[Course Forum] Top Spoken Spanish Verb Forms #5 by ian_mn

This is the discussion forum for the course Top Spoken Spanish Verb Forms #5.

This course contains spoken Spanish verb forms, obtained from the fifth most common 1000 words of Matthias Buchmeier’s Wiktionary Spanish word frequency list. The Wiktionary list is based on a 27.4 million word movie/TV subtitles database that probably reflects normal spoken Spanish reasonably accurately. FULL AUDIO



L1: ¡sígueme! = follow me! (tú)
The audio sounds like ‘sígenme’ to me.

I couldn’t hear the ‘n’, but it certainly did sound weird. So, I’ve replaced the audio clip with different one which sounds smoother/clearer.

I’ve just started Level 5 so I’ve worked through the first four levels. I’ve fixed a couple of errors so far.

I’ve a feeling that you’re going to overtake me fairly soon - and I can almost guarantee there will be a few more errors. If you notice any, please let me know and I’ll fix them.

Will do. These verb courses have done wonders for my Spanish. Have recommended them to others many times.

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L2: apetece=you (Ud.) crave, long for

I think apetecer is always used like gustar i.e. apetecer algo a alguien, so this would be better translated as ‘it appeals’.

I think that’s a good point. I’ve deleted the two items with just “apetece”, but retained “le apetece” and “me apetece”.

The verb does seem to be sometimes used in the infinitive without an indirect object, but I’m guessing that’s fairly rare.

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L3: ¡quedate! requires an accent i.e. ¡quédate!

Thanks - I deleted the item. The error was in the original source (the Wiktionary frequency list). Could be a common typo in subtitles, I suppose.

The correct version, ¡quédate!, is already in Verb Forms #1/Level 9.

L5: regresé=I will return (r…)

regresé=I returned (r…)
regresaré=I will return (r…)

Thanks - I’ve just corrected the definition.

I’m working through this course at rate of about 10 new words per day - and you’re now ahead of me, and working at a faster pace.

It’s up to you if you choose to delay continuing while I finish working through the course myself. However, I appreciate you flagging up errors as you come across them, and I will make corrections if you do decide continue right now.

I’ve done some these verbs in another course, so this is partially acting as a refresher for me. Hence, the speed. So far, I detected very few errors but if they are new verbs, I may not notice straight away.
Any idea what happens if you change an entry that’s already been learnt by someone else? Does it get reset to unlearnt?

I’m pretty sure that an edited entry does not reset to unlearnt.

Hi, a quick update:

I’ve just read through the entries up to the end of Level 8. I found a few minor errors in the definitions, and made the necessary corrections.

During the next few days I’ll do the same for Levels 9 to 13.

You’re a star! Perhaps in future, it might be an idea to keep your courses private until you’re ready to release them. It would stop people like me charging in :slight_smile:
I noticed that you’re maintaining some AQA vocab courses. Does the content add much to your 5000+ courses?

Delighted to see you charge in!

About 1000 items in Top Ups #1 to #4 are from the 2014 AQA GCSE syllabus, and I used the EllieGrigis Memrise course as an easy way to harvest the vocabulary. I ended up being a contributor because I volunteered, ~4 yrs ago, to fix a few dozen errors I noticed in her course and, later, I added audio.

The only Memrise Spanish courses more popular than this one are a couple of the official courses. The course currently gets about 100 new subscribers each weekday, but a lot fewer at weekends for some reason. By some strange coincidence the course, right now, has exactly 77,777 subscribers.

Recently, I’ve been working through the AQA A-Level Dynamic Spanish course by JJ_or_Jemima and I’m also using the Hodder textbook (along with online answers). I estimate that that course contains ~1200 items that are not in the xoviat 5000 course or my Top Ups #1 through #10. Her other A-level course is about half the size of the Dynamic course, and contains only the textbook end-of-chapter vocab lists.

Interesting. Something that didn’t occur to me when I started the 5000+ courses, is that I’m learning to shoot and kill, but not how to washup or mop the floor … but perhaps my life is just extraordinarily dull.

The shooting and killing doesn’t really get going until Top Up #5 which is the first one based solely on film/TV subtitles. There’s also a clear emphasis on crime and romance that appears to reflect Hollywood’s general output.

Most people don’t need to know much about machine guns, aircraft carriers, ambushes etc., but #5 probably makes films and news reports more comprehensible.

Meanwhile, all the current verb forms courses are based on subtitles - lots of attacking, killing, dying, arresting and robbing comes up. At some point I might look into making a verbs #6 course, this time based on additional verb forms contained in the RAE CREA frequency list - which is drawn from a more balanced diet of fiction lit, non-fiction lit. and film/TV subtitles.

I gathered that it was popular film subtitles that were influencing my recent courses. You’re way ahead of me on the 5000+ so maybe you’ve moved passed that point.
In practice, I use ‘la ametralladora’ and ‘él fusilamiento’ quite a lot when I’m telling my Spanish friends to slow down :-). Not thought of robbing a bank…
As for Verbs #6: yes please.

If somebody nees help with spanish, Im native from spain, so any doubt that you could have. Just dm to me


Thank you for the offer. I may well be in touch :slight_smile: