Courses *suddenly* requiring either hyphens or even strict typing

@Joshua Memrise - what have you done?? You fixed the apostrophe problem and seem to have created another really bad one. I use other people’s courses and made a few courses with a synonym column which was absolutely wonderful as you had another chance to get the required word when you wrote a synonym. Now this doesn’t work if you have synonyms separated by commas. You have to write them all. However when reviewing the main word if you have commas separating 2 items you can write either of them.
Also now on the many courses which put adjectives such as freddo/a you now have to write the whole thing and as this varies from course to course it has become a nightmare. It is going to take hours and hours to change all these. (I am assuming that with the synonym column if you put them as individual alternatives it will work and if you leave a gap between the oblique ie freddo / a or put fredda as an alternative that will work) I am a long standing member of memrise and am now really disheartened and feel like giving up.

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Just my 2 cents, but I wouldn’t waste time changing anything in your courses to try to compensate for this new memrise bug. There is no way that they can leave it this way, which would make many courses unusable. As we don’t know what they are going to do to fix it, or if they will make it worse, I would take a time out from your courses, until we get clarity about what is going to be done.

The lack of communication from the memrise developers regarding their plans, and an explanation of how this happened, means that you can’t predict what will happen if you change things now.


@xvg11 I am sure you are right - but it is so frustrating.


It seems to be working properly again for me (for others too, I hope).

Thanks, team! Let’s hope it stays like this :).

Still broken for me (using the German 5000 top words sorted by frequency course).

Not working for me.

This needs urgent fixing - the system is unusable!

It’s a week that I haven’t been able to make any progress, quite the opposite, how long should it take to sort out the API?


Rest assured that the Memrise team is hard at work.


Use it as a good opportunity to start learning the plural endings!

that’s what I am like on my courses :joy:

last month

@ApolloNexus, did you read the messages in this thread??? are you taking typing courses?

typing courses? like this one?

sorry, what exactly is your pb? this strict typing issue came back recently, again.

Again: read the thread before answering that the issue was solved long time ago.

Thanks for your awareness.
Could you please undo whatever you did and then work on this?
I mean, I test my stuff time and time again before sending it to Production, but it seems you guys are just sending stuff without any testing at all.

I’m really sad because I can’t use most of my courses

Seems to be fixed for me now, at least on the Russian Course I did. However the result seems kind of hacky. I purposely typed something in wrong and it basically said that everything but the first letter was right. So it seems like they’re using some kind of short circuited OR logic. I really need to try and type in the second option after the comma, hyphen and see if it functionally will accept that answer.

Bleh… still broken for Spanish Conjugation. That being said, it did say the first part was correct even though I didn’t type that, but the second choice was wrong, which I did type.

did I forget to mention that the hyphen problem is also back?

Can whoever is PMing this roll back to the version live 1 week ago?

And fire your QA manager while at it…


For me too, german 5000 course is unusable for 3 days now. I keep my streak with learning new words (with plurals+commas), but i cant do the reviews. I hope they will fix it soon (happened another time too, but just for a couple of hours).

Anyways, is there a way to listen to the audio of the words, or it works only in the pro version? Thanks.

Meanwhile at Memrise HQ:


Why do you assume they have a QA Manager?
I don’t believe even a bad QA Manager would allow for something like this to happen.

I’m really pissed off by this dumb situation… who the hell sends stuff to production without testing it, at least the very basic stuff.

If they got to the zoo and hired a monkey I believe the Quality would increase tenfold.