getting the answer… If I have to go through this tribulation of trying to combine the letters until it clicks -> actually this the easiest and most efficient method to get over difficult words and successfully memorize them.


I had that feeling with a Swedish word for the longest time, but, finally, one day, it “clicked” and now I can’t imagine why or how it was so difficult any more! I am sure these words will stick one day, keep fighting!

Do you use the “Difficult Words” function at all (if you have pro)? I found that quite helpful sometimes.

I think the best option would be to introduce an option to switch the timer off, then people like me can leave it on most of the time and others can leave it off.

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Does anyone know of a specific date that Decks will be made available?

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Nope, so far “mid-March” is the most exact timing we have received, which is fair enough. I hope we will get some more warning before it happens, though!


Please postpone the implementation until you got a mobile app.


Hi @Arete_Hime the Decks forum won’t be completely separate but @MemriseMatty is restructuring this forum so that Decks and Memrise threads are separate.
There’s currently a link to the forum in the Decks footer and the Decks course creation page


@amanda-norrsken @Lydia9 yes at launch there will be a simple linking between Memrise and Decks in the footer of each site. Soon after launch there will be a linking on the Dashboard of both Decks and Memrise, and information about Decks on the Memrise About page.

We have more ideas for linking but they’re some way down the line.


Regarding the launch and beta dates @MarshallLanguages @AkiraKurusu @Senior_Tradesmen57 I’ll be able to give more clarity on that on Friday/Monday


Thank You for the empathy - I am also convinced, that the possibility to switch the timer on/off would be best.

Actually - while I mostly prefer to learn without timer - time from time, I am timer-learning through web intentionally changing the way I learn.

When I had the Pro, I tried to use them, however I did not find it very usefull - except that I had reliable and authomatic list of the hard words (but the orange testing did not help to bring anything special to inprove upon those words)

Literally the best way for me to learn them is the one I described above :slight_smile:, Actually to struggle as long as needed.
And when I get it right, than I go to surfe the internet a bit about that word. … If only I could put those finding from the Internet into the Mem - that would be best.

However - iOS app does not allow me to create mems :frowning:

Petr - I have had the same experience as you with the hard words list. I found it didn’t help me.

I used to review my hard words after finishing my normal review session (almost just to clear everything down to zero without thinking about how I could properly learn the hard words)

I have now lost access to that as my pro membership has lapsed and I find reviewing the hard words through my normal review process more effective.


@Lydia9 - when a whole course disappears like that, it is often a copyright issue. Copyright removals will continue to occur every now and then regardless of whether the courses are moved to Decks.

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Why on Earth would you think I’m advocating for being able to screw around with the course and impact everyone’s version of it? I’m not. I’m saying you should be able to modify it for yourself, not for everyone.
“If you don’t like the way a word has been defined”
Completely irrelevant to what I was talking about and gave an example of in my post.