Hi guys just joined Memrise community but have been doing Memrise courses on French in Memrise
And I like French so I have a question just for my first post u like French?
Hi to anyone on this chat please reply here
Welcome to Memrise. What is your native language?
My native language is English thanks for replying to my post if you need anything just post on this chat
I’m learning French are you? and I’m a male by the way
I’m also learning French.
Thanks for following me I followed you back
thanks for following u like French?
Just shout out if u want 2 practice some French.
hello french learners I’m still here
Curious. what time are you usually online? Are you offering conversation practice or just texting?
both and usually on around 4:00 pm
Nice, how can I find you?
Before you guys start sharing personal details: there is a private messaging feature here on the forum.
Just click on a user’s name to bring up her/his details. On the top right you’ll find a “Message” button which will allow you to exchange info without everyone else seeing it. For instance:
It seems that, depending on how long you’ve been a forum user, the message feature may not be available. Obviously, Discourse (= the forum software) has some restrictions with this respect (I don’t know any details, sorry).
thanks for that, I will remember it
message me please