Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

I’m a course contributor for a few community courses and therefore can access the databases for those courses. That is how I change the entries. So that was the only way I could imagine that you could do what you are suggesting.

I am no tech expert, but what you seem to want is the creation of individual customised databases for each and every memrise user who requests it, which sounds like a massive - and extremely unlikely - project.

If you need to have a course just like you want it, why not copy and paste the levels and make a new private one for yourself? That would solve the problem you are facing, I think.


I agree, if this happens, it is super super annoying :frowning:

P.S. You could always offer to become a course contributor for these courses and then you could access the database and correct them. That would do you a favour and also anyone else who does the course. Win-win all around!


Memrise, you guys are really about to lose a massive amount of money all because of this sudden decision without even asking opinions from your user base first. I used community courses on the app almost exclusively in offline mode because I cannot get a stable connection during times that I actually use it, so Decks is useless for people like me. By not having plans any time soon to create a Decks app, you have forced people like me to sign up and pay for Quizlet’s offline features, since they are now offering what you are getting rid of (offline user generated courses with audio). I am canceling my subscription to Memrise as soon as you switch.

I imagine many other of your users will make a similar migration since the bulk of your paid subscriptions doesn’t seem to be for Memrise-created content. It appears that a huge number are like me, who want access to the content that DuoLingo or other similar apps cannot provide. This is especially true for advanced level language courses with audio, which is rare and useful. Memrise-generated courses, like DuoLingo, do not cater to advanced learners (why a lot of us are here) or learners of less common languages. If that weren’t the case, I think some of us wouldn’t be as upset.

A few videos of natives saying basic phrases is not enough to set Memrise apart from the other apps that already have cornered the market for newbies and lower intermediates.

This is a terrrrrrible decision unless Memrise very quickly comes up with some high quality ADVANCED (C1, C2) courses for almost every major language that are also better than what the users already have made.


I want to personally thank you for creating an advanced Korean course with audio.

We are still hoping Memrise will listen to the community and announce an app and offline mode for Decks. Based on what @kevin5284 has said we are expecting an announcement within a week.

I moved to Memorion I can import decks for Anki,Supermemo and Quizlet easly and I don’t even need to pay for offline.

He said he will announce when Decks will be launched not that he’ll tell us whatever we will get an app for it or not.

How odd. I wouldn’t have thought you could copyright individual words from a course, the audio was all original and it was common conjugations and nouns for beginner to intermediate level. I wonder what grounds they had to delete “he works”; “she works”; “literature”; “newspaper” etc. Copied sentences and their own audio I could understand but that wasn’t the case here, and they replied to say they couldn’t retrieve it but didn’t mention any breach: you’d think the law obliges them to inform someone of a copyright infringement. That’s why we thought a random glitch or software update had deleted it and why we were concerned moving our courses to another site now could be a risk if things are so temperamental that courses can just disappear. Ah well hopefully it won’t go wrong.

Can you post a link to any simple instructions for how to import flashcards to Anki, Quizlet etc.? I downloaded Anki and watched some Youtube guides on how it works but all the links I’ve found on other threads seem to have expire, or I can’t understand the instructions because they’re too technical. Really could do with some step by step guidance if anyone can suggest some. Just want to be sure I’ve backed up my 11000-odd words of vocab that I’ve added, in case anything gets lost with the transfer! Thanks!


I don’t use anki and quizlet.

Creating a custom database for the entire course would be unnecessary, they’d simply have to save a custom correction for each entry to your own profile, which I don’t see as a particularly large workload. But then, this is Memrise.
Making an entirely new course for yourself using the original as a basis would remove your progress on that course in the process, so it’s not a very good alternative. But I suppose I could make a new course consisting entirely of entries that need fixing while ignoring them in the original course and use it alongside the original.

I have no background in programs or anything so don’t come for me, but wouldn’t this affect your ability to get any updates from the course creator if they themselves added or updated anything in the course, as well as any mems anyone uploaded? I don’t understand how you can have your own version of the course to edit, but then also have that sync with the version everyone else is using.

Depending on the format, the user-custom course would be a branch of the official course and if the official course changed, the branch could merge in the changes. This is a very common process in the software industry but this is related to source code. In the case of Memrise it would relate to merging/synchronizing database entries. This is also doable but it would require some hand-holding to let the end user decide which version to take in case the corrected entry also has a new (possible corrected) entry. It’s doable but too complex compared with just providing feedback to the originator to fix an entry.


That you so much lodro for sharing this. (read something similar at I didn’t know if this was this much common process in the software industry but related to the source code instead.

Two very simple ways to make a backup of your Memrise courses (without audio, though):


Greetings all.

Lambda user here. Like a lot of “old” users, I find the official courses extremly “basic”.
I am in memrise mainly for the community based courses; vocabulary lists, books related courses (minna no nihongo to name one), jlpt related courses.

Last time I checked, official courses just cover a glimpse into “some” languages.

I have been creating myself some courses to some ethnic languages with some few users. They are not even a category on memrise, let alone have an official course.

Also, I pay a memrise annual subscription just to support the application maintenance. I don’t need any of the fancy “pro” version features. I pay so one day I won’t see Memrise vanish as I plan to keep learning languages.

Now the memrise I know, the memrise I helped with bringing in a lot of my acquaintances, the memrise I was advertising in all the classes I was in, the memrise I discovered some years ago will vanish over a “business” decision.

But hey, you’ve got the numbers, maybe the official courses are what interest the crowd, you can’t afford the costs for the community “even” popular courses.

I used to enjoy using the mobile application when waiting, when watching tv, before sleeping, when I had any chance/motivation to study. On the website, I enjoy using a lot of webscripts to make the learning experience easier. All this will be gone for good, RIP. too young too soon huh.

I tried once some official courses, learned a thing or two, found some things annoying, the videos saying basically the same things over and over, but from different people. Funny in the beginning though.

Thanks for the heads up, as my annual subscription renewal is so close, it will be saving us both some time going through the refund process.

I’ll keep an eye on the developments, wait and see.

Thank you memrise for all the help you’ve provided me, it was a good run. But hey, sooner or later, all good things come to an end, even humans.


I love how this is one of the most viewed topics. And the starting post only got 7 likes. :clap:


It’d be funny if the comment pointing this out got more likes than OP lol.


…custom database… custom corrections…
You are talking rocket science here. Last couple of years I created a number of small requests about minor bugs/annoyances and none was fixed. They usually fix errors in courses quickly, but in software… they know better what users need.
At the same time don’t get me wrong. I can’t suggest a better alternative.

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Hi All - Based on your feedback, please see our recent announcement regarding a Decks Mobile App:


Thank you !! :slight_smile:

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