Important announcement about Decks

I’ve been a paid member for about 6 months, and almost from the start I have been plagued by bugs between the mobile and web apps; I didn’t really want to use the mobile app, but some of the functionality is only available there. I have reported bugs a couple times, but each time I’m told I just have to live with it.

With this new rationalization of effort, hopefully you’ll find some time to fix some of the longstanding bugs in your app integration. Bugs not getting fixed makes it hard to recommend your system to others.


Will users retain the ability to use audio testing and difficult words on their own courses like Decks?


My thoughts were: First a smile and a giggle, and then:

  1. Well that was a long trip that went nowhere
  2. Respect to you for being flexible enough to return to what worked well all along.
  3. As a life-time subscriber I’m good either way.
  4. Doesn’t matter anyway since down the road all of this will forgotten as a mere “remember-when”…

Thanks guys for a GREAT product - of the hundreds and hundreds of language tools out there, Memrise is the only one I still use daily. That’s says a lot believe me.
Congratulations on a winning product and best wishes for continued success,
Sincerely yours,

Daniel Léo Simpson
San Francisco


Hi @svenskalearner - right now, it looks like the audio testing and difficult words features are not available to non-paying users learning any of my own courses through the Web-based Memrise framework but are currently available through Decks.

Hi @MemriseSupport, please could you consider adding these features to the Memrise framework? One of the Spanish courses I’ve been maintaining since 2016 has 100,000+ subscribers, and I think that substantial goodwill would be generated for Memrise by making this small adjustment.

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I didn’t know that there was a decks app :sweat_smile:, anyway thanks for the good job :slight_smile:


Good news, on the whole. Now can you please sort out two things for community courses:

  1. Audio recording, broken on anything but Firefox (unless something has changed I don’t know about, but it’s been broken for a long time)
  2. The fact that audio recording uses flash at all, given that flash is nearing end of life.

I’ve already raises both of these several times - maybe now the community courses are not going to be shuffled off into their retirement home (decks) they can get a little love from a technical perspective?

I’m not too fussed about listening and speed review being only available with membership, it’s a cheap enough membership price and at least if Memrise get a little income from users of the community courses again, it’s an easier decision to spend project time on improving them. So on the whole I think that’s the right decision too.


a one thing please add the old landscape
I will be VERY, VERY grateful.


Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions you sent over the weekend! Well make sure this is passed on to the team. :slight_smile:

Best wishes,
Memrise team.


Good choice! Nice to hear everything becoming one again!


That’s more or less a repetition of what you wrote earlier, but still really vague. How are you collecting feedback? Do you mean just be reading the comments on this particular post, or do you have a more structured way to collect feedback? Are you planning to share with us what feedback you have “collected”? How can we see what you think we’re saying? This is all very opaque and not at all encouraging to see you repeat what look like platitudes with no actual information. Please explain!

@JBorrego can you add any more information about Memrise’s plans for collecting feedback and letting users know what you’re hearing from us, so we can tell if you’re actually getting the feedback we want to give?

P.S. I see a lot of presumably newer users of memrise taking you at your word. But I remember how you said similar things back in 2014/15/16 and did exactly the opposite, which is why I find these vague reassurances with no detail or transparency to be a bad sign that the same thing may be happening now.


but some others maybe are. i have added audio to my courses either by searching for requesting natives to do it - for “free” for users but on my times and nerves (like any other creator and curator) - entry by entry, searching, requesting, saving and uploading entry by entry - and i do not see why memrise should earn money through this just like this, without offering the creators nothing in exchange?

well, anyhow, i am neither glad or sad, in fact. I shall use memrise as long as i can apply my cosmetic scripts, and that’s fine. juuust fine.


I would recommend filing feature and bug reports in a separate forum thread, also for specific mobile platform. Adding such info here will just ensure that it’s lost.


Agreed Monsieur le Marquis!!

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What a complete trainwreck this entire situation has been. Who made this decision in the first place? Their head should roll. The arrogance displayed by Memrise to make this move in the first place, when nearly your entire user base was against it, was incredible to witness. And now you come crawling back, saying “We made a mistake.” Yeah, we told you it was a mistake at the time.

Are we now supposed to celebrate the fact that you made a terrible decision, caused a lot of problems, and then changed your mind? All if it for no reason at all.


Well, they could have just killed Decks and no back-integration to

Let’s just be happy things are back to normal.


Fantastic news! I decided not to subscribe because of Decks… now I will. Thanks for keeping everything in one place!

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Sadly you lost me when the new color scheme/layout came around.

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Why do you remain where you are not valued and supported? In a community everyone is responsible for creating a better space for all involved. You’re only interested in acting entitled. If Memrise is doing such a poor job, leave. Please leave. The toxic and divisive space you take up can be occupied by someone productive.
If I were a developer after reading your post I would have sent a reply message stating that this language program obviously is not a good fit for you so we encourage you to discover a better fit among the many language programs available to you.
No one is forcing you to remain here.
This is a simple language program. That’s it. It’s not a bank that lost your money, an auto shop that didn’t fix your car correctly or a hospital that gave you the wrong treatment. Grow up.


Hi there, sorry I was off for a few days so I have not been able to personally reply to some of the questions/concerns you have raised here. Thank you so much for your positive response. We really appreciate how you have received this piece of news.

First of all, please do respect each other and us. We will not censor negative comments, as we never have. But we need a respectful and positive atmosphere for you all to be here and for us to work, so we will not tolerate any form of abuse. Remember we all are people, human beings and we all should feel respected. This is not a space to fight, it is a space to learn and grow.

Now, on the feedback. As my colleagues have mentioned, we have been (we have talked to some of you personally) and we are collecting your feedback and we are internally discussing it with the right teams. The different teams will review the feedback and check whether we can/should build the specific ideas, their specific cost and then we will weigh them against our regular businesses plans.

To be as specific as I can be, many of the ideas do fall into a few categories: Web Product, Mobile Products, Creators space, Forum issues. Obviously these categories have different sub categories. As you can imagine, we won’t be able to address each and all of your feedback and complaints due to various reasons, including lack of time and resources natural to any business, so please don’t be disappointed if your idea goes unaddressed. Timelines cannot be discussed either as things will be weighed against our current plans.

Specific things I want to address here too:

  • We are more actively working (as you may have noticed) on some of the issues you find on the mobile and web products and more fixes will continue coming. Please be patient, we intend to communicate more and better so that you are more aware of the things that we resolve.

  • Please be understanding, we can’t fix things immediately and we will always (because we are humans) make mistakes and introduce new issues. What we can promise is that we will communicate with you better and hopefully we will be able to fix those issues faster.

  • Themes: We have a brand. We changed the brand and we heard your comments. We have made plenty of small changes based on that feedback. We have introduced Dark mode on mobile (and we are fixing most of the small low contrast issues with the next release). BUT Memrise has evolved since the days of the old imagery and themes and we will not go back to that unfortunately. We do continuously run user feedback sessions and we intend to further improve how Memrise looks. The web product team will talk about your feedback on this and they will get inspiration.

  • We are working on building a new recording tool :thumbsup: more on this, soon.

Kindest regards,


Thank God you changed your mind! Thank you memrise!