Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

Nice to meet you all @scmelville @houssam.alissaed @Senior_Tradesmen57 @Julia_Halder36 @SilentShuffle @tommcb

As Kevin mentioned, you represented the community very well; made points clearly, succinctly and represented the range of concerns I have seen voiced on the forums recently.

Mario and I were just saying it was a really nice way to spend the evening – and it wasn’t because there was free mexican food :smiley:


I don’t need a timer to know that a word need more review.It’s better to find the word after long thinking than getting the response after 60 seconds based on my experience the more I take time remembering a word the more it’s easier to remember it again. That’s for simple vocabulary but if you have a grammar courses 60 seconds is really short for a lot of people.Anyway I’m which giving the user the choice.


As I’ve mentioned before, there is already an existing Decks mobile offline mode app. The existing Memrise app. Branch off the sources, rename it and point the courses to the Decks web site, do minimal maintenance – fix any breaks with mobile OS upgrade – and charge for the app.


This huge thread has been very educational and I have learnt a lot, namely that a lot of people use memrise as an offline app and that they download community courses to learn offline. I really was totally unaware of this. As I am a language teacher (mostly of English, but also German) and love to recommend memrise and have some new students that are Afghan refugees who only have smartphones, but no laptops or PCs, it became clear to me that it really would be a good idea if Decks was available as an app, also with the offline feature integrated, and not just as a web version. Their native language is Persian and there are only community courses for the language combination of Persian/German.

The fact that I personally have not really used or needed the offline feature, or don’t really like the app, is not relevant; I am grateful to @scmelville and the others mentioned above for representing the interests of the vast number of memrise users who do use these features and who would really like to have them in Decks, too.

I hope you can appreciate that there are people out there that can change their minds on the basis of new information: I am one of them. I now think the ideal solution would be to have Decks available as an app with an offline feature, as well as a web version.

Yup, you’re wrong :grin::grin::grin:

The person who has these thoughts only exists in your head, nowhere else, thank goodness! Because someone who “gloated” about this mess would be a pretty nasty and horrible person.

I do feel rather embarassed about my comment that I didn’t need an offline app because the trains round here have wifi, that was a bit smug and arrogant and I am a bit ashamed of having said it. BUT, on the other hand, because my comment was a bit outrageous, it actually provoked a lot of people into commenting and explaining exactly why - in their particularly country or for their particular needs - they needed the offline app. So my smug comment actually did some good in that it made people explain and made the need for an offline app even clearer.

I understand the rationale behind the split and am grateful that memrise have said that they will finance a free web version to host the community courses. That I “do not care a bit about the apps” is not correct; I just found the app version of memrise to be inferior in terms of learning and testing knowledge. But after learning what I have read here, I do care about the idea of Decks being available as an app with an offline feature integrated.

A friend of mine who is very social-media savvy said that she now tries to assume, in any online exchange, that the other person(s) in the conversation generally do not have any evil or malicious intent in their statements. I now try to assume the same and it has made using social media much more relaxing: if I find myself reading something negative into something someone has written, I try to remind myself that it is ME that is seeing negative things and that I have no way of knowing if the writer really intended anything negative. In the absence of proof, I try to assume that most people do not want other people to read malicious intentions into their words.

Please assume the same about me: I have never ever “gloated” about this latest decision by memrise.

Let’s hope that something good comes out of this discussion, even if it doesn’t materialise straight away!

All the best,


Yes, we had a dialogue between us the other day and it seemed to me that your attitude was like “who in hell needs this goddamn app?” :slight_smile:

Thank you for this long explanation, Amanda. I’m really sorry if my words offended you.


Thanks @Senior_Tradesmen57 for the summary. and Kudos to @scmelville @kevin5284 and of course @edcooke.

Glad to see that discovery of courses was brought up. A big one on my list since 3 or 4 years now.

And yes after uncountable hours spent on contributing, paying a nominal fee for continuation of a performing platform seems reasonable. (Despite promises to the contrary years ago)

But wait when does it all go “Live” with Decks ? D-7 ??? :slight_smile:

ps Sorry I missed the Mexican Dinner as well.


Good to hear from another course creator who shares this concern! It’s my number one issue with Memrise in its current state. My suggestion was some kind of course rating/review system, with courses listed by popularity based on user experience, rather than by number of users. Right now, the system is heavily weighted towards courses that have been on the site since its early days, many of which are poorly designed and/or maintained. A more effective search function would also be appreciated. How would you like to see this problem addressed?


I use the app when I take the train, to pass the time, mostly and to see what “my” courses look like on the app. Just FYI, that I have actually used the app regularly.

You wrote, “it seemed to me like”, which is what I was writing about before: you are reading negative things into my words that I never intended.

You can tell me all you want, “but I thought you meant X, Y or Z” and I will say, “Fine, that is what you read into my words, but that is only your interpretation and not what I intended.”


Thanks for the apology. No offence was taken.


Yes exactly. Companies do not spend money to give away free stuff to consumers without some tangible benefit. One business rationale that Memrise might have in maintaining a free Decks website is that it could refer people back to the separated Memrise core product – thus increasing brand recognition and value. However, I seriously doubt whether a Decks website would be adequately maintained free to consumers.

In any case, my intuition is that Memrise administration is way to confident about the value of their core product (competitors with same product, Memrise website and app errors, download incompatibility with slightly outdated mobile OS, lack of flexibility in settings/functions, changes in the product not liked by long-term or other groups of users, etc.). These weaknesses also indicate that Memrise does not have a good coding staff (maybe top-drawer software engineers would cost too much). In any case, with the millions of app downloads, the apparent Memrise hubris about their product is not surprising.

Lastly, the online Memrise responses and provision of forums for feedback is unusually open - I think they generate considerable good will by providing this.


I would like to see a new course section.


So happy I wasted my money on the yearly membership just to get the courses I use the most removed from the app. Super disappointed.



For the moment, if everything is up and working flawlessly on Decks as is minus Memrise Built Courses on Decks next week, I’ll breath easieir :wink: in other words that would be satisfying already.

@naraimasu Yes a new course section would be nice. There was a tab /button for New Courses in the search function 3 or 4 years ago.

I’m an “Oldie” and somewhat nostalgique. Instead of “new” functions for me there are old ones I’d like to see come back:

–Individual course based Forum with a tab / button right on the course.
–A site wide MEMSTREAM (Deckstream?) with possibility of voting on the Mem, visiting the Mem on its own page and going to the courses where it is found. Discovered lots of courses that way in the old days, more like a sophisticated Pinterest.
–Old stats for Course Creators (dedicated page with detailed activity for that course)
–Individual User garden, where you can visually see your wilting flowers, hover over them to see the term they represent -attached to the dictionnary to check the words…

:-)) etc. etc.

Again if ALL is up and working AS IS with no lost data or functionality … I’ll be happy

And if Memrise continues to support the platform, then that will be good news and if they are willing to develop and improve Search Functions that will be even better.


Just for information @kevin5284 @edcooke et al, we already have several threads of “wish lists” of improvements especially for the web, but I don’t suppose they will be possible now as most applied to Creators and Contributors of MemRise community courses, which is not the case on MemRise official courses.

Course Creator's Wish List

[Site Feedback] Memrise Improvements Suggestions (Users)

Also threads exist on the differences between the web experience and the App experience.

[App & Site Feedback] Differences between the WEB version and an APP version


Sorry to disturb…

Today I got an in app notification. When I clicked it, I got the option to open in app or in browser. I chose the latter.

It was an ad for pro. And the ad still talked about thousands of language pairs, without any note that this must include community created courses and that these are gonna be taken off the main Memrise very soon.

That’s more than dishonest and could possibly (I’m not a lawyer and I’m not gonna sue because I know better anyway) even be persecuted as attempted fraud or violation of regulations on honest commerce/advertising.


Used to have that in the old days. Also “a most popular” tab, which was very useful.


I would also very much like Decks to add the ability to submit corrections for a course, or override the answers entirely, which is something it’s desperately needed and I’ve been requesting for years.


Just wondering, were there any refund mentions? This for those who bought a life time subscription and who are now faced with the fact that what they paid for and use will become available for free? Any mention on the sneaky changes in the terms of use and agreement that people didn’t get informed about? Specially those concerning Memrise not to refund your money if you want to step off the crazy train and are not planning to use Memrise specifically but just decks (which is free and so why give away money to Memrise).

Also I do wonder about the statistics Memrise pulls with the conclusion that most people might not use the offline mode, specially if you think about it; if you use wifi anywhere and use the app even with the offline mode, it will proceed to connect to memrise online anyway. The only way to truely be offline is to cut off wifi and any mobile internet network you could be on, if in any way you’re on a wifi network memrise automatically loads the app as online.

Overall I am just happy Quizlet had a 50% discount a few days ago.


Re: refunds - no, didn’t bring that up. I guess that if they can provide a business case for the functions we want on Decks and we have to pay for it then that might be something current users would like their subscriptions from Memrise to move over to.

We did raise issue of how the usage stats would be skewed by the fact that you can’t search for community courses on the app - but we didn’t touch specifically on the points you raise re: wifi and just how offline you are even when using it offline.


What did they say about it?