Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

I was about to get a yearly pro membership. Please don’t force me to turn to another app. Just put up a paywall and only premium members can create courses or something like that. I will pay to have my own courses in this website and learn them offline in the app.

We need to have control of the content we’re learning on the app.

Money is not an issue, I don’t want to pay half price or anything. Just don’t take this away from paying users and I’ll be a paying user.


I am on macOS (newest) too and it should work but when i press “import memrise course” it gives me error so you need to install Python like they say on github page here and after that everything works!


For my part, I agree with your stats. I personally use the website more than I do the (iOS) app because of the following shortcomings of the app:

  1. I can’t ignore words I already know
  2. Mems are very difficult to view and often don’t load (I have to deliberately get a word wrong to even get the option to pull up a Mem)
  3. I can’t download offline for my community courses (not sure if this is a technical difficulty but I’ve tried MANY times!)

If the above problems were solved the App would be so much better than having to resort to the website all the time.

From my point of view, the above reasons are why your stats show that most time is spent on the desktop site for community courses. If the restrictions were removed, I think you would see a significant switch back to the app.


Ok so I think that is that then. As many clever users have pointed out, we are statistically the minority on here and as some other smart people have also pointed out, it’s highly likly the Memrise team have had disregard for the community courses for a while; so it’s been a long time coming.

I think its good that we all left our feedback, and one day they can point at this and see the fork in the road, for better or worse. But with Ed’s response it is clear that they are not particuarlly interested in what we (the outspoken users) want. They want to do their thing, so, whatever really.

If I can just find a TTMIK course for Anki I’ll probably just move to that.

Also lol #MRexit


I really like a quote by Billy Bob Thornton in the Goliath tv-series. He is a lawyer in the series and saying this in a courtroom battle against a big corporation:

“There’s an old West African proverb that says if you think you’re too small to make an impact, try spending the night in a room with a few mosquitos”.

Well, I hope by means of all these canceled subscriptions, negative reviews in the stores, unexpressed recomendations to our friends and students, by future payments to their fellow competitors and so on and so forth we have bit some white fannies quite strong.


Please share your feelings about this huge change by taking the following survey:


Well, I guess, we must accept what we cannot change…
RIP Memrise - we’ve had a great time.

Out of curiosity: Anyone thinks the memrise-management is using memrise to learn languages - I mean, serious learning, not just testing. I’d bet some, then they would rethink their plans.

So disappointed!


What infuriates me about this is that the only reason we are a “minority” is because Ed Crook’s team removed the ability to search for community courses in the app like, what was it years ago? the only reason most (if it really is most) new memrise users don’t use the community created content is because they don’t know it exists!. Memrise is hiding behind this “most people don’t use comunity courses” excuse when they themselves set it up so that most people can’t have access to that content easily!


As I mentioned a day or two ago here, some core Memrisers may be interested in looking at CALLector, a new open source, free platform for content developers and users in the CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) community. It has two main aspects, speech based and reading based apps. It’s all in early development stages, but the website introducing it is now available. We’ve had lots of Memrisers write over the past couple of days expressing interest in being kept informed and will welcome beta users in any number! The website is here: CALLector

We are particularly concerned to try to make this website as ethical as possible from the users’ point of view and have certain advantages in this regard. It isn’t a startup, it’s a university project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and, although costs may become an issue at some point, financial profit will never be a motive.

I used Memrise for a few weeks weeks,years ago, and I came back a couple months ago to the app and couldn’t figure out why my language wasn’t listed, so I figured they got rid of it and just deleted the app. A couple weeks ago I decided to try the webpage and I seen all these courses for my target language, and then, later by reddit figured out they were community courses.

So I’m studying by a book and seen they have the vocabulary ina community course, so I have been using that for the last 2 weeks and it great, was going to buy the premium subscription, for difficult words and offline. I was going to buy a lifetime membership, and now they don’t even want my money. So sad.


Well that just tells us everything we need to know about the Memrise attitude towards community courses then, doesn’t it. It seems most of us who value them are valuing something that the business does not, and its really that clear-cut. We will have to take our money elsewhere.

I usually remain optimistic for change in these types of situations in life, however I think this one is pretty much a done-deal and the management already made their decicions. I’d love to think we can change it but there does not seem to be anything to even suggest that they are simply innocently getting it wrong - it’s been made clear they know what they are doing to us and they are sorry but not sorry enough to prevent it.



Is there a list of what languages are going to be included? I’m particularly interested in Modern Greek

I still don’t understand business wise how it’s better.Community courses are hidden anyway so there’s no reason to create a new website for community courses and spend money to do it and now because people are angry they are losing money from premium account cancellations.The statistics about the number of people using official courses vs the number of people who’s using community courses is not that interesting too.What’s more important is how frequently both type of users are using memrise and how much is the probability that they’ll stay for a very long time.


No matter it’s location (app, website or blog), it’s a paid service and their statement would be illegal if it were actually false advertising. Unfortunately there’s a loophole, you see. The courses can not be found on the app but if you activate them through the website, they do appear on your course listing on the app; you have to go out of your way to do it, but they are available and can therefore be advertised as such.

On the other point of not crediting the community… Well, I haven’t ever created a course and therefore haven’t read that section of the fine print, but I would imagine that the moment you post a course you lose all rights to it’s content (as it were – obviously nobody owns language but you can own the course). You can put them up, you’re their ‘owner’… but are you really?

Can only imagine they are getting rid of the community courses because they want to create their own in these other, non-language subjects and find the community ones are messy. This is an OCD, everything-must-match cleanse, probably. Basically, any non-official courses are basically being considered sh*t and need to be purged, as far as the brass are concerned, so they can replace them with something actually worthwhile.

Bunch of t*ssers.

So yes, they can legally advertise those courses on the app… but there’s some dubious morality in doing it. Basically, their being corporate *ssholes – let’s hope they actually pay their taxes, eh?


This is merely my opinion on the decision made. I think this isn’t the only change they will put into order, it is suggested that more changes are on the way for the courses and in specific the Memrise made courses. By moving custom made courses to a non app they basically move away competition, by this I mean that a previous update doesn’t allow you to search for custom courses in the app I believe. Everyone who decides to use Memrise will only see the Memrise made courses and believe this is all there is to it. They don’t have to mention this in the summary either because the Store description is about the app and not about Decks.

I think they want to make Memrise a brandname where you can learn new languages from start to finish following Memrise course protocol. Right now it works the same but added the possibility to provide support to your own learning methods by adding custom courses. But Memrise probably wants to haul in more money by promoting its own material by introducing more possible changes concerning payment and course availability.

They know it angers the community and they know what feedback they can expect, this is why these changes are so sudden for us users. Maybe they want to sell off Decks in the future after it has been launched, it would explain why it is being labelled as a different brand.

All said I think what Memrise does is rather misleading towards its customers, even now those who visit the online mobile shop are given the idea that the app they download contains all it does at this moment, so unless they visit the forum and read the news they have no idea on what is going. Memrise is also actively withholding responses/posts/tweets from the public eye to keep up its image. Anyone buying a subscription now will be given the false impression that they are paying for the current state of Memrise, IMO that is wrongful.


Dear Memrise, for every single person who has posted here in anger, disgust, disbelief, whatever…, you can bet your bottom dollar there are at least 10 others who share those feelings who haven’t posted it.


That makes no sense. They advertise themselves as having rights to all these stuff only to dispose of them? Man, they really want to have the cake and eat it too. Well, that’s corporate shilling for you…

Now that you said that, I don’t want my courses to be under their legal rights, so I’ll probably delete them with this information in mind. Though I’m sure they stored copies of our courses somewhere, so deleting them is pointless, I guess.

I think they want to make Memrise a brandname where you can learn new languages from start to finish following Memrise course protocol.
No matter how sophisticated their course protocol would be it will never be as strong as community courses.I’m not even sure about the quality of officials courses when on the first course of Japanese they put a sentence like “I don’t like hentais” .Here I’m not talking about if the sentence is inappropriate or not I’m talking about it’s usefulness why would I want to learn this sentence as a beginner?
Everyone who decides to use Memrise will only see the Memrise made courses and believe this is all there is to it.
When they finish the official courses they’ll probably stop using the app.It’s a natural step to go to community courses.Now if they know about Deck they’ll realise that it’s a worse version of Memrise because there’s no app and no offline mode.
Maybe they want to sell off Decks in the future after it has been launched, it would explain why it is being labelled as a different brand.
Now if they sell it they basically creating a competitor now imagine if the buyer is Google a big cooperate with a lot of money they can kill or affect very badly not just Memrise but also the other competitors in language learning market.
I hope their plan fail so companies stop disrespecting their users.

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This is quite possible. Intellectual property is always a little shaky and because they are posted through Memrise, they quite likely have… uh, primacy isn’t the right word – but it’ll do. You own the course, but they own it more.

Would suggest you save copies of your courses. I have been speaking to a few users and trying to put together a capable team of building Memrise app, which will at some point require course creators : ) …If you have a course, consider it yours, I’m sure it wouldn’t be out of the question for it to be hosted if our project comes together.

I have to say, I’m worried about what’s going to happen to courses that were previously deleted by their owners, but which I’m still studying because I had begun them before their ‘deletion’. I think I’m going to lose all those courses entirely (Baas courses, mainly), which is really p*ssing me off.

It’s funny that memrise is replying to the bad reviews on google play.