Has something changed with reviews

I have noticed over the last several days that the reviews for all my courses seemed to have changed. Generally if I get something wrong, I will be asked again 3 or 4 times. If I had not gotten the answer wrong too often, I would get a typing review. If I got a word wrong too many times, I would get a multiple choice review.
Now if I get a word wrong, it only reivews as a multiple choice once. I really do not like this.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Why don’t you use Cooljingle’s user scripts “Memrise all typing” and “Memrise wrong answer skips”?

I actually did that today. However that would not account for the reduced number of followup questions when I get a word wrong.

It really is unfortunate that people have to resort to using all these script. I recently had to write some of my own scripts to gather my own learning statistics because the premium statistics are a joke.

Sorry I am not an English native speaker (German native).
What do you mean in detail?

The “normal standard” Memrise review way (before) was, that you have to type in incorrect answers between 3+ times (I counted between ~3-6 or was it 4-5 times…who cares).

I counted more than 3 times, especially when you make the same error multiple times, just relying on typing and RECALLING (with multiple choice you almost can’t go wrong with REMEMBERING - just guess or eliminate the other answer options).

With that 3+ followup question concept you will never efficiently get your review backlog down quickly, if you have >100 words per course in it (e.g your course is finished…you wait a bit longer with the reviews…you may have to review the whole course 300-600 “words” (or phrases or full sentences) at a time).
Those incorrect answer followup questions are mixed into a 100 review session with some spacing, and are NOT pushed to the very end!

You will endlessly focus on very old vocabulary (which you can’t answer correctly in the worstcase)…and you can’t go to the more recently words in your backlog queue or get it down to 0.

Therefore I pretty much prefer Cooljingle’s watering / review (only typing) concept, that only prompts me 1 time, if I incorrectly answer a question, instead of 3 times.
Well, if I answer the 2nd re-shown question again wrong, the script seems to reprompt for the same question with a 3+ stepping (may need further fine tuning), but will NOT, if the 2nd question is answered correctly.

I will not put my hands into fire, but my feeling is, that it works like that, and Cooljingle even explained it a little bit in one of his user script threads.

I guess I will request in the near future from Cooljingle, to cut down incorrect answers / follow up question to max of 3 (or user configurable).
This ONE followup question is nice, but I really hate to have to type it multiple times.
At least I need to bring that thing up to his attentation and brainstorm for some user configurable efficient concepts.

If I get the word/phrase/sentence wrong 2-3 times (with typing), there is no benefit in asking me 3+ times in a single review session just with typing.
If I get it right on the 2nd or 3rd “all typing” try, fine…

Either we simply push that word (and Memrise PT1-7 uses full sentences, not only single words!!!) to the next review session as “un-reviewed” (3-5h+ short-term review interval) and hope we do better next time or we may have to switch back to multiple-choice/audio for the 4th/5th attempt…if we really care about “to finish” that word in the current review session (answer it correctly at least one time).

Or I can press an opt-out button “Skip word and review next time”…

Of course I am just brainstorming…

I repeat: My goal is always to get the review backlog down to 0…as quickly as possible and focusing on RECALLING, so no initially without multiple-choice/audio, just typing.

(My) Problem:
With Cooljingle’s “all typing” user script activated, I do not regulary review my finished courses anywmore, as the backlog is already 200/300 up to 650 words!!!
Those Portuguese PT1-7 courses + PT Basic - with full sentences - are damn hard to review with typing only.
A normal review takes time…only workaround would be “speed review”, multiple-choice, etc.
The more time, the more repetitions for incorrect answers, the less I will even start the review of my huge backlog queue for completed courses :wink: