[Course Forum] Tschechisch-Deutsch (Duolingo) by tbiedl

OK, these are all in -

Lesson 25
Vyrabějí -> vyrábějí
Šušička -> sušička

Fixed! Thanks -

Lesson 25
kuchýně -> kuchyně
obývak -> obývák
šalek -> šálek

Thanks, eiseli - I have to try to get ahead of you one of these days so you don’t have to do all the reporting! Looking ahead to Lesson 26, there is “pidl”, an error for “pil”; there may be others, will look through, and I’ll be grateful for any German translation errors you might catch.

One other kind of issue is “bylas” and “byls” - meaning “du (f) warst” and “du (m) warst”, respectively - correct but (relatively) colloquial forms of “byla jsi” and “byl jsi”. The Duolingo course has the former pair, but we could add the latter pair if it was useful. What do you think?

thanks, no worries :slight_smile: I’m surprised that a handful of people were able to do more than a million points on this course with so many errors…

About the byl(a)s/byl(a) jsi issue, I would say to keep the long form and to accept the short form as an alternative, if this is feasible.

By the way, are you a Czech learning German with this course?

Yes, good idea - I’ll add the short form as an alternative.

I am actually a native English-speaker with some moderate (and rusty) knowledge of German trying to learn Czech! There are of course plenty of good Czech courses in English; but I was also working through the Duolingo course and this is the best match for it currently (there is another course which is based on the reverse (Czech-learning-English) course, but this is the only one I am aware of based on the English-learning-Czech, oddly enough!) But when I started I found some errors, paused until I was able to join the course as a contributor, and here we are. (And while the Czech course on Duolingo is quite good, with active discussion, I have grown increasingly weary of Duolingo and do most of my language learning on Memrise now.)

Yeah, Duolingo is much overrated, but it serves the purpose well as an entry point into a new language. But as time passes by, I’m adding new resources like listening (check out the youtube channel and podcast from Eliska SlowCZECH). I also started listening to Czech songs, one which I find particularly accessible for my level is Aneta Langerová - Tráva (TEXT)

Ok, back to the lessons…

Lesson 22:
In all three translations, add an “r” at the end (in order to indicate it is masculine). Also check “čtvrty -> čtvrtý”

druhý = zweite -> zweiter
třetí = dritte -> dritter
čtvrty -> čtvrtý = vierte -> vierter

Another thing: in Lesson 25 we have
místnost = Zimmer
while in Lesson 31 there is
pokoj = Hotelzimmer

As much as I found out ( https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pokoj ) pokoj doesn’t really translate to hotel room. It’s just Duolingo using a lot of hotel room examples, but there are also some that are neutral like
“Co děláš v mém pokoji? = What are you doing in my room?”

So, I would suggest to translate both with “Zimmer”, but to put the gender symbol “místnost f” and “pokoj m” in order to avoid confusion. What do you think?

Thanks, Eiseli - appreciate the recommendations.

With třetí - and první for that matter - would you be OK with keeping “dritte” (or “erste”) as an alternate - since those forms are unchanging in the nominative across genders. (I would then adjust první to “erster” for consistency.)

Absolutely right about pokoj - what I’ve done is had pokoj map to “Zimmer (m)” and místnost to “Zimmer (f)”, OK? (There is some slight difference between them that I haven’t yet understood. You would use pokoj for a room in a hotel, so perhaps it is room as a specific location - “Nesu oběd do pokoje” - I bring the lunch into the room - or “Vyšel z pokoje” - He went out of the room - are a couple examples I found.)

Yeah, it’s ok to have the “erste” form as alternative, the same for all ordinals.

As for the room topic, I thought the best would be to use the gender attribute, but after testing, I notice that it won’t show if the German is shown and the Czech must be input. So yea, I guess it’s fine to write as you suggest.

Lesson 25
lžice -> lžíce

Thanks - fixed.

Lesson 27:
bězíte -> běžíte

Fixed! I also deleted “perou se = sie kämpfen”, since we had that in level 17. And I finally entered “jí chápe” as an alternate for “chápe jí” from level14, should you encounter that in review.

Lesson 28:
dešet -> deset

Now fixed.

Also: Level 29 is “Adjektive 2”. There is no “Adjektive 1” so I revised the name accordingly…

Lesson 28

čislo -> číslo

Changed. What do you think about the translation of “let” - we have: “Jahr, Lebensjahr”; that seems a little misleading - “let” here is the genitive plural of léto, used instead of roků in “numbers of years” kinds of situations - and often left out in both English and German. (“Lebensjahr” is better than “Jahr” - I don’t know if that’s too specific, though.) So it’s not exactly a synonym for “rok”. I could add a note about that, I guess - let me know if you have a better idea.

Back in Level 18 - I changed “jména much děti” to “jména mých děti” - mých is the usual genitive plural form in all genders, and I can’t find “much” used in this way (as opposed to the gen. plural of moucha!) Please tell me if you know otherwise. Also I finally reversed “se ji bojím” to “bojím se ji” as you pointed out - I had forgotten, sorry. Duo has “Bojíš se ji?” - that’s the closest I’ve found there. “se ji bojím” turns up in the libretto for Jenůfa, the great opera by Leoš Janáček - but it follows “že”, so “se” is still in the accustomed second slot.

Thanks for the changes in level 18!

About let: to tell the truth, I haven’t been aware of it being the genitive of léto (summer, right?). And I’m quite far in the duolingo course, so this is really something not obvious. It makes sense though, as in French they also have something similar (il a fêté ses 50 printemps), but not as common, as I can see in Czech. It’s with spring instead of summer though. So you might want to add a note, but I think the translation is ok, as duolingo translates it as years.

In German you would rather just use “Jahr”, but “Lebensjahr” adds the precision, that you use it only in the context of someone’s age. If that makes sense…