Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

Long time user, I just bought Pro for a year to support the developers. And now we suddenly get this.

Seriously, I don’t care if user-created content uses its own site or not. I don’t care whether it’s called Memrise or Decks.

But having the mobile app only for “official” courses, which essentially is what this change boils down to, is ridiculous. This is basically making the experience worse for everyone learning “non-official” courses, on purpose.

And no, a mobile website won’t cut it, offline mode is an important feature. Especially for people who don’t have 24/7 mobile internet available.

I’m shocked that a software company can be so ignorant of what its users actually want. If this plan gets pushed through as is, I’ll unsubscribe and stop recommending Memrise to anyone.


It will be sad to see memrise next year with falling revenue and users, then the developers will wonder what happened, only to be reminded to look at this forum with 99% of the users saying this is a bad idea.

When your business model is based on community, you leverage that, you don’t cut it off!


What about points and badges? I have almost 50 million points in over 24K words. Will statistics even carry over, considering most of those were made from community courses? To be fair, I know statistics like that have no effect on learning, but I still like seeing them increase as I learn more, it’s one of the aspects that makes Memrise feel like a game, which is what makes it enjoyable.


Woo hoo! – just looked and my resubscribe date was March 6, so able to cancel without paying months while being dissatisfied.

For me, paying for Pro was kind of a pity-subscription. I didn’t really think the Pro features were worth it. But was paying because of the variety of community- and individual-created lessons.

Bye bye, Memrise. You think you will get more profit by remodeling your business structure to re-price those “great” features? GOOD LUCK WITH THAT !!!


I got an email about this because I’m a course creator and the link in it that will ~explain everything~ took me to a 404. Can’t make it up.

For me the lack of an app is a deal breaker. I’ve been using Memrise since 2015, and while I’ve dabbled in some official courses, they are a bit too touristy for me. I’m mainly here to learn Hebrew. I almost exclusively use the app and only use the website to work on my own courses, because fiddling with an on-screen keyboard to switch between alphabets is very annoying.

I’m curious whether there are plans to make official courses for languages that will be left with zero content when this is done.


Done and done. I strongly urge anyone else planning on canceling as a result of this change to post screenshots. Talk is cheap, and if we want to move the needle we need to show we’re serious.


@Peginthesnow the website experience (laptop version) of learning community created courses on Decks will be the same as it is today on Memrise, just completely free


100% of users I think! I haven’t read a single “good on you Memrise!” post yet! :slight_smile:


@kik4444 yes all points and badges will carry over


@kevin5284 Okay, you can make different sites for courses, under different names, but you can’t realise a product without mobile app. It’s impossible! I really hope that developers will make the app for Decks, because without it Decks will be useless platform.


And It’s bad that I don’t have an alternative because I don’t like Anki (UI and other reasons). What platform can replace Memrise/Decks?


How about a reimbursements for people who just paid for a new, full-year membership JUST so they can study their courses offline? It is a sad two-weeks notice for such a big change and I bet many people wouldn’t have subscribed again had they known that the main functionality of the paid membership would disappear.

According to the number of replies stating the same issue, practicing courses offline - for whatever reason - seems to be the one and only reason for people to actually pay. Personally, now I am paying for only two months of offline practice and 10 months of nothingness with the new updates…


Good idea! also I would say like all the posts you agree on! let them see how much the community thinks this is a bad idea. Maybe a bit naive… but hoping they might read this and rethink their actions.

@Radoslaw_Jagiello yes these will be migrated to Decks, you’ll still be able to edit and publish them as usual


Well if all of this is true, then I guess this is goodbye from me. The official courses all stop too early. For Japanese I’ve even already hit the ceiling, which is why I plan on making my own (possibly final) Japanese course with words I’ve been collecting for a few years after I finish the N2 Japanese from Memrise Beta course. I like to learn long courses, the ones that go up several levels and make you feel like you’ve accomplished a lot and actually reached a new level by the time you finish them. However, pretty much all of those courses happen to be community ones, I legitimately don’t have a single Memrise-staff course right now, so I suppose this is goodbye and I will have to completely move over to Decks.


It’s a business’s wet dream to have volunteers do countless hours for free and create content for them. Truly a stupid move to throw this all away


I’m curious whether there are plans to make official courses for languages that will be left with zero content when this is done.

There will be no need because there won’t be a Memrise to fill up, everyone serious will leave and Pro subscriptions will dry up

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Do we know the reason behind this? Are there really THAT many more Pro users that only stick to Memrise-staff courses and utilize ALL Pro features than community Pro users who can only use difficult words and offline mode? Do they really outnumber them by so much that it would be beneficial to remove all community Pro users and lighten the server load by migrating community courses?


None that I know of, unfortunately. I would be interested to hear of alternatives to Memrise that function more similarly to how Memrise does, as opposed to Anki.

I had my own reservations regarding Anki too, and only started using it for another purpose (not languages) because it was something I had heard of many times, and I decided I might as well give it a try.

They are very different applications, though both have an underlying SRS, so I can imagine there are people who would not want to switch over to Anki.

It’s crossed my mind before to build a bare-bones replacement for Memrise, but I don’t think I want to dedicate that much time to such a project.

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One Basic Business task when deciding to open or expand/change a business is market research (questionaires,survey’s) trying to find out what people want. I can’t imagine presenting my business plan to my investor, which states that 100% of the people i interviewed and surveyed said this is a bad idea and won’t pay for it, can i please have 1 million dollars for its development, PLEASE.

After all i know more then everyone else combined, they are all wrong, please make it 2 million.