Get rid of the auto-accept in the web-version

bumpbumpbump anyone?

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Using capslook or at least typing one capital letter prevents auto-accept


haha that’s clever.

well thanks, however, to have to be careful to type capital letters with my amount of learned items is not a solution. And I’m looking for a solution

thanks for trying :grin:

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with many thanks to user @stream_nine90, who provided the script

I don’t like auto-accept either. I also don’t like running a script if I don’t know what is in it. Can auto-accept be made into a configurable setting, either by the course creator, or by a user profile setting?

OK, you clearly are a new (but maybe a little bit naive) registered user :slight_smile:

Monitor for the next 3-6 to 12 months how Memrise runs their web portal and forum announcements and you might get a grasp how naive your question probably was :wink:

Why don’t you check the source code of the above script for yourself?

You just need to access the JS plain file without the /RAW/, then you can read the source directly in your web browser without installing it: greasemonkey_scripts/MemriseDisableAutoAccept.user.js at master · stream009/greasemonkey_scripts · GitHub

Only if the Memrise developers do it.

This functionality was “deeply hacked” into their system (text box / next logic) and can not easly be turned OFF by a course creator / user profile setting without proper code support.

Therefore you need the offical support of staff, that their own code supports customization but does not force your browser to jump to the next question (text field change listener with some business logic behind it).

The user script overwrites the listener (bind) functionality and OVERWRITES Memrises own business code; so no, this can IMHO not be done THAT easily.

Of course, a user script could add “user settings” on the left side, once it installs it’s own code (and overwrites Memrises code)…

You can probably wait for quite long if you just wait for offical Memrise support - like with all other required user scripts “all typing”, “Timer disabler”, etc.

Memrise NEVER picked up the ideas from the many script gods, e.g improved them and released it customized for their own code.

I would be still waiting since 1,2 years, if I would rely on the offical Memrise programmers!!
Ask other seniors / Overloards…they use the Memrise web portal much longer than me.

What the Memrise programmers can really do:

  • They corrupt existing working user scripts, again and over again (“never change a running system”): In the meanwhile I am really starting to ask myself: Why the heck does the staff have to change all the time their frontend / business code (for the worse)???

  • Script programmers have to try to fix their scripts almost on a 1-4 weeks basis (there will probably be a time when all scripts are broken completley!) over and over again (ask Cooljingle if you do not believe me)

  • Memrise’s own last “review code update” was so clever to deactivate the support for Cooljingle’s user script “Catch-Up Review”

  • one of the best “Catch up review” functions on Memrise:
    Being able to review words out of the standard “Memrise SR interval” (e.g after 2-4 weeks or 3 months break) and you would NOT have been beaten the next days with too many reviews in your backlog the next days / weeks

  • because this user script support is gone: I am not that much interested to review all the offical PT1-5 courses anymore (sentences by typing, no speed review, no multiple-choice, no listener audio exercises); and if I do, I probably have to do it again the next days (even when I am correct).

Gone. Forever. RIP!

You actually expected Memrise programmers to care about whether their updates and changes are compatible with the scripts you personally are running? Seriously?

I bet they are far more concerned with making sure that their updates and changes work in hundreds of language pairs, in dozens of countries, for tens millions of users, while meeting design and performance goals…

Nope. They are far more concerned with making money.

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The inability to disable/adjust the timer and auto-accept is the single one reason I’m not upgrading to a paid subscription.

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I’m not sure if I’m the only one with this problem, but today my answers are getting auto-accepted again.
The previously posted script doesn’t seem to work anymore for me. Is anyone else having the same problem?

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yeah, tampermokey scripts are all affected (not other type of user scripts); @stream_nine90, would you kindly have the time to update the script?

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Link to thread scripts not working:

yes, thank you, i’ve replied there… (what is the problem?); there are diff. scripts with different authors.


I have fixed my scripts for recent change on Memrise.
I test it on Chrome with Tampermonkey.
Tell me if you have a problem.

P.S. I thought this was temporary band-aid until Memrise fix IME issue properly. But here we are, 4 months in.


Thanks @stream_nine90 for the update!

Does it work for other users? I can’t make the scripts work in chrome :frowning:

For me it works since the update earlier today. I use Chrome too.

Thanks, I’ll delete everything, turn off and on, and try again. It has to work ! :wink: