How to turn off Mems

How do I turn off the Mems. Whilst a lot of people find them useful, i just find them insulting.
I have been turning them off individually, but it is time consuming, so there has to be a way to turn them all off at the same time.

Do you mean on the app or on the website?

Wow! “insulting” is a very harsh word. It would be interesting to know what courses you are doing so we could see these “insulting” mems for ourselves.

I make mems for the Swedish courses I look after but I try to make them informative and educational. I do hope that the mems you have come across are an exception to the rule!


(how do you turn them off “individually”?)

given that the most mems disappeared and that you learned only some 800 items until now (in 2 old, “respected” courses plus an official one with 0 mems), I suspect you’re just trolling a bit…


[For website users] You can turn off mems for individual items or for a whole course by scrolling down and using these buttons:

I use the “Go without…” button occasionally if there’s a particularly annoying mem I don’t want to keep seeing. I haven’t used the “Always load…” option (by unticking it) recently but presumably it still works.

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why don’t you add your own mem?

Website. I use the PC version 90% of the time and I will use the Mobile if I am out and about.

I was told that “Trolling” is some sort of comment made to upset others to gain a reply of some sort of retaliation, or some thing on that line.
I find this type of thing to show ones intelligent level to be quite low, or someone with low self esteem. In any situation, it is a negative emotional situation unbefitting anyone with some sort of intelligence.
Answer to your question, no, not a troll session.
And, how many courses I have done, or words learned is of no consequence what so ever. Well, at least you asked a question in all of this, and you were answered.

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When I wrote this post I considered explaining my situation, but I did not think anyone would be interested, and it was late, I was tired when I wrote it. But it seems, I needed to.
I make a lot of mistakes when typing, I have tend to hit the wrong keys a lot when typing, so it reflects badly on my learning. It is frustrating to me when I know the answers to the questions, I input them and either do not check my writing (the time limit is a pain) or my over confidence gets in the way. So what happens when I get the answer wrong, Mems, and after a while they get annoying, then they get frustrating, then they get insulting. As I said, I make mistakes, it does not help my Laptop is ancient and the buttons on occasion need a good beating to work (over exaggeration).
The Mems themselves are ok, it is the idea of them. No option to turn them off, and as of yet, no one telling me how to turn them off.
I am a proud person, and being reminded as often as I do of my failings does get to me after a while, I really do not like the Mems for this reason.

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Simple answer is, I do not want the Mems at all. If I get stuck on some thing, I will google it or ask for help on the forums. Of which I do. But I only do this, if I find some thing that makes little sense to me, of which I do not think Mems would be any good to me anyway.

Have you tried ‘unchecking’ the “Always load mems” box as I mentioned in my previous post?

Well @alanh pretty much gave you the answer to your problem on mems. If timer is interfering with your learning, there’s a handful of threads concerning how to disable it.

The Mems pop up from time to time, most of them have been turned off, seeing as I am stuck at the moment. My memory is playing havoc with me at the moment, due to lack o sleep.
But, as far as I know I never switched them on in the first place, so I wondered if it is down to me repeatedly getting them wrong for said reason.

Nope he did not. Seeing as I prefer the PC, it is not really an option is it. I do however see your point. This program is a great program but it could do with a few options such as the timer increase decrease or just switch it off. It seems Mems has that option, or does it, either way, options are nice to have.
The fact you can make your own is awesome but for some one like me that does not want to, or want Mems full stop, again, it is an option.

I love how you chucked Tatoeba in there. Nice touch.