Daily goals not reset at midnight at some timezones

Username: daydaywong
Platform: Web (Chrome on OS X, Chrome on Windows 7, Chrome on Android 5.1.1, Memrise app on Android 5.1.1)
Phone or tablet firmware/app version/device model (if on mobile): Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900T
Date of first occurrence: Apr 18, 2016
Frequency of occurrence: Every day
Description of steps you took when issue happened: See below

I am on PST timezone and have had issue of daily goals not resetting at midnight for 2 weeks (almost everyday). At least the past 4 days in a row, after midnight at PST had passed, my 3 daily goals were not reset. In order to work around this issue, I had to change to another timezone (Tokyo in my case) the following morning (7:5x AM PST) because that other timezone was approaching its midnight. Once my tweak had reset the goals, I set it back to my original timezone (actually optional) for the heck of it. Streaks still advance correctly after goal reset.

No one has this problem? In the old forum there was a thread of 80 something replies (http://www.memrise.com/thread/1809376/) that were complaining about this right before they switched to this new forum. Are those people all right now on daily goal reset?

So after you reset your timezone the problem went away? If I recall correctly that was advice given in that thread also.

@Arete_Hime, I am located in the US Pacific Standard Time zone. Memrise, both the app and site has stopped reseting my daily goals for at least 2-3 weeks or so. It’s still not working as of today. Since about a week ago, I found a tweak to temporarily set to some other timezone that can reset my goals. In my case, it’s Tokyo because its midnight is 8 AM my local time so it’s perfect to goals reset in my mornings. It works without problem.

The only inconvenience is that I have to do it everyday unless I ignore the annoying “Your current time zone doesn’t match the one on your device…” pop up on Memrise app.

The bottom line is that the Memrise’s daily goal reset server process is still not working correctly.

I am in Melbourne, Australia and on EST time (-9 hrs from GMT). It does not reset for me at midnight (and it didn’t before either). Major bug for me. Sometimes I have time in the morning for Memrise (more than at night), but any work I do before 11am counts for the previous day. Like I said before, this is a major bug for me.

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Exactly! I don’t know why Memrise is so silent about this one. Do we have any Memrise developers or QA checking on this Bug Control section of the forum who can give us an update please?

I made an error with my own time zone! Melbourne, Australia is +8 hrs GMT (not -9). If the time zone thing can’t be adjusted for anyone outside of the UK, why, then doesn’t my new day start at 8am? That would be +8 hrs GMT. Why 11am?

we’ll be looking into it, it is related to the server issue that we have been struggling with in the past few weeks.

Also posted the same issue on the Beta community. Hopefully they can fix the server issue soon as I am still experiencing this problem everyday! :sob:

@knarusk, it’s still happening to me everyday. Your server team is still looking into it? Any update is appreciated.

Other users are reporting on another thread (http://community.memrise.com/t/courses-streak-not-reseting-on-18-05-for-some-of-us/556/12), is Memrise going to do something?

In over 2 years on Memrise, I don’t think the time zone has ever been right for me (in Melbourne, Australia).

I usually do not use Memrise at night so I don’t have to deal with this problem. However, I experience repeatedly not switching Timezone right. Even that it is now some time after 1 AM (Sunday) in my area, my daily goals are still set as it was yesterday (Saturday). No sessions shown in the Pro frame even thought I did them.

No one from Memrise team seems to care? Is someone going to do something about it, please? Several people mentioned the same problem before and it seems that it has still not been fixed…

If so… thanks a lot in advance! :slight_smile: