Important announcement about Decks

Finally! Back when Memrise and Decks were separated, I cancelled my paid subscription since I exclusively use my own courses and didn’t see a point in financially supporting a service I do NOT use (official courses) while fearing that Decks may be scrapped at any point of time regardless of my financial support.

With this decision, I can in good conscience buy a lifelong subscription. Considering how much the service has helped me study over the last 7 years, it’s a more than reasonable price. Thank you for reconsidering this issue and not throwing away what makes Memrise so good to begin with.

Mixed (rather negative) feelings about this.

I, like many, was very displeased to hear about the split of community courses from the memrise app, and I don’t feel like you deserve thanks for walking back a move that nearly everyone told you was a terrible idea from the very beginning.

I eventually moved on, I cancelled my subscription as there was no point in paying for a service that gave me no benefits (no offline mode for community courses and difficult words were free on decks), even as I was quite upset about having like 3 or 4 months of my 1 year subscription be rendered worthless.

Decks actually grew on me, no offline mode or app was painful, but the interface and design were much better than the main memrise app, free difficult words was a genuinely useful touch.

And then just as I am coming around to the idea BAM back to square one, to the clunky mobile interface and ugly af color scheme, loss of difficult words after being used to using it for close to a year is extremely miffing, but understandable…until I noticed the subscription price is higher than what it was than the last time I paid for a subscription. Dick move right there Memrise.

Honestly this whole thing just makes the team come across as indecisive, I am certainly not going to shell out for a new subscription just now, for all I know you will introduce some other sweping changes a few months down the line that might make me regret giving you money again.

A very skeptical wait and see describes my mindset as of now.

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Wait, might be because I haven’t updated to the latest version but you need to pay to access your own courses now?:scream::scream::scream:
Or did I misunderstand your sentence?

You don’t and you won’t have to pay for your or our content. The subscription gives you access to a few pro features like DW but as I explained, no, your account, learning progress and any courses you have created or are learning are not affected by this change. We only shut down Decks.


Thanks for your reply! And am very glad to hear that, I really like your service and am happy to see you guys are becoming more active/visible.

Ps: might I offer the suggestion that you guys address these issues on your site/in an email or social media campaign? It seems like a lot of people have a bunch of questions and not everyone uses this forum, or goes through this whole topic. So it can be a bit difficult for people to know what’s going on. Might clear up the confusion some people have! (Like mine just now :wink:)

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Hi Christietje,

we have run a campaign on CRM reaching out via email to our users. We are linking redirecting all users reached with this campaign to this thread so they can learn more about the decision and we can hear their thoughts about it.

Hopefully we have been able to get to all users this decision affects :slight_smile:


I just got a 1 month subscription for difficult words and am just going to finish up what i’m doing here on memrise before switching over to fluentu, partly for the reasons you described. But also partly because i’ve just been eyeing fluentu for a while now anyway.

If the app you mention has some way to import memrise courses I will def. check it out.

I would have moved to alternatives ages ago if it wasn’t for the community courses, I’ve found entire vocabulary for obscure textbooks that would have otherwise been a PITA to make flash cards for by myself.

Funny that the one thing that Memrise has been sidelining for years, user created content, is also the one thing that keeps me here. At least until I hit that idiotic 180 days review intervals limitation, then I just export the courses to Anki, as much as that app lacks memrise’s interactivity it doesn’t make me deal with sudden review queues of 1000+ words.

@JBorrego Although you still have not said what mechanism you’re using to collect feedback or how people can give you feedback, a few people commented here to say someone from memrise reached out to them in private messages to ask for feedback.

I don’t know if they asked specific questions or just for any feedback those users wanted to give, and I also don’t know how memrise selected specific individuals to ask questions of. But I want to ask you: Is this the way memrise is collecting feedback? Are you selecting specific individuals from these message boards, and asking them questions privately? Or is there some other mechanism by which you’re gathering feedback, aside from that?

I have other questions, but I’ve found that if I ask several questions, most of them are likely to get ignored, so for now, I’ll just focus on that one question.

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Most companies collect direct and indirect feedback – there’s no conspiracy behind that.

If you want better response, I recommend asking fewer questions, in a separate less busy thread.

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I am a community course contributor and a free software developer I will never pay for locked features…

That’s fine. But remember, Memrise is not open source. Someone has to pay for the iCloud bills and engineering work. Heck, even try to make a profit so the investors are happy.

lovely that was just emotional:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Further to my 4 points > above <


5) I’ve mentioned this before (elsewhere), and it think it’s on your agenda, but the frequent change of the learning theme has left a strange mixture of icons and ideas.

We still have a lot of “plant” allusions - “planting” to learn, seeds growing into a flower, but we also have “Warming up the engines”.

I am one of the old timers who really loved your initial theme of a beautiful landscape and planting and watering ideas. And the colours were so beautiful.

Given that you’ve abandoned a lot of subsequent themes as out of favour - either by yourselves or by users, perhaps I can encourage a a reconsider to your initial great idea.

See [Site Feedback] Memrise & Decks Improvements Suggestions (Users) and following posts.


I agree that a unified theme would be a nice long term goal, short term just fixing bugs and adding good features is more important. I could live with ‘warming up the engines’. Having to log out from the app, remove the app, reboot the iOS device to flush the cache, reinstall the app, log back in, to fix bad data is not fun.

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Agree so much with these! Especially with nr. 2.

Regarding (4): Recently I have been using Duolingo a lot and what I really liked the discuss button during the learning session. There is some really good feedback, usually about detailed language questions, such as “is this word order also correct?”

(5) I agree

I read in the comments three facts:

  • At times Memrise likes to change the theme of the website
  • Some people like to choose their own themes
  • Some people prefer an older Memrise theme over an newer one.

My suggestion:

  • Allow users to select their own theme (others have suggested this as well)
  • Any new Memrise web-(red)design becomes automatically a (the new default) ‘theme’
  • Any previous Memrise design becomes automatically one of the themes a user can choose from.

Memrise needs to write code for change-the-theme feature and create a data structure to store all the colors and whatever attributes that define a theme. That will be a lot of work of course. But once they have done that, giving their website a new color scheme or layout will be much easier for themselves as well, as they only need to fill out a new sheet with attributes.

In short: such change is not only fund for the user, but also for Memrise and their staff in the long run.

Anyway, @MemriseSupport thank you so much for reviewing our feedback!


@Andenmowe: Really? That is so frustrating! Though, I have been using and continued to use the offline mode. I’m on Android. (Windows never had an offline mode and I don’t have Apple)

If you still want to use the offline mode, tell what the issue is, perhaps in the how-to-section. I bet somebody at the forum can help you get it work. Perhaps there has been a solution for grabs all along.

@LucDeschenaux69 I’m also a community course contributor and I have also helped develop free software. And I am really grateful for tons of free software and free information out there from people like you that has helped me times and times again, that wasn’t even there in the payed tools.

Still, my question is: who is going to pay for the all the servers and the programming that comes with running a good website? Isn’t that worth a penny?


I created myself course in Memrise 2 years ago and add new words in a computer.
But I don’t see them on the mobile. I see only words that I added 1 years ago.
what should I do?

Try logging off in the app and then log back in, this will update all courses.
If you are a subscriber you can alternatively tap the download button which will also trigger an update, but only for the respective course.


Thanks. it helped me

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