Courses *suddenly* requiring either hyphens or even strict typing

supercalifragilisticexpialidolce even more items to review yuppiiieeee

blah :-1:

i got error for writting “alii … alii” instead of “alii … alii”

@GabrieleCramer-Knebe We’re still working on resolving all tapping / typing test issues.

@Hydroptere Do you mind explaining your issue more clearly, I was unable to reproduce.

Is it not possible for now to put Memrise back to how it was before this problem, and then to work on whatever changes you are trying to make in slow time? This happened nearly two weeks ago, and I guess many people (like me) haven’t been able to do much learning or reviewing since then. I am on the verge of giving up on Memrise.

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One option could be ignoring those troublesome sets?

@sircemloud: ignoring hundreds and thousands of items? not a workable solution… but the hyphen thing seems gone now - at least in the Indonesian courses.

Thank you all for your patience. Our development team has been working on fixing all the different issues caused by punctuation, but as you can imagine, there is no easy way to accommodate for all punctuation.

We’ve released a fix yesterday to cover some of the more pressing issues (hyphens, apostrophes and some others) and we’re still working hard on trying to solve all the punctuation issues so keep an eye out for it in the following days.


Hi, @Joshua, no, it was in Wheelock’s Latin 7th Ed. Ch. 1 - 6 Audio ( ), i think, i’m taking two Wheelocks, but this item is “very basic”, so it cannot be in the other one

the item is “learned” now, and i have to wait for the review to see if one dot in plus “grants” me the red mark.

many thanks

No, actually, it’s really puzzling, because it all worked fine for years, until just a couple of weeks ago. Why couldn’t whatever change broke it have been tested and rolled back at that time?


Thank you, I hope you will take into account punctuation in arabic courses, like commas. I am stressing this point, because punctuation in arabic is written differently (frome right to left, like this: “،” shift + k on azerty keyboard).

Great, thanks! My problem was with the hyphens, and that is now fixed and working as before.

same here, yay! :smirk:

Hey @Joshua I am having the same problem with parentheses. Is there any way to know when that particular problem will be fixed? Thanks so much!

I’m running into an issue on @DrewSSP’s new HSK 6 course where if one chooses to type optional words, the parentheses around the optional words are now required.

For example, the word “(professional) position” use to accept both “position” and “professional position” as correct answers, without having to add alternative answers, but now if one wants to type “professional position”, they have to use parentheses and type “(professional) position” instead.

Like @zmanvitale and @neoncube, I noticed today that parenthesis are required. (Normally, they aren’t.)

Two examples:

In A2 German, sich entschuldigen is not an acceptable answer, but (sich) entschudigen is. Likewise, (jemanden) ausreden lassen works, but jemanden ausreden lassen does not.

it was always like this, in my courses…

I just began having the same problem today; the course will no longer accept one of the options on either side of the “/”. The issue was not present in the morning.

Just started getting the ‘/’ issue today as well. The thing is it happens to some words and not to others in the same lesson. Also it happens to some courses and not others. It’s annoying as hell. I wish we could override strict settings like we use to have the ability to do.

Please, someone look into this. Testing no longer accepts only one word when there are multiple meanings separated by " / ". For example, ぐんたい meaning is “army / troops”. In the past, I could write either “army” or “troops”, and the system would take that as a correct answer. Now I have to write “army / troops”, as if strict typing was enabled (which it isn’t).

I’m the creator of a Japanese course with over 8000 entries, and I can’t modify all words to include only one meaning. Please, solve this ASAP. If this issue isn’t resolved, Memrise is as good as useless.


here we go again… now every comma, slash etc is a problem…

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It seems that every courses have the same problem. English courses included. Waiting for admins to fix that.