[Courses Fora] Hydroptère's courses

European Portuguese, Dutch, Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, Sanskrit, French, German, Indonesian, Tuvan, Italian, + the non-language “History of Buddhism”.

please post here mistakes, mentioning of course first the language/course you’re taking, then the specific mistake. Many thanks.

Contributors welcome.


Hi Hydroptere,
I think you also contribute to courses by VM_NM? If so here are some mistakes I found in the course "Thematischer Wortschatz Spanish"
Level 16:
al amenecer (instead of al amanecer)
Level 17:
el clima océanico (instead of oceánico)


@Foorgol: die 2 habe ich korrigiert: für weitere Korrekturen in “Thematischer Wortschatz” stehe ich nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

I’ve corrected these two: but, please understand that this forum thread it is for my own courses and nothing more (or less). I shall neither answer, nor correct any requests for other courses other than those created by myself. Sorry.

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Alles klar, vielen Dank dafür. Bei Deinem Pensum war ich ohnehin erstaunt, dass Du vor der Umstellung des Forumsystems auch noch anderer Leute Kurse gepflegt hattest. Ich schätze Dein Engagement hier im Forum und Deinen Einsatz auf der Hauptseite sehr :slight_smile:

keine Ursache, und vielen Dank für die netten Worte! (ich schaffe nicht alles in einem einzigen Thread… wäre reinster Chaos… und VM kann sich endlich mal melden???)

i’ve edited these courses until now, in order to be functional:
http://www.memrise.com/course/813123/2-the-city/ ; http://www.memrise.com/course/879555/1-early-buddhism/
“betriebsfähig”: http://www.memrise.com/course/1188080/1-indonesisch-1/ ;

these are also almost done, but I think there are still items that make problems
http://www.memrise.com/course/1010061/3-fortgeschrittene-1/ ; http://www.memrise.com/course/762386/2-mar-de-los-deseos/ ; http://www.memrise.com/course/802220/1-everyday-life-1/ ;

this should have no probs, because i’ve added alternatives some other time when Memrise did a similar thing:
http://www.memrise.com/course/211679/1-technical-part-1/ ;

fully usable: http://www.memrise.com/course/951711/2-temporal-markers/ ;

with this http://www.memrise.com/course/453/comprehensive-stroke-order/ I am half through, but I’m not using it and it is a huge course. I’ve edited it again and again because some people use it, honestly i’m tired with spending hours on it (contributors welcome)

Hi, I am doing the course called Cantonese Vocab 1: First 400 words which has a link to this forum in the description. On level 46 word 25/44 the recorded sound is ‘52’ (in Cantonese) but the written number is ‘32’. Is it possible to correct this? Thanks, Adam


I did not get a notification (what the darn)…

but in the database see 五十二 52 ng5 sap6 yi6 (or did somebody else corrected the mistakes in the meanwhile? unlikely)

Hi thanks for the reply number 52 is correct but the one with digit ‘32’ has the same sound recording. The pronounciation is written correctly as ‘saam1 sap6 yi6’.
Hopefully that makes sense!

ach ok, I understand

unfortunately I don’t have a replacement audio file (the author of the course is not active anymore, and I am just a curator)

It makes me sad to read this, Niamh. I know you will have thought very carefully about things before reaching this decision, though, but I really hope that you will not have to take those final steps.


Sorry to hear that - but completely understandable considering all the crazy stuff even I lived through (thinking of semicolons,crazy design changes, forced audio etc.). I always highly appreciated your contributions. I’m just glad that most of my work is hopefully easily transferable to another platform should it come to them getting rid of the web version.

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I suspect that unfortunately they’ll make some “popularity contest” for community sourced courses, and decide to keep only those “most popular” - so you should have an ace in your sleeve/migrate your course any time necessary… my courses would probably be deleted anyhow (except 2 or 3)

many thanks, @alanh, @foorgol

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The “ace in my sleeve” is that I never trusted the system completely and created everything (except Vogelstimmen) in LibreOffice before uploading the material in bulk. At least they can’t destroy my tables :unamused:

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(Vogelstimmen on my list! :laughing: (hopefully I have the time before they… you know))

Sigh. Yes. I am coming to the conclusion we won’t get mems back. If either the web or the community courses are deleted, I’ll be following suit.

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all courses I’ve created are “unlisted”/private until Memrise solves the mems bug. You can use them as normal, of course. Amazing what damage “pseudo-concerned parents”, or “market competitors” or simply idle minds can inflict upon memrise…

I was thinking of maybe, maybe reading Umberto Eco in Italian. I seem to recall a course on him, and I link it in my mind to your profile pic. Were you the creator, and thus it went private?

you have a good memory… not only it went private, but it was deleted soon afterwards,

at the time I remember to have decided to maybe add those items to my italian-german courses (which I did … not, not really, very few people are really interested in Eco beyond the Name of the Rose)… I could add those items (I have somewhere in my “library” laptop my notes, as I tend to collect Eco in all sort of languges) to my “city” course. Would you be interested in that? or in trying my Italian to German advanced/no-typing courses?

but, be warned, in original Eco sounds something like this (Isola del giorno prima): -"“Eppure m’inorgoglisco della mia umiliazione, e poiché a tal privilegio son condannato, quasi godo di un’aborrita salvezza: sono, credo, a memoria d’uomo, l’unico essere della nostra specie ad aver fatto naufragio su di una nave deserta”"

Così, con impenitente concettosità, Roberto de la Grive, presumibilmente tra il luglio e l’agosto del 1643.
Da quanti giorni vagava sulle onde, legato a una tavola, a faccia in giù di giorno per non essere accecato dal sole, il collo innaturalmente teso per evitare di bere, riarso dal salmastro, certamente febbricitante? Le lettere non lo dicono e lasciano pensare a una eternità, ma si dev’essere trattato di due giorni al più, altrimenti non sarebbe sopravvissuto sotto la sferza di Febo (come immaginosamente lamenta) lui così infermiccio quale si descrive, animale nottivago per naturale difetto. …"

or like this (Il Pendolo di Foucault):
“E al di là di questa sequenza di antichi oggetti mobili, ora immobili, dall’anima arrugginita, puri segni di un orgoglio tecnologico che li ha voluti esposti alla reverenza dei visitatori, ve­gliato a sinistra da una statua della Libertà, modello ridotto di quella che Bartholdi aveva pro­ gettato per un altro mondo, e a destra da una statua di Pascal, si apre il coro, dove fa corona alle oscillazioni del Pendolo l’incubo di un entomologo malato — chele, mandibole, antenne, proglottidi, ali, zampe — un cimitero di cadaveri meccanici che potrebbero rimettersi a funzio­ nare tutti allo stesso tempo —magneti, trasformatori monofase, turbine, gruppi convertitori, macchine a vapore, dinamo — e in fondo, oltre il Pendolo, nell’ambulacro, idoli assiri, caldaici, cartaginesi, grandi Baal dal ventre un giorno rovente, vergini di Norimberga col loro cuore irto
di chiodi messo a nudo, quelli che un tempo erano stati motori di aeroplano — indicibile coro­na di simulacri che giacciono in adorazione del Pendolo, come se i figli della Ragione e delle Luci fossero stati condannati a custodire per l’eternità il simbolo stesso della Tradizione e della Sapienza…”

or like this (Storia della Brutezza): “All’alba dell’Umanesimo, l’apice della misoginia è raggiunto dal Corbaccio di Boccaccio. Il narratore ama, non riamato, una bella vedova e il suo evidente risentimento viene espresso dall’anima del marito, che sorge dal Purgatorio per descrivergli la lussuria e la perfidia della donna, rivelando allo spasimante già vecchio (quarantadue anni!) che essa nasconde i suoi cinquant’anni con creme e altri impiastri schifosi, diffondendosi con particolari disgustosi sulla sua bruttura fisica.”

save for Salman Rushdie, there are no writers such as Eco left on Earth…

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