Hello! Let's introduce ourselves :)

@isharr. You called? Anything I can do for you? :slight_smile:

Sorry. Not been online. But I was wondering if this particular topic could be stickied (sp?) to make it easier for newcomers to find? It must end up pretty far down half the time, given how quiet things are on here. There are multiple intro threads but this is the most recently used (other not been posted in since October last) and, besides, they could easily all be merged (that’s possible, right? I forget if leader has permissions to do this?) for better organisation, aye?

I have perms to. But I may not be allowed. @Joshua. Would I be allowed to pin this? So new users can get given advice? Just want an opinion.


Sure thing. :penguin:


Pinned. Please use this topic if you are new, lost, or just want to chat and be a part of the Memrise community!

Cheers. I named the ping. So people just generally know why the pin has been added, :wink: . Thanks @Joshua!. Happy Memrising.


Yay, organisation!

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Hi I’m Mustafa. I started learning french 2 years ago and it was with Duolingo but then i found Memrise which is so cool. This is my username on duolinog MustafaHos12. I think using both apps can have a huge impact on your learning.


Hi everyone!

I’m new to Memrise, so I wanted to introduce myself.
My name is Silvia. I live in Cambridge, UK and speak Italian as my first language, then English and French – although my French is very rusty nowadays.

I started studying Swedish last week after a colleague suggested Memrise as the app to go to learn effectively.

If it were feasible, I’d spend my entire life studying as many languages as I can.

I’m a User Experience and User Interface designer and, in my spare time, also a photographer and knitter.




I’m Elizabeth and my native language is English as I live in the UK. I began using Memrise to learn Italian around 2 years ago and then stopped due to exam pressure. I have now begun learning again and am enjoying it very much.

I would love to join some Italian speaking groups/chats that could contribute to my learning! My Memrise username is elizabethwilde2603!


I also started with French on Duolingo. I’m wanting to learn French, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, and maybe Romanian (for the romance languages); Japanese and maybe Korean for the Asian languages.

I’m interested in reading the Magical Realism books in the original languages, and interested in “language diplomacy”, where new languages are created on account for the fact that, for example romance and Asian, aren’t always mutually intelligible. Certain loan words in Japanese not withstanding.

I’m also a Magical Realism writer myself.


I am interested in mobile applications and I am preparing a course for Polish speakers who want to speakEsperanto

During free time I am using also duolingo, “old” paper books for learning languages and writing postcards :slight_smile:


Currently learning French and Japanese, will eventually move onto Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and maybe Romanian. Mostly romance languages.

I’m also a writer of science fiction and fantasy: usually cyberpunk, but that’s gone by the wayside.

Hi how are you, I use duolingo but they don’t let you contact other learners in there. I want to try learning at different levels as much as I can with several languages at once. I get mixed up a lot but some of it gets through the sieve somehow.
I like both sites for learning and they have different ways, I also use babbel but it is not a free site and they keep prompting you to download a certificate after each level but I forget too much for that to be worth anything really. I am remembering a great deal more now and work to be far better even if the grey cells crumble away.
I began with polish on duo then added Russian and Ukrainian, I have since added french Italian Spanish and now several Nordic languages. I tried Hebrew on there but they are rubbish for it on there and this site is far better for it.
I work on Russian on Babbel but they want you to pay a separate fee for each different language which makes it a little expensive for those wanting to learn several languages.

I was in a school play once, I think I was about 7 or 8 at the time. It was Noha and the ark, I told the teacher I should be God as I always went to church and new god well.
I guess I got the part off too well especially the voice… I was dumb struck and didn’t say a thing at all.
Serves me right too I think, I don’t behave like that anymore.

Hi, Petri.

I could chat with you once in a while. I’m a native English speaker and 48 years old.

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My name is Matthias. My native language is English. I’m 48 and I live in the US where I was born and raised.

I started learning German in high school. I got two years in but wasn’t very committed to it. I started on German again because I was going to take a trip to Germany. That didn’t work out, but now almost a year later, I find my interest in the language revived. I am 50% German on my dad’s side, though neither he nor his parents speak German.

I started with Duolingo and Mondy German back when I my interest was revived.

I’m Klaus on Duolingo, which is the name I picked because it was the name I chose in high school. I don’t really remember what motivated that choice of name, but as to my choice of language, we had to learn two years of a foreign language. A friend I looked up in high school to sold me on German because he said the sciences (did he also say math?) borrow so many words from it.

I don’t know if that’s true; I got into biology a little in college, but I remember Latin being more prominent in what I saw than German.

So anyway, good to meet you, and Lord bless you in your pursuit of all things language :slight_smile:


Hello everyone! I am Emmanuel. I am a new content creator in Portuguese mainly. I discovered this site a few months ago, and I’m having a great time. My interests range from technologies to geography, culture and languages. Nice to meet you! :smiley:.

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Hello! My name is Hannah. I’ve been on Memrise for 3 years now. I’ve had tons of more accounts which I’ve either lost the password, heh. I knock out tons of people on the Spanish 2 Memrise leader board. I got currently over 900k+ points on that course too. (all time)
I can say I’m experienced? (RIP the bios 2017?)
I have over 1m+ points, my alt has 500k points, etc.
I’m new here and I can’t believe we can communicate to each other. Before I found out, I was like “There has to be a forum where we can talk.”
I’m at a young age to know Hebrew, Greek, & Spanish.
Hopefully, we can be friends and learn together.
I hope this gives you some enthusiasm to keep on learning. Ttys?


Are you a native Spanish speaker?