[Feature request] Levels within a level

I thought of this feature for quite a while and it would be nice to have something like that. Mainly because when mining words from a book/movie I, as I’m sure lots of other people too, have to make levels called “Insert book title 1”, “Insert book title 2”, etc… This is because Memrise only allows up to 100 words/review so the level has to have 100 words or less. This is really tedious, expecially for big courses where you want to find a specific level immediately.

This can all be resolved if we include a level that encompasses all the levels from the movie/book. That way, the main course layout looks more nice and clean.

Very similar to a request only about a month ago.
[Suggestion] Further course organisation by sub-levels.

I like your example - in that it does make sense to have sub-levels. But then again, I perhaps would make a course for each book separately, because they are really separate sets (i.e. Pride and Prejudice is a very different book from Grisham’s The Testament). Or is separate courses in practice not a good idea somehow? Or just a personal preference?

Though. I’d like to have a way to show connections between courses if they have a relationship (such as Study Language x Book 1, Study Language x Book 2, etc), to give them a tag saying ‘Study Language x’ course series. Or ‘Jane Austin Novel’s vocab course series’

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I wouldn’t say a course per book is impractical, it’s just a bit hard to notice compared to a main course and, from my experience, once you’re done with the course you don’t review it as often, not to mention that instead of thousands of scattered levels you have thousands of courses to deal with. That’s why including them in a main course, which you’d update often, makes it more noticeable. My example is not the best, I feel like the link you provided makes more sense. Regardless, it would be a nice addition.

Yes, the method you described would work great for Memrise. Basically, anything that would make a clean course that’s also engaging and noticeable would do.

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