Courses *suddenly* requiring either hyphens or even strict typing

Hi everyone,

We’ll be looking into several issues which have been raised, slowly but surely.

The good news is that we are currently working on them.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Well, I thought I was something the creator of the course I was taking (Advanced English (B2, C1, C2). Spanish Speakers) had done wrong: I have to write some words with the phonetic transcription in order to be marked as correct… So I wrote on the course wall here in the community, I was writing an email to the course creator and now I read this and it seems it is a problem with the slash… Or it seems to be a problem with the dash, because this moring I took French for Spanish Speakers made by Duolingo and no problem with accents, periods and anything…
Let’s wait to see what happens… And hopefully we won’t have to leave our courses.

Thanks, @Joshua. I’m sure you’ll crack it soon.

It’s not just the “inconvenience”, though. Each time we are marked wrong when giving a correct answer, our learning stats and review periods are being skewed!


This should be considered a priority 1 bug of the sort where some of the staff cease ALL other work and treat this as their urgent full time focus. Enough staff to get it fixed, ASAP. I’m really disturbed at a) how long it took to acknowledge, and b) the tone of casualness about it. Memrise is basically broken and unusable for a large number of courses currently.

I’m so embarassed that I just gave out the URL for my fish course, just two days ago, to a large group of people I went on a dive trip with. If any of them try it now, they’ll think it’s terrible, and they’d be right. There isn’t even a banner up on the web site explaining that there’s a serious bug, so people who try courses and get marked erroneously wrong will just think the course is terrible and not come back, and it will reflect on me. Ugh.


that space for the travelling sun could be used instead for short announcements from the team, for ex of the following type: “the site is currently experiencing /having / causing / etc trouble regarding this and that…”.


I’ve only been running into issues with comma-separated lists needing to be inputted strictly for the past several days–somehow, in the course of fixing things, the developers created a set of entirely new problems? As others mentioned above, this makes a large number of my courses exceedingly frustrating to use, and I’m presently considering dropping Memrise entirely and searching for other alternatives.

If you are playing around with new features, that is the sort of thing to develop in a separate beta website that does not affect current users until all the bugs have been smoothed out.

My experience with the Memrise team’s developments has not been entirely a happy one: in the past two or three years, I’ve found the website has only become worse and worse. First minor annoyances like the course icons on the dashboard being much larger and requiring lengthy scrolling/page loading rather than the previous much more convenient layout, then new much-more-egregious issues like deleting all the old forums. (What was the logic of removing a discussion area accessible for each course from each course page? And then deleting all the comments I made in those forums? And then requiring a separate login/website for the forums rather than a unified site?) But now, with these bugs, you have actually impeded your website’s principal function. Bear in mind that people are here not because of all the new features/“improvements” you’ve been adding, but because they wish to study, and your principal job is to facilitate that process.

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Please, hurry up fix this annoying bug. Thanks.

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use the iPhone app (without updating it!) or the function speed review from the website. That way you can keep your streak without damaging your stats too much

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Thanks for those ‘workrounds’, @yuu999.

I don’t keep streaks. But I do keep my own records of my percentage accuracy on tests. It’s those that are being affected, and the frequency of review.

Let’s hope the devs get it fixed soon.

are people still experiencing this? it went away for me ages ago…:confused:

really? how many “ages”?

edit: two days now, since typing courses got unusable…

Any ETA on when this will be fixed? This is ridiculous.

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I had to disable Typing Tests for the English column of my course (The Ultimate Kanji Course). This is far from ideal, because it’s way easier to answer a multiple choice than it is to remember the word by yourself.

Someone please look into this and fix it ASAP.


@Joshua Memrise - what have you done?? You fixed the apostrophe problem and seem to have created another really bad one. I use other people’s courses and made a few courses with a synonym column which was absolutely wonderful as you had another chance to get the required word when you wrote a synonym. Now this doesn’t work if you have synonyms separated by commas. You have to write them all. However when reviewing the main word if you have commas separating 2 items you can write either of them.
Also now on the many courses which put adjectives such as freddo/a you now have to write the whole thing and as this varies from course to course it has become a nightmare. It is going to take hours and hours to change all these. (I am assuming that with the synonym column if you put them as individual alternatives it will work and if you leave a gap between the oblique ie freddo / a or put fredda as an alternative that will work) I am a long standing member of memrise and am now really disheartened and feel like giving up.

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Just my 2 cents, but I wouldn’t waste time changing anything in your courses to try to compensate for this new memrise bug. There is no way that they can leave it this way, which would make many courses unusable. As we don’t know what they are going to do to fix it, or if they will make it worse, I would take a time out from your courses, until we get clarity about what is going to be done.

The lack of communication from the memrise developers regarding their plans, and an explanation of how this happened, means that you can’t predict what will happen if you change things now.


@xvg11 I am sure you are right - but it is so frustrating.


It seems to be working properly again for me (for others too, I hope).

Thanks, team! Let’s hope it stays like this :).

Still broken for me (using the German 5000 top words sorted by frequency course).

Not working for me.

This needs urgent fixing - the system is unusable!

It’s a week that I haven’t been able to make any progress, quite the opposite, how long should it take to sort out the API?


Rest assured that the Memrise team is hard at work.