Rollout of the new dashboard and learning sessions experiences to all our customers

I have been using Memrise now for around 10 years, and have put up with many of the updates. This new dashboard is terrible, it is oversized, difficult to navigate and far less intuitive than the old dashboard. They have also removed the option to edit my courses and words while reviewing.


It feels as though this update is just to add the ability for adverts for those free users, rather than to make it more intuitive and better for learning as they originally suggested.


You can find all your mems saved in one place here: MaxLogan6450 (2416) - Google Drive


Did they actually add anything new or was this update just to remove everything that made Memrise good?



So you’ve said it’s gonna be at least 6 months until you’ll completely remove the old design. Now, as we can see, you did that today, mid of the first month of 2022. I don’t understand. Is this your mistake or you were just lying to us? I am confused, sad and disappointed.


Yes, you have confused something. They were going to change design and hide mems on the 1st January, it happenned only yesterday as we can see. Removal of the mems is preplanned for the middle of the year.


I thought that too.
It was a valuable feature to interact (even if it wasn’t immediate).

I have just asked about that on another > thread <

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There is no plan to remove mems. We would like to bring functionality back when we can, it’s just a matter of prioritisation.
By mid year we hope to give some people access to the new learning system but timelines are very fluid as we continue design work.

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If the mems are not removed, how can we see them?

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They are not in lessons at this time i’m afraid after the full rollout of the beta yesterday. You can currently only your mems on your profile or another user’s profile page
I was just trying to clarify from hombre’s statement which implied there would be some further deletion, this is not the case. All mems are still stored in our system, and we hope to have a improved way to show, create and use them in the future when priorities allow.

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Hi @James_g_memrise,

I am sorry, you folks are aware of a bug related to a popular feature and impacts user learning, and yet are still preventing people from reverting back to the previous version of the layout until this is resolved?


He says the day after removing mems.


Not a statement, just citing your initial plans. Don’t remember you or anyone else from the Memrise team officially saying that you’ll bring mems back. There were a lot of “we’lI look into it” and all that, but it’s not the same.

Oh, I have access to your new system. :slight_smile: Nothing to write home about, at least at the moment.

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is that so?




Apart from all the issues everyone’s already mentioned, the ESC button seems to not work anymore to not enter an answer and just look at the answer for the current session? Instead you’re forced to either enter a blank or wrong answer and get it right before the current session terminates. Also if you happen to fall on 2 words like this in one session, it basically gets stuck in a loop between the two until you get one right. So you can’t make progress on any other words in the current session until you get those right. Previously, if I wasn’t sure of a word, I’d press ESC, see the meaning and then continue on and that word would remain marked for ‘review’ for future sessions. Instead now, because we’re forced to answer, it ends up being marked reviewed but becomes a difficult word because we got it wrong.

Speaking of which, as others have mentioned but it’s worth repeating, the new difficult words features are ridiculous. Reviewing the difficult word isn’t akin to learning the word from scratch and having the difficult word appear in text that you’re then supposed to just mimic and type-over is a baffling addition. Difficult words is basically the only reason I have a pro membership because I found it so beneficial to my learning but if it’s going to remain as broken as it is now, I really don’t see the point of continuing to pay for this.

A UI overhaul in and of itself wouldn’t be so bad, I’m sure eventually I (and others) would have gotten used to it but what’s puzzling is the decision to upend so much of the underlying functionality as well. I (and am sure others) have made so much progress in language learning over the years thanks to Memrise and so all of this is just really disappointing.


I wonder if this is a deliberate change, or it’s due to something that went awry during the Memrise development process. Either way, the change has seriously degraded the learning process, at least for me.


The only actual benefit that I see is that the dashboard loads faster. There still isn’t a way to see how many words are ready for review in each course. They overall total is more accurate than the the individual totals, for some inexplicable reason, since the total is obviously accessing information for each course. And now, each lesson does not list the number of words, so there is no way of knowing how many words you will be reviewing either before or during a lesson. The difficult words change is a total fail. There is no option for a timer, which some of us liked. Mems are gone. All of this for faster load times and an arguably nicer design? OK, one change that I might end up liking is that typing the answer to a mistaken word comes after the next one, which forces you to try to commit to memory before moving on. For now it is annoying, because I automatically start typing it, but it might turn out to be better when I am used to it.


I currently find it annoying, because I have been doing it the other way for so long, but I wonder if I will like it better, because you have to try to commit it to memory, then do anothe word, and then remember it. We’ll see.


Credit where credit is due: I do like that it shows me what I entered when the correct answer pops up. There have been so many times where I have been like “What?! Isn’t that EXACTLY what I JUST typed?!!?!” when really it was probably just a typo or I was one letter off in my understanding or something. :upside_down_face:


Hi, one complaint I have is that now in classic review the audio won’t finish playing if I press enter after correctly inputting a word. I still want to hear the word read out as I quickly go through my classic review words. Having the words just half read out is just annoying noise. I’d rather the audio finished as I review the next word.