Has anyone read the "About us" description of memrise lately?

If you look at this description, you will see that it, a) looks quite new and, b) the references to mems are completely different from those found in the “Knowledge Base” - which is still there, but will no doubt disappear soon as well.


For example, you can read this:

“We use mems to help you form vivid, sensory memories.”

This reveals where memrise is going: in future, the users will not be able to create mems at all, this is going to be done by memrise itself.

Perhaps the plan is to trawl the existing courses and pluck out what memrise deems to be the best mems? At any rate, I find this formulation rather disturbing and very different from this one still in the “Knowledge base”:



Yes, but it [currently] also says this:

"Memrise has been designed to help you connect every new word in the densest, most vivid fashion possible. We do this with mems. Mems is our natty word for the morsels of interesting and relevant information you see beneath every word on Memrise. Mems can be mnemonics, etymologies, amusing videos, photos, example sentences: anything which helps connect what you’re learning and bring it to life. Memrise is a wonderful community of mem-makers: we believe that there’s no idea or fact that isn’t made easier to learn with a choice mem.

“Mems work best when they stimulate your senses, imagination and your emotions. The memories that result from such processing last longer, stand out better are just plain enjoyable and satisfying to recall.”


“We believe that every learner is partly a teacher, and we hope that once you get started, you’ll soon be supplying little nuggets of wit and wisdom to help the rest of the community as they learn!”


"Millions of people have learned what you want to learn. That’s why on Memrise we’re collecting all the most effective ways people have found of remembering all the most interesting information.

"As you learn, you share your ideas to help others, just as you benefit all the time from the ideas other people have shared.

“This way, we all learn quicker and more effortlessly. Memrise is the creative community for those who share the joy of learning.”

I expect this will get changed. As you say, the Release Note talked of “selected” mems being shown in future, but I can’t see them spending much, if any, time selecting mems from user-created courses. Also, as we know, what works as a mem for one person doesn’t work for everyone.

As I and others have said before, this change is driven more by server capacity and ‘housekeeping’ issues than anything else.


The official courses only take you to a very basic level, if they hide or get rid of user generated courses I think it would take away the appeal of memrise for the majority of people. I really hope that doesn’t happen but it seems like the next step, considering what we are seeing :frowning:

Let’s face it, the majority of complaints on the forum are about mistakes in user-generated courses, the vast majority of them should never have been published as they are unfinished and contain more mistakes than not. (Which is fine if you are there maintaining it and answering peoples questions and responding to feedback and fixing mistakes! But if you aren’t!) But it is equally true to say that all the best courses on memrise are user-generated.

I made sooooooooooo many mems for Advanced Spanish… When I scroll through them now I think “GAH the WHOLE point of adding that word was so people would know the information contained in that mem!” E.g. the gender of certain unusual noun endings.


Can’t agree with you. In the official Russian-Spanish courses was spotted more than a hundred of errors, some of them not corrected still. At the same time I’m learning a couple of user-generated courses, which are perfectly ok except for small typoes. But it’s no problem since they are in my native language. What disappointed me recently is this attitude like “we know better than you”. I hope it’s just some kind of unfortunate coincidence, I still like it very much.


I disagree: have a look at the fora of the official courses

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Ah Jeeze yee’re right! I stand corrected.

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Do you think Portuguese 1-7 transfers to A1, maybe even A2, just like DuoLingo?

In the FAQ Memrise told that the old A1 and A2 courses were replaced with 1-7 and 6-7 equals to B1.

Well, I hardly believe that PT6-7 (I am taking PT6 right now, PT1-5 are finished) will push me to B1 :wink:

But it is nice to have some Portuguese courses where it is not only about single words but mixed content - including phrases and sentences.

I think PT Basic, PT1-7 and DuoLingo will overlap in vocabulary.

Next intermediate/advanced courses or multi-language courses from EasyAcademy are all single word based :frowning:

my own European PT courses, and Suzannevds courses now also collocations, phrases, etc

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It should be illegal to say that an A1 course is a B1 course, it just causes major confusion. The CEF was invented to avoid that, and businesses distorting it for financial gain are making problems for everyone!