Important announcement about Decks

so its for the better,
I never understood what was the point with decks anyway.

IMHO it would be best to invest your time and effort in improving the UX of course creation and editing and add features like image support

This could be the whole idea of quashing the Decks project. And, in my opinion, it’s only fair to pay for premium features, because Memrise guys also need to eat and web-servers are to be maintained. What I don’t understand, in case that this is true, is why they telling users about listening to their feedback. It’s about listening to something totally different.


I suppose the fact that the Decks-features that were otherwise restricted to paying customers on Memrise were merely on Decks because Memrise had to just start somewhere at bringing over community courses and performing “the great switch”. That said, while I can understand that what used to be a free feature on Decks may now be gone, that’s just how it is. And I’m more than glad about Decks ceasing to exist.

As you wrote, @Hombre_sin_nombre, someone has got to pay the bill and back in the days when Decks was introduced we were all afraid of Decks having a good chance of becoming the community courses’ gate into oblivion as Memrise would have had to provide server space, dev resources and what-not to keep a site and app-suite up and running that not only provides no revenue but instead costs money. You go figure.

And to all those haters and “I want it for free, FOR FREE!!!”-PITAs out there: ask yourself how much you’d like to do for free yourself and/or whether you’d be willing to even spend your own money on stuff you provide for free. Oh, and of course you’ll be doing that while still having some morons shout at you for the stuff you give away because it just ain’t as perfect as they’d like it to be!

I mean, a lifetime license costs $99, that’s probably less than two average nights out. A pretty good investment into something that improves you, if you ask me.
And if you are a pupil, student, whatever, ask your parents - I’m sure they’d be happy to pay for you.
Of course there may be folks who might still not be able to pay $99, but that’s a different story.

Just don’t expect to get everything for free! :vulcan_salute:t4:

[Slowly counting to ten …]


True, true, what you said was all true, 99$ isn’t that much to be honest, just two average nights out, maybe even one

I didn’t say I want it for free, I will gladly pay the price, but the fact is on the email it said nothing would change for me and on my first few minutes on Memrise I already got a few pop ups telling me it’s time to pay, giving me the impression the change is actually to promote the paid portion of the site instead of improving usability for it’s users.

If they were trully transparent and said the real differences between both websites it would be fine, if they told me they need money because having 2 websites is unsustainable and that’s why they are doing this, I would pay. I like Memrise, I am just trying to point out that some casual users might see this and decide to uninstall the app without coming to the forums.

EDIT: The idea here was to give constructive feedback to the website, not to hate on it.

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I just got a lifetime membership through the mobile app and it was 139.99$ US. Online it’s 199.99$. Even with the price increase I still believe it’s worth it.

Will we still have decks features on memrise, like difficult words or listening comprehension?

Cough Cough, if I didn’t feel screwed over twice I might have kept paying. At this point I’m just glad I’m not gonna need those features soon, at this point I learned a lesson about using web services. I’ll stick to stuff like anki.

Sorry if I sort of kicked over the traces, but I’ve seen users complaining about things that should be free tons of time, your posting came to the wrong time and I might have perceived it different from your original intention then, so apologies for the “bashing”!

And, as for the popups you now receive: I see (and saw) your point, i. e. if you started out with Memrise on Decks you were able to use features that used to be limited to paying subscribers (at least for the ~2.5y that I have been around), so I do understand that you feel left behind, but that is probably for the reasons given in my last posting.

Oh, it does seem like they increased the price. However, looking at the subscription options it gives me € 109.99 today (~ $119). The cost may vary though depending on location. And my last quote was wrong too - I didn’t pay $99 but rather €99.99 (or ~$108). That was back in 10/2017 though.
Edit: I bought the sub via Google Play, so through the app. Pretty interesting that it might/should be cheaper this way, but maybe that’s connected to the accounting being easier for vendors this way.

P.S.: if you already have a Memrise account, you’ll have to open the pricing-link above in either a private window or a browser where you haven’t saved your login data.

Probably not - see the other postings right before and after yours!

Every night,

I dream of the space theme…

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Yessss, space theme

I really regret updating my memrise app, miss the space theme a lot

I love how Olaf here is here defending the pricing and stuff, but good job and keep it up! :partying_face:

I can say that the letters in the Hebrew courses I am used to on Decks are far more crude in Memrise. Letters like vav are poorly rendered in Memrise and have nice, clear definition in Decks. I hope this will change and can produce further clarification if needed.
I also have seen this same problem with Greek, though it isn’t as much of a problem.
I have referred a number of people to this site and hope that quality in having nicely rendered letters won’t be compromised for the sake of trying to move things along too quickly.

Ah, I got used to decks and have a few userscripts for it that’s gonna stop working again. Also kinda liked the idea of not paying for difficult words but whatever.


That’s very unfortunate. That means that I will not be able to use the ‘learn difficult words’ functionality anymore, unless I pay an overpriced subscription just for that feature. It is time to look for an alternative service after so many years.


For a long time the discount was good for the one year subscription. I don’t mind supporting Memrise as the developers need food on the table and the cloud bills need to be paid.

if you are changing back:
will be features of decks like “problematic words” have to be paid at memrise?

and is there a possibility, for users on computers, to change the feature: be quick with your reply!
i hate that for so long and you always told me: not possible. anything is possible.
some ppl. need a bit longer to think about the correct answer esp. with difficult languages like finnish.
