Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

I use both quizlet and Memrise because they both have different features

Like everybody else, I think this is a stupid move. I’m a paying user, but I do not use the courses cerated by Memrise, which I think are not good at all. I just use the user-created courses. So basically, you just say now that you don’t want my money?? I don’t get the point. I pay to have a reliable and good product. I don’t believe in “all-free” stuff: somebody has to pay for it one way or another. So what’s the idea her? It makes no sense at all as presented here. So, as everybody else, I suspect there is something very wrong going on with the user-created content.
BTW, I’ll cancel my subscription in March, since I will get what I need for free… But I’m not happy to do this. I’d prefer to pay and have a good product.


Hi, Memrise admins

Re your change of platforms, I have to say the following:

the biggest problem with user-created courses was and is the errors, that the creators are making in the courses. If it is possible to contact a creator and the creator is a decent person, no problems. But so often, in the middle of the course you discover, that the creator, probably thick of his creation, is making more and more errors, and there is no specific forum inside this course to notify the creator, no way to communicate with the creator directly (email). There is no feedback to notify potential users about the quality of the course (kind of 1-5 scale).
Please consider this option

I think that the creators must have some obligations (at least to listen to complains and fix their bugs), and/or to make their course open and let other users to fix the found problems.

More, I paid for PRO in November to use your advanced options. Will they be available in DECK?

I am studying on Memrise ONLY Latvian (both for Russian and English speakers), and I think, there was only one Memrise course on it (maybe 0). So why I am paying for PRO, if the DECK is free (unsupported, unsupervised and potentially incorrect)?

When I started, there was more support, quick response in case of problems, more Memrise courses, and even in user-created courses were course-based forums. No point to try to find an answer in un-mapped forum.

Seems, that you took most of the users for a ride.

So if you are not able to deal with all this problems, don’t be surprised, that on social media there will be organised campaign to expose you and you will be left without paying subscribers.

Can you at least make public the list of email addresses of the creators of the abandoned courses?

Is it possible on DECK to request from the creators to support their courses by creating a forum for the users, or open them? To allow the users to give a mark to a course?

I hope you will answer me

PRO- user since 2014

Strange. I twice tried to get access to a course to fix multiple errors and each time they just forgot to answer or promised to find a contact with the same result

So sad about this change. Paid for the offline-mode, the app and the difficult words feature, but there is no reason for that anymore.


Make your voice heard where it hurts: Angry about the Decks update? How to make your voices heard

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@solomon_ver We’re planning to come back in the next 1-2 weeks with a proposal on how to improve the situation of abandoned courses, which should address the errors you mentioned.

We can’t share any course creator email addresses, but it’s likely there will be a system whereby trusted users can have ‘contributor status’ on abandoned courses, as @alanh suggested.

You can see the list of features on Decks here

You haven’t answered my questions yet :frowning:

We’ll only accept suggestion for waiting an app version of Decks with all the features memrise have.We don’t care about your excuses.

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anyone know what happened to Memrise Pro users ???
their community-created courses will transfer too ???
I wanted to buy It for learning stats and offline mode app. :frowning:
please answer



@Petulant_Victor63 sorry I missed your first message.

  1. The old versions of official courses that will move to Decks are the ones in this list
    So the one you mentioned with stay in Memrise.

  2. Yes we’re expanding and improving them all the time, and our Content team will announce these as they happen. We’re not planning to add new languages in the next few months but we continually reassess this


I’ve been using Memrise for 6 years and have created more than 60 courses and I must say that this is a horrible idea.

I’m not surprised, though, as Memrise has been notoriously terrible with regards to listening to user feedback and communicating effectively with their community.

This site really needs to pull itself together because right now it is certainly on a slow and steady suicidal march.


@olof.johansson @randaloulton

I tried Tinycards a while back and didn’t like it. I found the community content is quite messy and it’s difficult to find useful decks that I liked.

Quizlet isn’t too bad. There’s a lot of sets by teaching professionals and you can import other people’s stuff to make your own sets. Creating is very easy and provides automatic text-to-speech in most cases. You can add your own audio files, but that’s a premium feature. It lacks the ability to create multiple levels in a course, and the spaced repetition isn’t as nice as Memrise’s.

I just had a look at Anki, but that looks like a lot of hard work to set up. It looks like it needs patience to learn to use effectively.

Although not an app, I would highly recommend goldlisting:
Gold List Method

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@parsalotfy not sure I understand your message fully, but all community created courses will get transferred to Decks.

I mean , what happened to a person that paid for annually plan to study community courses offline ?


What about people who can’t access the Internet easily, for instance people who are travelling a lot? Or people learning more obscure languages?These people are being completely ignored. You will lose a lot of people as a result of these changes.


Looks like I’m late to a party. And I was even sent an email invitation, too…

This is a very bad move. It’s a real shame, too, because Memrise has been so useful, but a lot of that has to do with user created courses and the few regulars here on the community, rather than the organisation themselves (just a nicer atmo here – find Duo forums toxic). The community has grown sparse, of late, and I suspect it will grow sparser yet at this bad piece of news.

The fact is, with every update to the app, more breaks than is improved and feature after feature has been systematically removed until, like Duo, you’ve destroyed the good thing you had by trying to be clever (and only managing to be mediocre instead).

Do you not know, Memrise, you’re making a whole lot of money off the fact that user-created courses can be downloaded and used offline through the app? At least as much as you make of your own courses, surely? Plus, you don’t even have to make those courses – the community does, it’s free labour! Why would you get rid of this aspect of the site when you barely have need to maintain it? Seems like one, shooting yourself in the foot and two, like a childish tantrum over the fact the user-created courses are just as popular as the official ones.

@Monomatic’s right. How hard would it be to seperate the listings for courses into an ‘official’ and ‘user created section’? I could do that blind drunk whilst eating cereal with a spork… using only my nose to press keys. Or in other words, the job’s a face roll.

Honestly, Memrise, you’re just going to have to sleep where you settle, but when you realise you’ve wrecked your platform with repeated poorly-thought-out decisions, it’ll be too late to really get back what you once had. Really, who is it who said you can’t dig a grave from the bottom? You guys do it well.

ps. Of course, I say all this as a non-pro member who doesn’t have any of their hard-earned wrapped up in the site – unless we count time as money, of course. I feel pretty impartial on that basis, as I have no need for refunds and outrage (beyond that at your obvious stupidity… but I feel that towards most people anyway, so it’s neither here nor there).

pps. What’s really sad is that this is the most active I’ve seen the community (four hundred posts to a thread in a day) in a long time… and it’s because everyone’s angry. Good job, Memrise… good job.


Today’s worst news. Like many other users, I’ve been using memrise for community-created courses and created courses for myself. Without those courses there’s no sense for me to continue using memrise.

Very strange policy to move the courses away. If the memrise team is afraid to scare away new users with low-quality user-contenet - at least it would be nice to allow users to move Courses from Decks back into memrise for themselves.

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I guess if anyone of the devs are still listening. The main reason why I and probably many like the offline mode is because a ‘mobile friendly’ site would still require you to download the data of said course every time you access it, there may be temp files but those get cleared out once in a while and they only stick around if you leave the course open in one of the tabs of the browser, and the tab has to be loaded first.

This basically makes a repeat of redownloading the required data over and over. All the courses I follow as well as many other also include audiofiles and if you start counting can add up to quite the download time.

Not everyone has a mobile data plan and open wifi while commuting is okay but never good enough to load courses with for example audio when the entire course has not been downloaded beforehand.
I have once counted that it took 15 minutes to load a single of those ‘learn new words’ rounds in a course that had audio and my commuting time is about 20 minutes, this is what made subscription valuable to me.

Same with the temp files that might get saved, they get automatically deleted after a while and you don’t find out until you try to open the tab/page and get your ‘there is no internet connection, cannot load page’ message.

Heck it would even work if you can download the course from the Decks website as code and load that into a simple app which serves only in loading said file as a course, this way you could skip the entire connection to the server entirely. The only thing you have to work on is security at that point.


@parsalotfy I’m sorry for anyone using offline mode to learn community created courses. If they want to send a message to our Support team to discuss their subscription, I’ll make sure we respond to you promptly. Here’s the link:

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