Course stuck on Chatbot and Grammarbot

Not sure if this is a bug - I can’t seem to get it to progress to more words and other options. I will do chat bot/grammar bot over and over…and its the same chats! I get the repetition to drive the exact discussion in my head, but its at the expense of other vocabulary, I can’t even learn new words. Ideas on how to fix this? I’d rather not override the algorithm but forcing new words to be taught - I enjoy just flowing through what it offers. However, to always be stuck on the same grammarbot/chatbot is not progression at all.

To be more specific: It only ever repeats grammarbot and chatbot. I cannot get it to go over new words - I have never had it trigger speed review even ONCE. its 90% grammarbot/chatbot and I occasionally get ‘Listening Skills’ or ‘Learn with Locals’. This is on French 1.
I don’t mind that grammarbot/chatbot is broken, but can the frequency be reduced, or can I just turn it off until you guys fix it?

Reported in several other threats:
Chat bot keeps repeating (may 4).
GrammarBot same chat repeating.
Chatbots repeating [British English 2, German 1] - #12 by John_Baite.
There is even a feature request:
Feature Request : reduce frequency and repetition of bots.
It seems the only workaround is to ignore the bots until further notice, and choose ‘learn new words’ or ‘review’ yourself (don’t follow the suggestion of the web).

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Hallo alphahelices,

memrise installed these new feature because they are a big improvement. So please don’t criticize it!
Also, memrise found that always clicking on the same colorful button is the most fun and thereby the best you can do in learning languages. Please don’t forget praising the Ziggy-Cartoon as well.

Happy learning.
Glupan by proxy for memrise

I am getting the same problem as well. I have had 3 grammarbot lessons in a row yeasterday. And then today got grammarbot lessons 7 times in a single 45min session - and they are always the same.

Would prefer to turn it off until it is improved.

i found that if you start the training, and then promptly hit the “X” within the session at the top, then it exits the session. After a couple times (sometimes up to 5-6 times) it goes back to the regular teaching algorithm. For up to 30 seconds of annoyance, you can effectively get rid of it.

French 2 - found Chatbot and Grammarbots start in on words and sentences that have yet to be taught in previous types of lessons. It’s pure luck if you get it correct and if not it doesn’t explain why or what is correct. You can’t get it right, can’t learn, can’t even exit except by giving up completely and hope the same stupid lesson doesn’t come back. I can’t believe Memrise are asking money for such badly written lessons.