Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

I agree with most here, I just started using Memrise last week for Czech. The reason i started is because there is alot of community content for Czech. Im not interested in the official course because there is none for Czech. I would consider upgrading to pro if it has an app, but not for an abandonware website (which is will become when you have no revenue).


you can add them to your decks in Anki, just need to take time and a little bit of coding so you can have typing, choosing words and etc

@Sakana-otoko The intention with Decks is to support the community courses forever. And Decks will be completely free, so that everyone can use them


 yikes. I couldn’t really believe this when a friend forwarded me this news earlier today. :pensive:

Even without being a pro user, I would say I would be affected by the switch to something that’s only available as a website, even if it’s “mobile-friendly”.

Unfortunately, iOS has some quirks that makes the mobile website experience less than ideal, even if there’s a mobile-friendly site. I know this from first-hand experience from something that I’m developing, which is a (non-native) mobile web app.

That aside, there’s also the browser address bar and controls that take away from the available space to display content. I would say my phone’s (iPhone XS) screen isn’t that small, but any extra space made available by a native app would make the display more comfortable.

Of course, I would reserve judgment for when I actually see how Decks looks like, but I’m not optimistic.

In any case, I think it’s high time for me to stop being lazy and switch to Anki for my language learning as well. The last time Memrise sprang some change on us that I didn’t like I think I said I’d switch, but I didn’t because the inertia was too high. However, I am using Anki for learning some other things and it’s working great. I don’t cherish the thought of having to create the cards for all my courses, but it will have to be done. Maybe this will be the incentive I need to buy the Anki mobile app too. :woman_shrugging:


I am as astonished as everyone else on here appears to be at this sudden announcement. Whatever Memrise’s intentions, it is clear that there has been a woeful lack of consultation with users and natural suspicions around the long-term intentions for maintaining the community courses are bound to arise.
Memrise owes a huge debt to the people who have spent hours creating and maintaining these courses - sidelining them does feel like a first step in killing them off. If Memrise are serious about supporting these courses for ever, then they need to keep them under the Memrise brand name and maintain full functionality.


Oh my
 I just made a paid subscription for learning Japanese vocabulary offline, created by the community (thanks a lot!) and ordered by the lessons of my learning book.

Luckily I was still able to recall my subscription in iTunes as it was not yet 14 days passed since I subscribed.

This is really a very, very bad decision, killing Memrise.

Sadly I did not yet find any good alternatives, so I probably switch back to pen and paper. I was thinking about a lifetime subscription, I would be really, really angry if I had made it.

Community courses offline, that is what I want - and what I am willing to pay for.


Yeah, that’s not really true tho. We will lose progress and we will not be able to use the app which for a lot of user is a major disadvantage since they paid to get offline access due to specific reasons


But you’re segregating some of the courses which are the fundamental cornerstones of Memrise, so while you’re ‘supporting’ them as in keeping them online, you’re not supporting their existence as being equal to the offical courses


Why why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! I have been using memrise for five years now, always a paid subscriber, and I have been very pleased not only because of the memrise content but especially thanks to the community content. I have been using the app especially, I don’t like working on the website because the app is so convenient. Sure it has it lots of bugs here and there but mostly it conveys the message and is so useful.

Why now removing it altogether? I don’t care about having or not having paid but I hate when my daily routine is broken because of some decisions from the higher ups. I am using the app and I love it. I don’t want to run it on Safari, I don’t care how mobile friendly it can be it will never be as good as a native app!!!

Please please please do not kill that. I don’t mind doing whatever you suit good for the website, changing domains, I don’t care. But don’t remove content from the app!!!

I was devastated when Duolingo switched to a paid app, and now I am more devastated to hear this. Surely all good things come to an end.

Damn it memrise.


So sad to see this anouncement. Really don’t understand why
 Cancelled my sub about a year ago, since sadly I feel lately that if you are not learning one of their ‘main’ languages you are treated like a less important customer. A lot of the pro functions won’t be available unless you are on one of the main courses, sounds of a lot sentences are missing. There are really bad mistakes, that I reported on the forum of the official course that are not getting fixed (don’t even think they even read it). Why would I ever pay for that!! The reason I have always been thinking about resubbing is because of the community made courses and giving people a platform for these. If you take that away I am affraid it will only go south from there.


This is my first post in the forum, even though I have been using Memrise for over 3 years to learn almost 13.000 words. I just want to add my voice to everyone above and hope it enhances the chances that you rethink your decision.

Thanks to Memrise I became fluent in Korean, which I did at a time when not a single official Korean course was available. I ended up getting a paid subscription mainly because I wanted the offline feature, so that I can review and learn on subways, buses or wherever I go where I might not have a good internet connection. Right now I am living in China, where the offline feature is crucial to me due to the internet censorship. Learning Mandarin, by the way, also still works best with the community-created HSK courses. Taking the best content from the app and getting rid of the possibility to learn community courses offline leaves me without any reason to keep paying for a subscription.

Over the years I also recommended Memrise to everyone I talked to about language learning, mostly because of its USP compared to all the other apps out there – you guessed it, the community courses and the possibility to create your own courses with exactly the content you need. I know of multiple long-term subscriptions that you got thanks to my recommendations. So please don’t underestimate the importance of your long-term- and power-users and please consider other options of solving the problem. Removing community courses from the app and leaving them on a website with less functionality than the app is the exact opposite of supporting them.


I am sorry for the confusion regarding the above-posted Anki add-on. The creator has updated their add-on so it works with Anki 2.1 now

So you need to update Anki to 2.1. Sorry for not looking into it before posting.


I’ll be cancelling my premium as well (premium member since 2015). It’s been a long time coming, to be honest. I use almost exclusively custom content, much of which I create myself. This content has always been largely unsupported by Memrise. For example, Speed Review was never implemented on the iOS app for custom decks. Tools for group-editing or giving feedback to course creators are scarce, and what does exist is hidden deep in the interface. I even had an entire deck removed without warning (complete with custom audio I spent hours recording, editing and uploading). Gone without as much as some money on the nightstand.

In exchange, though, we get 4 looping chat bots for A1 and A2 level romance languages, complete with cringe-worthy emoji-texting.

I hope Memrise the best, but their disinterest in supporting a community of course creators has ultimately driven me elsewhere.


Thank you, looks like all my courses will move to Decks. Thanx Memrise, really not happy about all of this.

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@LangAddict I just pushed the update some minutes ago because of your post :wink: But there are maybe some bugs left


So does this mean that for an advanced, self-studying person like me, who only uses exclusively community-made courses by others or private ones by myself, there will be no point in coming back to Memrise ever again? I’ll just have to fully migrate to Decks and uninstall the Memrise app?


“All community-created courses will be removed from the Memrise app in mid-March”

It’s a very bad idea. Please reconsider this!!!


fully migrate to Decks

yep. That looks like your only option, and considering decks won’t even get an app it shows that Memrise doesn’t care about users like you


For people having problems with anki extension (memriseToAnki), like myself. Download the version 2.0.52 or something from the anki website not 2.1. Download the zip from github: and copy the “Memrise_Course_Importer” folder together with the “” file into C:\Users\Username\Documents\Anki\addons. After that restart Anki and you should have a new menuitem in tools: “import memrise course”. Make sure to enter the right username and password (your email is the user name). You can copy it from chrome (i saved my password there for login in memrise). Just ignore any error messages ^^


This is definitely very bad news for users. Me and a lot of people only study on community courses. We do not want the mobile friendly website, we want do native mobile application. If this change is what I expected, I won’t be a pro member again