Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

Has anyone counted how many cancelled subscriptions were in this thread? (Not to mention those that didn’t mention anything.) We’re not even 24h in.


I’m happy to continue with the app for now, but once the course I’m working through is migrated off the app, my subscription will be worthless to me. All the features I’m paying for will then either be free or non-existent. Would I be best asking about a refund for what’s left of my subscription when the migration happens?


Man, that sounds like it would take a ton more effort than I’m willing to put into anything on here (sorry, I got my policy on making-an-effort from Memrise themselves). It was a whole lot just in the first hundred comments – and that’s just people in the know! How are they telling people not on the forums? Will they just wake up one day to find half the stuff they pay for is gone? …Given the track record, all signs point to ‘probably’.

I almost bought myself a lifetime sub at Yule, I liked using the site so much. Not much point now, so glad I didn’t.

They probably got an email to like we got but it doesn’t have all the details so yeah it’s going to be a big surprise to them.

I’ve been pro-member for the last 3 years. Quite frankly, the Memrise official courses are just good enough for “baby talks”. I spent most of my time studying community courses and private courses. I really enjoy the “offline mode” since my internet access is not always available. If the transfer to Decks happens, there’s no point for me to keep the pro-membership.


I don’t have a big problem with this personally, as I use a desktop with a land line (yes, I am a no-cell-phone dinosaur), but you are going to be dealing with a lot of angry app users. I do hope you see beyond angry words and listen to any constructive suggestions. My own biggest suggestion, from long experience with Memrise: Really, really get it right when you switch things over. Do a lot of backing up, just in case. Have your own people get in and use and test the courses, and please be responsive to technical issues, as you used to be in the past. And you might consider canceling this whole decision, given the angry reaction.


I literally just bought the lifetime membership because I found the community-created courses so useful. This is really depressing news. How do I get my money back?


I don’t use the phone either. I complained in the morning because of what will happen if memrise loses an important amount of Memrise Pro users. Not only the community created courses are at risk here. But that’s their decision anyway.

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Thanks for nothing. Just cancelled my pro subscription. I have adored the user-created content for years, even though the “official” courses were awful (ugh those detestable bots…). I could download offline and practice anywhere, anytime, and loved it - all credit to the users who created the wonderful courses I’ve enjoyed, free of charge. Not anymore! How this move makes Memrise any money is beyond me, but they’ve lost mine.


Remember what we could read here about Ziggy from day one? And they said “no, we tested it, we’re sure it’s a very good idea, you’ll see”. And it took them 18 months to realize that the users (their own customers!!) were right. Same thing now.
All that is just so stupid, I can’t even understand what they’re doing now. How on earth can this be rational?


Contact whoever you’ve bought it through. Under UK Law (Memrise is a UK company) there is a 14 day cooling off period after you’ve bought online.

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The new planned changes are absolutely wrong. The Decks hasn’t got app version, so it will be very weak without offline mode. These plans are disastrous. I am deeply disappointed because of these changes. I regret Memrise because of its leadership.


I got here through e-mail because I have courses that I created. (Main one being “Mastering Macedonian” – another language Memrise doesn’t officially cover.)

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Yeah, talk about axing niche languages. It was okay with people making courses for them, but without I doubt they’ll have barely any courses on anything less widespread (except Icelandic, of course, 'cause that’s just what everyone needs). Again, a shame. Plus, I take a few botanical courses just 'cause I like gardening and sometimes volunteer on projects – good to know what I’m talking about; those courses will be moved, unfortunately.

I got here through e-mail because I have courses that I created.

So… you got an email basically telling you they were moving your course of the site because you’re messy and they don’t want the clutter anymore? Good job again, Memrise – kudos.


Thanks. It was 4 days ago. What luck I have lol

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Totally agree, in all but English, Spanish, French, German??? the role om core courses is minimal!!! And the clients paid for what was free for Memrise. Another thing, that fixing errors in some courses was nearly impossible. As well as the only way to judge if the course is good, was a number or users, and I am sure, it did not matter, whether a user dropped out, due to the level of errors or otherwise. I tried few times to attract their attention, but now I see the reason for this indifference. They had in mind “big move”. To kill the goose that lays golden eggs.

Really? I have also some courses but nobody sent me an email. I got here by coincidence - saw somebody talking about it on facebook.

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I don’t use social media – nice to see sh**'s blowing up elsewhere, too…

But that’s bad. I didn’t get an email from Memrise either; actually was invited to this thread via email by another user, otherwise I might not’ve known until getting around to logging back in.

Memrise already has a big track record of failed projects. Remember Ziggy? Gone. Remember the big audio button that covered more than half of the screen? Gone. I remember when the android app actually had community courses, and you could browse like 80+ languages. If you look at it now, there’s only a handful of languages, the ones they have official courses in of course. To access the user-made courses, you have to go to the desktop version. This was likely planned a long time ago, it was inevitable.

With a bit of push from the community, Memrise will soon realise that this was a terrible idea, that’s if they have at least some integrity. If they’re doing this for the money, which looks to be the case, there’s not even a point in arguing with them. Let Memrise become the next Rosetta stone, for all I care.


Look what I’ve got.

Ed Cooke, 15.12.2016 (
"What was your biggest business mistake?

Not going purely mobile in 2010. We considered it at length but, because our only developer knew web and not mobile development and we already had a web prototype, we thought it would be safest to stick to the web." -
Ed Cooke, 20.02.2019
" everything will work almost exactly the same.

  • Decks will work almost the same way as Memrise
  • Decks will be available as a mobile-friendly website" -

I do remember books. It was called the doublethink.