Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

I think a better hashtag is


and Iā€™m an optimist.

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because of tha mentality you see greedy companies removing more and more features but you are free to accept it.Just donā€™t expect other people who are affected negativly to do the same.

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Hi @kevin5284, thank you for taking the time to answer questions.

In addition to @alanh, questions (and forgive me if this what the second question is asking, or has appeared below his post - Iā€™ve struggled to read so many comments) my question is based on the fact that I have created some 40 plus courses and support and have improved some 200 other courses (many by users no longer here, where I think of myself as a Curator or Custodian).

Qu : When courses are transferred to Decks, will ā€˜Contributorsā€™ AUTOMATICALLY have the same editing (and maintenance) rights?

This may be a pending answer (thanks):


I may be wrong but I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen an announcement, or even any thread, have nearly 1000 comments and counting.

There actually is one post if you go to the Ā°TopĀ° tab

but this one might take the lead pretty soon.

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Hello @DW7 :slight_smile:
There is a similar question asked by Olaf on another topic, and answered by Kevin5284:

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@deco1546 yes we are looking into either removing the timer or allowing users to turn it off on Decks. I can come back to you in the next few weeks when I have more clarity on this


Hi @flamantrose , thanks. No the Memrise created courses wonā€™t appear in Decks, so when you search in Decks youā€™ll just see community courses.


Hi @kevin5284
Could you tell us more about official Memrise courses? Are you gonna do major upgrades to them or just slowly add few bits here and there? It seems that without community courses there is not much of content on Memrise left IMO and official courses are pretty basic


While the very idea of keeping apart two different platforms may have sense from both technical and learning points of view the way Memrise doing it is so questionable.

ā€œFreeā€ and ā€œForeverā€ sound like fun, but what we really see is a freaking lot of scepticism and negativity towards this decision. There was hardly even one positive voice and probably that should activate an alarm bell. Memrise is silent in social media pages about Decks, which is also quite weird in my point of view (sister site about which you are prefer not to talk, yeah?).

Memrise are not even recounting positive perks (just like thereā€™s none), not trying to explain anything, nor reassuring sceptics. Maybe you are not entitled to speak in details, well, then bring here your boss. Just compare your superficial answers (nothing personal) with the usersā€™ posts who are so passionate about their loss.

Itā€™s like Iā€™ve been invited to a party which actually is a someoneā€™s funeral and perhaps it really is. The atmosphere around this announcement is oppressive. Let me remind you that this is still a small fraction of the Memrise users and negativity will only grow stronger, because nobodyā€™s likes to lose their favorite app.

In regards to your responses here and Edā€™s post, thereā€™s a very clear contradicition: you need money to support your project and at the same time you are doing so much (sometimes by not doing anything) to disappoint your loyal customers. Moreover, you are saying that you do not need customers money. Itā€™s a nonsense and thereā€™s something wrong. Maybe the users should just pitch in and buy out this product from you. It looks like a heavy burden to Memrise.


@alanh @Angharad.Merfin @theprophe we are working on it. Itā€™s annoying for us too that the Memrise website isnā€™t great on non-desktop devices!

Weā€™re aiming to make the whole Decks site mobile (and tablet) friendly apart from Course Creation and Groups, which we think are features that are best used on a big screen.


Thanks @amanda-norrsken @Angharad.Merfin for the suggestions. Iā€™ll incorporate them into the proposal Iā€™m writing and and share it around for feedback soon


Hi @t0panka yes the idea is to do major work on the official courses, not just tweaks. Ed talks a bit about this a bit in the Decks blog post at the bottom


Thanks @kevin5284 :slight_smile: hang in there !


@t0panka LOL

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One good thing with this all is that the community cares and raises issues. It means the situation is still open for fixing. The other option is apathy and the course creators just abandon the platform and with that any goodwill and free marketing created by an active and happy community will go away ā€“ and in the crowded language learning world itā€™s expensive to market products compared with free labor. It could still happen if no direct actions to address the concerns the community has raised:

  • no offline mode
  • no mobile app

Compared with other language learning systems and tools Memrise has an active content creation community ā€“ to let it fall apart due to lack of long-term support and listening would be a sad example of a company that lost one of their most valuable assets ā€“ evangelists.


has an active content creation community

Terrible timing, or maybe, great timingā€¦ I was about to sink huge efforts into creating intermediate and someday advanced courses for Japanese. Iā€™m far from the best at course creation, but Iā€™ve taught at colleges before (math,) and do know how to make courses at that level. I suppose, as they say, I dodged a bullet. Iā€™m furiously frustrated, tho. I didnā€™t want to have to figure out anki in the last week or two of me finishing RTK.


Iā€™m stayingā€¦ for now. But mostly only so I can hang around after D-day and watch everything go to sh*te (and probably make mocking comments at them on the forum until I inevitably get banned, because Iā€™m a sour cow like that).

Iā€™d already finished their official German courses (the old ones ā€“ the new ones suck) and glanced at a few other languages that took my fancy, but I only ever used Memrise for vocab acquisition really ā€“ hence my using mostly frequency courses, Duo vocab lists and specific, targeted vocab that goes along with my general interests. I need to start downloading courses if I want to keep hold of any content thatā€™s actually useful to me, I guess (man, that means setting up Ankiā€¦ not fun).

Also, imagine how far my ā€˜learned wordsā€™ counter is going to drop after this : O


I need to start downloading courses if I want to keep hold of any content thatā€™s actually useful to me, I guess (man, that means setting up Ankiā€¦ not fun).

Itā€™s not. -_- Iā€™m currently doing it. I have downloaded into anki the main course I was using here, RTK. Interestingly, there isnā€™t a single official course Iā€™m going to download, but there are a dozen of user created ones I am.