Courses *suddenly* requiring either hyphens or even strict typing

Thank you @hung-phan for pointing me to the other thread.

It seems that this thread and the other one are discussing the same issue. As @BenWhately has explained, Memrise is re-working the platform to make it suit more recent joiners who prefer to use the mobile platform, and in the process is changing the way in which community-created courses are being interpreted.

I have a better idea for tracing down all the problem. Please follow the instruction on the post and tag me in if you want me to investigate your problem.

I still have the problems with the “,”. In my course I usually offer both answers in English British and American as correct. Before you just had to type one not both of them.

What am I suppose to do? Introduce manually both of them as altervatives valid answers?
That would an insane amount of work.

I’ll give you an example. In my Spanish English course you have the word ENDAVOUR (brit) and ENDAVOR (Am) spelling as in “Esfuerzo = endavour, endavor”. Am I supposed to type the whole thing (“endavour, endavor”) to get the correct answer?


According to the new guidelines (as far as I understood them) a semicolon or / should be used to separate alternatives. Commas won’t work anymore.

Hello ReParker, I don’t want to be nit-picking, but FYI, you have missed out a letter ‘e’ in your two versions of the word endeavour/endeavor. :slight_smile:

I hope this explains:

I have replaced commas with semicolons in this course ; now it is asking for strict typing??? Also, I have problems recording audio in this one…

Hi Hydroptere,
I just tested your course (with the first 5 words) and found no problems with the behaviour. Either salubre and saludable were accepted and deschabolización did not force me to use the diacritical mark. As I am in the middle of replacing commas with semicola myself I am still worried all this work might be useless … where did you encounter the problem you mentioned?


later in the course, two or three times - might be also related with the problems Memrise has distinguishing between “l” (wie in “leider”) and “I” (wie “Inhalt”) …

verdammt!!! here is not functioning: “consultora de gestión; asesoría gerencial” in my economics course, probably memrise wants consultora de gestión ; asesoría gerencial !!! at least they should say so!

if useless or nor, hm: it did work in the last days for languages without accents, although probably the best solution is to add zillion invisible alternatives (what for a silly work!)

(was Memrise heute sagt und was morgen tut, das sind zwei ganz unterschiedliche Paar Schuhe)

Can you try this @Hydroptere?

This is my attempt with your words

tapping should be disabled in that course, thanks for pointing that to me know that I have to change that too/ the course is typing/audio review period

  • meanwhile i’ve added spaces in front of the semicolons

Please see our recent update for more information on how punctuation behaves on Memrise.

I posted this in the other topic, but I thought it might be good to post it here, too:

I’ve written a userscript that replaces commas with semicolons. Please see this topic for more information :slight_smile:

When combining special characters like ć or č together with diacritic marks, memrise still accepts only either strict typing (including special charakters and diacritic marks) or typing free of special characters and diacritic marks.

As far as I’m aware, Memrise has always behaved this way. For courses with strict typing turned off, either you skip all diacritics and special characters, or you include all of them.

And a small point of clarification, it’s not quite the same as strict typing. Strict typing means you must also match all punctuation and capitalization.

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You’re totally right, it was always like this. With all the chaos produced by memrise, I got confused as well.

The same with Chinese, pelase fix this.

Looks like people editing words / Chinese characters do not know the difference between using ‘;’ and ‘,’ in Memrise.

Some examples where you need to type definition but part of it can’t be used as an answer. This is mega annoying and should be reedited ASAP.

  • Character 辛:
    ** Definition: suffering, hot (in taste, flavor), hard, laborious
    ** Available answers (besides full deifnition): spicy; tired; eighth; heavenly; stem

  • Character 歹
    ** Definition: chip, evil
    ** Available answers (besides full deifnition): evil; bad; wicked

  • Character 愿
    ** Definition: willing, desire
    ** Available answers (besides full deifnition): desire; to wish; to hope; sincere; wish; ready; promise

  • Character 斤
    ** Definition: half a kilo, axe (radical)
    ** Available answers (besides full deifnition): 0.5 kg; catty

  • Character 永
    ** Definition: forever, always

  • Character 即
    ** Definition: immediately, even if
    ** Available answers (besides full deifnition):at once; very quickly; to approach

  • Character 集
    ** Definition: to gather, to collect
    ** Available answers (besides full deifnition): volume; collectively

FluffyBearBoy, I think that’s is a separate issue, which is talked about in this topic.

Ok, so how about this?

Continued below…

Semicolon come up as a separate word now :open_mouth:

This has been an issue now for months, how come it’s not yet fixed, please tell me how this could be considered anything but ridiculous and a complete failure on part of the dev and QA team?