Farewell to the 'Old Format' Web Version

I’ve also noticed this. It was a good way to keep track of how many words were learned…


Yes! This detail was useful for showing how my accuracy levels were progressing (or not!) and helped inform statistics that I had been keeping for individual courses. Now, sadly, lost.


Not sure if this has been mentioned, but please bring back the feature where you could click on the “Show me the answer” page for a brief moment even after you got the correct answer.
I used this a lot to review Pinyin and own example sentences, that I put in my own courses.

I thought this might work with the “show after test” feature that you can turn on for columns, but even if done right, it only shows up for 1 second, which is way too shor. Just bring back the option to show the window that pops up after a wrong answer, even if you got the answer right.
Would be greatly greatly appreciated, it feels kinda frustrating at the moment, after I put so much effort into my courses…


This has been the most frustrating part for me so far. I can understand the frustration with the UI, even though I don’t have too much of a problem with it, but the option to write the correct answer in standard review is so important to me. It is the reason why I stuck with the old version. I need to be corrected and forced to do it correctly before a word sticks in my head. Otherwise, it takes much much longer and is quite frustrating.


Also my most missing Feature… " The option to type the correct answer after a mistake is no longer there. This was important in the reviewing process. Giving a chance to get practice before the next time it appears."

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Correct me if I’m wrong @James_g_memrise, but can I not edit an entry while reviewing now?


I am afraid so. The effort to support this functionality could not be justified given the amount of times it was used, I appreciate that for those who did use it that’s not much consolation.
But as you know we are working on a new system and we have to get to that as soon as we can and where the new technology stack makes building such features much easier.


Is there a reason the graphics are so enormous? I’ve no idea if this is part of the reason for the slowness of the site. Sometimes it takes a couple of seconds before it renders a new word. Couple that with the lack of enter key and reviewing takes twice as long.

I’m another Firefox user. Chrome isn’t an option for me as I shun Google products.


The new experience sucks, in all frankness. After having been force-moved from the old web version and having given it a try for a couple of days, I can very assuredly say that in terms of language-learning efficiency, it is a decisive step back.
I have been using Memrise for, I guess, the last 8-9 years, and have had periods when I was using it almost daily. To give back, I created reasonably popular courses, with attendance in the thousands and have had a pro subscription on and off. So my Memrise experience is rather extensive.
However, the general tendency I cold see over the years was towards periodic senseless cosmetic UI changes sadly masking a gradual elimination of actually useful features.
To synthesize my position on the new release, I will quote one user from the forum:
“I think many of us would be happy with the ability to use a “legacy” layout. Clearly, Memrise has the infrastructure to support alpha, beta, and default layouts simultaneously. How about adding a “legacy 2021 (2020?)” layout that, aside from critical bugs, is otherwise a frozen release? Pushing this to a hidden option, like beta and alpha releases, while making the new layout+functionality the default resolves many issues. (Embedding “page counters” would also allow internal monitoring of what are the most used features of the legacy release.)”


I agree with you ginghisklown. I’ve been here since about 2016 and have paid for pro each year. This is probably going to be my last time. It just feels like everything is being gamified and dumbed down. I honestly don’t think memrise cares about us more advanced learners that use it in a more customized way.

I’ve been using quizlet “learn” and “write” functions a bit over the last few weeks but the primary issue with quizlet is they don’t have true spaced repetition. I wish I liked Anki but I have tried it a few times and it’s just not for me.


Is it right, the most useful feature of typing the words has gone? Or there is a magic box I need to tick in order to activate it? I dread the idea of moving all my courses and all of my students to quizlet now. But without typing the words there’s no sense to stay here

By default typing tests occur 60% of the time in classic review. But to make it the default test type go to your settings and enable the ‘Prioritise typing-only tests in Classic Review’ setting, which I guess is a ‘magic box’?

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Gee, how unfortunate I wasn’t informed when I signed up that there are bugs on Firefox. Unacceptable.

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Hello. Three days ago all learning interface was updated. I remarked some issues (Firefox 96.0.1 x64).

There was possibility to press Enter and immediately go to next step In old interface. In new interface it works only while test process (when need to choose one of suggested options). Enter key don’t work when need to write word by himself, by letter. It’s really inconvenient and uncomfortable, learning and repeating takes more time than before.

Another issue is about learning new words. Somehow in new interface learning process separated into two step. At first I just make a test (choose something of suggested options), than learning ends. Next press on learning button starts another step, when I write new words by letter by himself. In old interface it was only one step and it was much more convenient.

Maybe it’s a bug, not a feature? Is it possible to make some options for this purpose?

Is this any possibility to return old interface?


The enter key not working on firefox is a bug and is under active investigation. It’s working on other web browsers.

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I agree with JMjapan regarding the loss of several useful features. I would like to add that, on the previous version, if I got a phrase wrong on a course I had uploaded myself, there was an immediate option to edit that phrase. This was very useful if, for example I had typed “will not” and the course was only accepting “won’t”, and I could at once add “will not” as an alternative, so that I would not get marked wrong for it in future. That feature seems to have disappeared; it is very tedious to have to remember which phrase that applied to until after the review session, and then to have to find it amongst all the levels on the course.

Additionally, none of the stats are now available on the home page; it used to be very useful to be able to hover over the little square for today’s date, and see how many phrases I have learned or reviewed today. Now I have to click through to the stats page, and, given the time it takes to load, there is a disincentive now to check after each course reviewed and decide whether I really need to do another, or if I have done enough.

It feels as if the home page has sacrificed useful features for a dumbed down visual aspect that fills the screen with bright colours, but that no longer contains much of the information that make Memrise a serious learning tool.

Fortunately, my premium subscription doesn’t renew for another few months - time enough to see whether these are temporary bugs that will be sorted, or whether they are yet another step in reducing what was the best in the business to just another app for casual users.


I do not see the “Lesson Timer” option. Here are all the options available to me:

  • Words per Learning Session
  • Words per Reviewing Session
  • Words per Speed Reviewing Session
  • Tapping tests (jumbled words)
  • Prioritise typing-only tests in Classic Review
  • Audio tests

Am I missing something?


I miss those features too and I wish they were back. But it is not critical for me.

60%? Why? If a course is set for typing tests and the preference of the user is typing tests why not 100%?

So far when I’ve reviewed I’m getting all typing tests so maybe that 60% is not correct. I understand the point of having multiple choice during the learning phase because you don’t yet know the word … though often I do but I’m using memrise more to make sure I can spell correctly at this point.


No, you are right. Looks like it has been removed, it’s not there anymore.

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