⏳ Archiving the old General Discussion forum

If the threads are short and don’t contain images, like most threads in the course forums, not archiving the topic on archive.org and just copying and pasting to Notepad is a lot quicker. So here’s a guide to do that very quickly. The end result if you were to paste it into a post here would be every post looking like a quote.

Go to https://autohotkey.com/download/ and install it.

Create a Notepad file and call it anything you want. I suggest Autohotkey copying posts.txt paste the below into that:

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

SetTitleMatchMode 2

WinWait, posts.txt, 
IfWinNotActive, posts.txt, , WinActivate, posts.txt, 
WinWaitActive, posts.txt, 
Sleep, 100
Sleep, 300
WinWait, Memrise - Google Chrome, 
IfWinNotActive, Memrise - Google Chrome, , WinActivate, Memrise - Google Chrome, 
WinWaitActive, Memrise - Google Chrome, 

Save and close it and rename it to: Autohotkey copying posts.ahk

Double-click it to make it active. You should now see a small green “H” icon in the lower-right corner of your screen.

Create another new Notepad file called posts.txt and just keep it open. The posts will get copied to this.

Open Chrome and open any forum threads you want to save.

The Autohotkey script I wrote does the following: when you press F9 it copies anything you have highlighted, goes to post.txt and pastes it there (it also puts [QUOTE][/QUOTE] around the pasted content), it then comes back to Chrome.

So in Chrome, highlight anything you want saved and press F9.

Which Autohotkey version do you suggest?

Just the big blue button [Download Autohotkey] I guess. If you have a 64-bit system you could consider downloading the 64-bit exe.

The script as it is now assumes your system (Notepad) and Chrome and Memrise are in English. Let me know if that’s not the case, perhaps after you’ve tested it and it doesn’t switch to Notepad and then back to Chrome again.

Can someone save this important thread from the Indonesian forum? It details a script to generate google translate audio MP3s and then upload them to your course.


@guestgulkan see: [wiki] All the Userscripts

@guestgulkan < Have you tried a simple highlight, copy & paste to a word file? That seemed the quickest way for me when I saved pages and pages of Italian Forum posts.

Indeed, you are right, it just took them a long time to get the images so when I first looked at discussions I had gotten it to archive, I saw the images missing. But eventually, it got the images too. Here, for example, is the one I gave above as an example: Forums > General discussion: New Feature : Tapping Test - Memrise - with all the images.