Has there been a change in the way memrise treats commas?

We’ll be looking into several issues reported regarding typing test. I have notified the developers of this issue.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


@Joshua Thanks for letting us know that you and the other devs are working on it.
Can you give prediction of when the issue will be fixed?


I can’t tell you when a fix will be available. However, we are looking into this.


Thanks for this. I think it would be helpful to have a shortcut to a page of bugs that have been acknowledged by the developers and are currently being looked into.


Glad to hear you’re looking into this issue, memrise staff. Thanks for letting us know!

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Sorry for the inconvenience.

That’s one way of saying sorry for making most of the popular courses on the website unusable. This site’s main focus is languages and you just broke all the best language courses. Without those the site is worthless for a great number of users.

I became a pro member in July. Since then I’ve lost about half a month of that paid subscription between the site being broken and you somehow accidently turning my pro membership off! It took well over a week for you guys to finally fix that problem:

Thanks for reaching out! Sorry to hear you’re having these issues.

We are aware that Pro has been removed form some of our users accidentally, and are working on getting this resolved asap!

We hope to have your Pro reinstated shortly. Please let us know if you need anything in the meantime.

What irked me about this email more than the fact that you never offered to refund or replace the days I had lost because of your incompetence, was how the email is written.

Sorry to hear you’re having these issues.

It seems to me that it’s your tech team that’s having the issues. Give a real apology or don’t bother.

Pro has been removed form some of our users accidentally

Nice use of the passive voice and omission of a pronoun to avoid directly taking responsibility. Also given how long you guys take to respond, I’d figure you’d have time to proof read your emails.

As much as I love the site, when it’s working at least, I could never recommend this site in its poor current state and with its abysmal support. A good alternative can’t arrive quick enough at this point.


Hi Herr Kaleun, sorry to hear this one

I became a pro member in July. Since then I've lost about half a month of that paid subscription between the site being broken and you somehow accidentally turning my pro membership off!

It takes a long time to respond because we are fixing other problems as well. We have to prioritize what is more important. I know this is very important for you and we already try the best we can. I hope that we can have some features in the future that can compensate your half month subscription.

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There is already a patch for this. However, it needs to wait for the team to double check before releasing.


then I dont know what the problem is. I can confirm however that the iPhone app still works as usual. I received an update for it last night and i said NOOO. Best leave it as it is.


That is good to hear! I am eagerly waiting for the fix!


Having the same problem with my French and Ancient Greek courses. I’m in the middle of a testweek, and this realy doesn’t help. Even if I would add alts it wouldn’t accept them.


Hopefully this fix can be released soon. I have a Latin test and it’s very difficult to learn my vocab without being able to enter just one definition for each word. How am I supposed to remember “that… not, so that… not, that, lest” instead of just “lest”?


This is taking a lot longer than I anticipated. How did this start in the first place? Really frustrating to see the review number increasing and not be able to study.


Yep. It seems like a really hard thing to break , actually. Especially considering they broke parenthesis the previous week before this (they used to be optional) . I may be biased because I’m a programmer…but this should not be a daunting fix.

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It shouldn’t even be a “fix” - when these problems started, I would expect them to have been able to roll back to the code they were running previously. Either they didn’t take this seriously, or they don’t have the capability to roll back when they push new code, which would be surprising.


I start to believe that either they don’t care at all, or they’re conducting again some other experiment on (extremely) frustrated expectations… they got me >8000 items lined up waiting for watering…or maybe they want to shut down the web version and this is a try in compelling webusers to use the app?


Does anyone by any chance know where Memrise stores the database files? I’m starting to consider writing a program to convert the database file into an SQL database and then make my own offline program for testing/adding.

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This is taking way too long for something that should surely be a relatively simple fix. If it worked fine before, why does it need so much testing? How did the change get past testing if features are tested before addition?

I’m going to have to find another service. Does anyone have any suggestions for GCSE Latin testers?


Funny, I have a latin test on monday and a Greek one on tuesday! But tbh, if this problem continues, they may not go so well, my A-Levels rest on memrise…

I too have been thinking of migrating my memrise database elsewhere. All I want is a personal dictionary with SRS, a way to keep in my memory all the words I have learned to date. I feel like there’s been too much of a focus on gimmicks and monetising the service, and little progress has been made with improving the core functionality.