Important announcement about Decks

I do not like this decision at all. The Hebrew font used on the Memrise platform is not acceptable to many of the people that are using our course on Decks.

This is disappointing. I’m glad to see that Memrise is aware of what its users want, but if Memrise won’t go back on this step in its evolution, then please let it evolve again. In a way, I’m sad that Decks is merging back into Memrise instead of the other way round, as Decks is much kinder on the eyes.

While I’m not normally one to be deterred from an effective and enjoyable learning experience by a terrible-looking website, if is all that you can offer me, I will have to revert to something else, probably Duolingo.

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Memrise devs should rectify the issue of diacritics still not working. Is it so much more important to present us with a confusing branding mixup with Decks (is it even a proper noun?) than it is to make the platform more functional for one of its purposes as a language-learning tool?

Here’s your language test. Now type your answer: whoops - no diacritics support. But we’ll continue taking your money. Thanks for being a paid subscriber

Disculpen ,pero no entiendo que han cambiado que vuelven a cambiar …yo he observado que hora me aparece nuevament el 1 el 2 …pero sin completar .es otro nivel que empieza por 1 ,2 …
solo se que estoy en nivel trece y me faltan unos puntos para llegar al 14 y tambien he visto que en 100 palabraas utiles no hay sonido .
pueden aclarame algo? gracias

Well you could look at this in a different way, they learnt a lesson, and in the future something like this will hopefully never happen again :smile: But I have to agree, they should have listened to the users

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Well well…
I’m surprised it took so long to figure it out, it’s a no brainer.
Pity…all you guys and gals could have done with all that wrongly invested cash.

Fantastic! To be honest I stopped using memrise after the decision to remove community courses because I all of the content relevant to me was gone even with pro membership. I’m going to redownload memrise now though :slight_smile:


Glad to hear that :slight_smile:

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Finally! This was a good decision. :blush:

Now the only remaining thing to do is revert the Memrise app to the previous design or make a new similar design. Not necessarily space themed, but something similar colour wise.

I just can’t stand the new yellow theme. It’s so disruptive to the learning process that I just had to stop using Memrise altogether. The old space theme was so balanced and well made. Much more relaxing to look at with nice dark colours. The biggest problem by far with the new design is the amount of white space in the course overview. There are only a few small circles in the screen at a time, while most of the screen is just blank space with a solid white background. It’s very jarring to look at, and honestly it looks like an alpha build.


Have to agree, the space theme was much more aesthetic and nicer than the yellow one now


What I don’t get is the message on the dashboard of Memrise about community-created courses returning. These courses never left Memrise, despite the announcements last year.

The message should be placed on Decks, because that is the place that will be closing.

next week, probably

edit: they moved the message to Decks and within a day


Can we make community courses searchable again in the app?


First of all, Thank You for merging back Decks into Memrise. I am looking very much forward to it.

The NUMBER ONE thing I have been looking for for several years now is to be able to transfer ownership of community-created courses that have been abandoned by the original creator. I am the administrator of a very popular course for Modern Greek, which I have invested hundreds of hours into improving, BUT I do not have complete control and really need it. I’ve asked about this countless times. As a long time developer, especially in databases, I know this could be easily done, but I feel it continually falls on deaf ears. Please help us who’ve taken on these types of courses.


Maybe it’s a fluke, but after all the heartache a year ago the community courses never stopped working in the main Memrise app for me. As long as I’ve added new courses through the web interface they appear immediately in the app. Did this happen to anyone else? I was glad I never cancelled my subscription.

Kudos to the development team for gradually switching to the sea green color and downplaying the awful yellow scheme that had been introduced, it’s been much appreciated.

Minor bug I’ve noticed lately where sometimes in the ‘words and phrases’ section the initial presentation of a brand new item will be skipped, and I’ll be quizzed on the 1/6 step without the pre-quiz introduction. S10 running latest Android update.


so just to make sure I understood correctly,
Decks is closing - so what happens to the community ability to create new courses? shut down along with it? or migrated back like it’s been before?

Also, where could one send you feedback about the course creation process?

Ha, so I wasn’t out of my mind! I think I’ve seen this like 3-5 times over the last couple of weeks. But this issue rarely comes up so I always thought I might’ve been wrong in thinking I never saw the word before.

Added to my bug list, see here:

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It’s very sad!. Because community open site is going to be closed and now I’m going to use site with constant buy propositions. Money always win.

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Yes - you can make and edit courses on Memrise, and all you have to do is carry on there instead of using Decks.

You can report bugs over at

We’ll reorganise the forum to reflect Decks doesn’t exist any more.


Today I noticed Decks would be gone, so I decided to do my curses on Memrise, after done with a review session, I went to review my difficult words, only to find out I need to be subscribed to use that feature on Memrise, but on Decks it was free.

That was my first impression coming back from Decks to Memrise, on Decks I was free to do my curses with no problem but Memrise is gonna keep bothering me to pay or buy the subscription to do simple things that I could already do before on the Decks website, I am probably end up paying because I am already so invested. I like Memrise and Decks but I think this is a bad practice, I always been able to review difficult words before I had to change from Memrise to Decks, on Decks I always been able to review my difficult words, and now I have to come back to Memrise, but a feature that I always used is premium only.

Also, this last part is less important… but there could be themes for us on the settings or something, I noticed a lot of people don’t like this yellow theme, I also like the design on Decks better, since both websites are so similar shouldn’t be too difficult to implement something for that. During the lessons I noticed they use different fonts and formatting is a little different.

I will keep using Decks until I am able to review difficult words on Memrise.

Be me, buy memrise sub since reviewing difficult words sounds like a good feature.
Memrise remove user content to decks, function becomes free…
Yearly subscription runs out without using any of memrise pro features cause you’re using decks.
Memrise decides to take user content back to memrise and difficult words are premium again.


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