Has there been a change in the way memrise treats commas?

Well, well, well - what I predicted earlier today, has actually already happened:

Memrise as a community platform is being declared dead, by @BenWhately, here. Our user-created courses, which we poured so much of our time and love into, are permanently broken, and on purpose. Memrise doesn’t care, and made the choice to break them, deliberately, and never bothered to even tell us. And now they intend not to fix them.

Years ago, and again more recently on this forum, several of us asked for a setting on database columns, to choose whether commas mark alternatives or not. Memrise ignored us, repeatedly. Now, they pretend that the only way to make their own courses work, is to kill the comma feature, and hundreds of our courses with it. If they had added this setting, it would’ve been easy to accommodate both kinds of courses, but obviously that’s not the sort of thing they consider worth their time.

Yes, Memrise’s actions over the past two years prove that. They view their old, formerly loyal user community with utter contempt. They have shown, time and time again, that they hate us.

We keep using their software because there’s nothing else out there that does this, and because we’ve spent such a huge amount of our own personal time and effort building this site and learning things here. But make no mistake, their hatred and contempt for us has been very clear for a long time. Do not expect even a shred of respect from them, whatever they say; their actions speak for themselves.


@cos ~ This is a very strong, emotional response (using words like “hate” and “contempt”). It disturbs me, and perhaps others. I do not hold the same feeling as you.

If you read the comment from @BenWhately to @alanh just a little above your most recent comment (you know, the one you selectively chose not to include in your rant), Ben spells out a scenario of potential changes to the web version that many might benefit from. Why not give Memrise the benefit of the doubt about the course they want to take for the future, instead of declaring the product as a whole as dead.


I spent fall 2014 through spring 2015 giving them the benefit of the doubt, but they never returned the favor. They just kept on destroying, breaking, and ignoring complaints and suggestions. Since then, another year and a half has passed, and the pattern has been consistent. I no longer have even the smallest doubt. They have no respect for us at all, do not value us, do not care about us, and will continue destroying the community platform memrise used to be, and continue spurning us and wrecking our hard work. As before, they may sometimes say things that would give an optimist something to grasp at and have some hope, and that’s what you’re doing now. If we keep on being fooled, we’ll be caught flat-footed when they shut it down for good. We’d be better off realizing that after more than two years of this, there really isn’t any hope, and we’d be better off preparing for the demise of memrise.


That is your opinion, and you are entitled to hold it and express it. Memrise is a privately held entity and they are free to do whatever they wish with their product and their company, whether it be deemed by the public as good or ill.

My opinion of the state of things is less negative and emotional than yours, and I sense it will continue to remain as such. We both use the same product, but maybe we are just looking for different levels of involvement with the product, and what it can or cannot do - both now and perhaps in the future.

I apologize for deviating this thread from its original topic, so I will cease my comments now. Have a good day.


so… does that mean i have to go through my courses and change thousands of answers to “;” instead of using “,”?

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You can post the links of your courses here, and we will plan for it. In the meantime, if you need any help, you can tag me to the conversation to let me understand the situation. I will try the best I can to help



the courses im most concerned about are:




these are both incomplete courses meaning i regularly add new items
and probably wont ever finish them. i dont want many separate courses
because that makes editing and adding synonyms annoying and difficult to
find. i also dont like pre-made courses because i cant edit it or add
synonyms. and that makes learning frustrating when i type in a correct
answer but it says its incorrect because the course creator didnt add it
as a synonym.

from now on i can of course start separating by using “;” but to edit
all the items that i have made over the past few years…is time
consuming and frustrating.
i have no knowledge of programing, is there any easy way to fix it for just these two courses?

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ah @zaloast what did you use for synonyms? Is it comma?

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my normal set up was:

for everything but verbs
xxx, yyy

for verbs
to xxx, to yyy

then also add alts without the “to”

doing it this way i could expected to be able to type a wide arrange of answers and all being correct.

so in short, yes i have been using commas

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Can you give me an example, so I can search for it? @zaloast

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the first course is
answer:admirable, nice

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ah @zaloast, I don’t think your course will be affected. Just do 1 level of your course, I have no problem with the comma.

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To clarify, if the comma is in the second column, it wouldn’t affect your courses. For example, “paddle, row, sweep”.

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Hi Hung,

How about the use of ; ? This is frequently used in 98673/the-new-practical-chinese-reader-1

Example below. My answer was deemed wrong:

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i just checked that course and you are correct it has not been affected.
today i started studying my other course and when i ran into the problem i assumed it was like that for both courses (last time this happened it was)

try this course
(Japanese meow) - by zaloast陈俊杰 - Memrise
(test the third level)

i make three levels for each word, so a different column is tested.
basicly changing the test direction each time (i like to learn the word thoroughly)

here is a specific example of a word that has the problem

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@d003r, sorry it is a bug, and we are fixing it. If you follow the discussion, you will see a screen I post about what we will support.

@zaloast, the words are in the first column. We have to discontinue the usage of comma as separator for the first column. You can follow the discussion, there is a screenshot for that.

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when you say this is a temporary solution, do you mean that no matter what we do, at some point we will have to completely change all the courses from “,” to “;” ?

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Hi @BenWhately
Here are the courses I am using on a daily basis (like you can see, I suppose, on my record).
There are 6 of them, I hope you can see all links!

It has helped me a lot with my Arabic studies and I still need them and I do make new items very often.
Is it true that “/” or “;” will work from now on?
PS I made also Hebrew courses in the past but I dont use them any more.

2606 words in:

5000 words in: (by the way, I am not the initiator of this course):

1015 words in:

902 words in:

666 words in:

1081 words in:

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ah @d003r, let me correct myself. you will see the screen where it specifies the behavior to tapping test. In your case, I think you have to select both.

@zaloast, sorry. I can only answer the technical questions.

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Thanks for explaining it to us.

We hope you will feel the 10% long-time users who have created or are supporting other courses (often that MemRise has not created) with a lot of our time (as well as offering support to users and creators in this Forum) are still valuable supporters.