Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

Please don’t move the courses to Decks! Or at least postpone it until you can offer us the most important features of Memrise!
Not having an app is just completely impractical and outdated. I used the website of Memrise when I still had a windows device without problems, but I didn’t use it often. Since I own an Android device I use the Memrise app nearly every day.
Creators like me have put a lot of time and effort in adding the audio’s for pronunciation. Obviously we are frustrated when our work will be undone.

Tinycards by duolingo has offline mode


Never thought I’d see the day Duolingo would be better than Memrise :sob:


I have a paid subscription to Memrise in order to get offline for a user created Latin course Carpelanam’s Latin but the offline in the Memrise app was unreliable anyway. It would cause streak losses every few weeks. As for the Memrise web interface, I hated that there was always a timer stressing me in the upper-right hand corner of the screen. I’ll be glad to see the back of both of these highly annoying things. I’ve used Memrise for 4 months now, and really, it’s a poor cousin compared to Duolingo overall.

p.s. Tinycards by Duolingo is free, has offline mode, and audio. Works like a charm for vocab, love it, use it everyday


There’s no typing decks?

@Amber89 I’m really sorry that you’ll miss having the app for learning community created courses.
Just to clarify one thing - the audios you added will still work on Decks as they do today, you won’t lose them

This is really sad. But yeah, it seems it is time to look for other places to learn languages. In my case I will stick to Anki and Minato to continue my Japanese learning.

I gave the official courses a fair try over several months and concluded that I had wasted my time, so I will probably follow the Decks site and ignore the main one. However, I’m also going to be on the lookout for a better alternative (I hear good things about Quizlet), because this sounds like you’re trying to kill off the community content and I don’t want to continue investing my time in a platform that I’m expecting you to abandon.

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I mainly use the website. I’m not affected as the app users. But I will try to find other place because there is no guarantee that in a year or two Decks won’t stop existing. I have already cancelled my Pro membership and I’m thinking to stop using Memrise right now because, if the community courses disappear in the future, why am I wasting my time on Memrise now or why will I waste my time on Decks.

I don’t see future for Decks. Like me many people will cancel Memrise Pro and in the end they won’t have the economical resources to keep Decks alive and Memrise will have to increase its prices so only those with higher incomes than many of us can afford their expensive app. Memrise will survive only with that and will neglect Decks because there is not enough funding until it eventually dies.

This is why I don’t see why I should continue using Memrise even now. @kevin5284

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Just my two cents as someone who’s used this app for years, and has contributed nearly 8,000 unique Japanese flash cards to your platform as well as paid memberships: please do not remove my ability to run my decks from an app.

The sole reason I chose to spend my time and resources on Memrise as opposed to say, Anki, is they had an app that I can run my own course flashcards on my phone, in an app without having to pay (as opposed to Anki where the IOS app is $9.99).

I’m not almost 9,000 cards deep over my various decks, and if this feature is removed I’m going to have to migrate these to a different SRS system. And that would be heart breaking as a long time fan of your platform.

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I have been quiet over the past several years on Memrise, trying not to make a fuss or engage with the community. But this has made me so tremendously disappointed that I’ve actually made a community account just to say so.

I am in agreement with everyone else that this is a poor choice by the company. User-created content blended with official content is what made Memrise special, and like many, I worry that this is the beginning of the end of that.

I am in an area where I have very poor internet connection and mobile connection. For years, I have only been able to use Memrise online on my computer and wait a very long time for them to load. Switching between websites is not easy for me, let alone what I fear will be a hard-to-use platform on desktop.

I agree that the many of the users online used both of these official and “user-generated” courses and considered this one of Memrise’s special features over other competition.

I had been planning on upgrading to premium this summer, but now I will not be doing so.

This had been one of my favorite websites; Now, I’m almost certain I will leave for elsewhere.

Others have spoken my opinion better; I just wanted to express my disappointment.


When I heard this upcoming news from my friend this morning ,he said he was so angry that Memrise made this decision. I am a Chinese teacher and I created the Memrise courses for my students to memorize the words we learned in our lessons. And then they found this is a useful app and they bought the membership of it. I introduce Memrise to my students then more and more people know your apps.
But now,it’s so sad that they can’t use my courses with the community courses in the same app. I don’t think they can accept this upcoming changes. It is just driving this app to less profit and less popular.

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Sad to hear it @11145.
All I can say is that we’re committed to supporting community created courses on Decks forever, and I hope you’ll give the site a chance when it goes live in a few weeks’ time.

This is why I am complaining even though I’m not affected as those who use the app. I already know many people who will stop using Memrise since now because they use it only for the community created courses and because the offline mode they rely on. If this continues this way… maybe Memrise won’t die. It’ll just become another Rossetta Stone company with courses that only rich people can afford. Even though you say that Decks will be forever, there is no way you can guarantee that if the people who is giving you the money move to another place and Memrise stops receiving such income. Eventually you will focus on those courses people pay for and no matter what you say Decks will be neglected and go down eventually.

The solution is simple, at least create an app and allow offline mode for Deck as well.

This is my last post on this forum about this issue. I don’t want those courses or memrise to disappear. Hope you will eventually change your mind.


Well, I just requested a refund for my yearly subscription. These changes mean that there’s no reason for me to stay subscribed. I’m just glad they announced these changes while I still had time to get my money back. This is a terrible decision and I’m sure I’m not the only one cancelling my subscription.

I use both quizlet and Memrise because they both have different features

Like everybody else, I think this is a stupid move. I’m a paying user, but I do not use the courses cerated by Memrise, which I think are not good at all. I just use the user-created courses. So basically, you just say now that you don’t want my money?? I don’t get the point. I pay to have a reliable and good product. I don’t believe in “all-free” stuff: somebody has to pay for it one way or another. So what’s the idea her? It makes no sense at all as presented here. So, as everybody else, I suspect there is something very wrong going on with the user-created content.
BTW, I’ll cancel my subscription in March, since I will get what I need for free… But I’m not happy to do this. I’d prefer to pay and have a good product.


Hi, Memrise admins

Re your change of platforms, I have to say the following:

the biggest problem with user-created courses was and is the errors, that the creators are making in the courses. If it is possible to contact a creator and the creator is a decent person, no problems. But so often, in the middle of the course you discover, that the creator, probably thick of his creation, is making more and more errors, and there is no specific forum inside this course to notify the creator, no way to communicate with the creator directly (email). There is no feedback to notify potential users about the quality of the course (kind of 1-5 scale).
Please consider this option

I think that the creators must have some obligations (at least to listen to complains and fix their bugs), and/or to make their course open and let other users to fix the found problems.

More, I paid for PRO in November to use your advanced options. Will they be available in DECK?

I am studying on Memrise ONLY Latvian (both for Russian and English speakers), and I think, there was only one Memrise course on it (maybe 0). So why I am paying for PRO, if the DECK is free (unsupported, unsupervised and potentially incorrect)?

When I started, there was more support, quick response in case of problems, more Memrise courses, and even in user-created courses were course-based forums. No point to try to find an answer in un-mapped forum.

Seems, that you took most of the users for a ride.

So if you are not able to deal with all this problems, don’t be surprised, that on social media there will be organised campaign to expose you and you will be left without paying subscribers.

Can you at least make public the list of email addresses of the creators of the abandoned courses?

Is it possible on DECK to request from the creators to support their courses by creating a forum for the users, or open them? To allow the users to give a mark to a course?

I hope you will answer me

PRO- user since 2014

Strange. I twice tried to get access to a course to fix multiple errors and each time they just forgot to answer or promised to find a contact with the same result

So sad about this change. Paid for the offline-mode, the app and the difficult words feature, but there is no reason for that anymore.