I’ve completed my search for errors in all levels of this course.
I found another half dozen glitches - including couple of entries with missing accents that were due to another subtitles typo in the Wikipedia frequency list. I’ve figured out an easy method for detecting/correcting this issue during future course construction.
I’ve not checked any of the audio for Levels 6 onwards - just let me know if you spot any errors and I’ll fix them.
L10: dudo que cortes=I doubt that you cut … needs tú
L11: se habrá retirado=you will have retired (… r…) … needs Ud
L12: dudo que hayas golpeado=I doubt that you have hit … needs tú
Thanks very much for doing all this error detection - there are more errors than I anticipated.
I corrected two of the four items you’ve just listed today, but had already noticed and corrected the other two last week, I think.
L10: dudo que cortes=I doubt that you cut … needs tú
L11: se habrá retirado=you will have retired (… r…) … needs Ud
I experimented with my Android phone, and I’m seeing that edits are not showing up on the Memrise App, although they are showing up on the web version. I’m wondering if you may be seeing the same thing.
I’m planning to extract the 1000 most frequent verb forms that aren’t already covered by #1 thru #5. I think this should reflect everyday speech better than the Wiktionary subtitles frequency list I used for the earlier verb courses.
I found this one confusing because, as understand it, olvidar on its own is transitive and therefore requires an an object. To say ‘I will forget’ you would to need to say ‘me olvidaré’.
That’s how I understand it too …and then there’s the impersonal form which seems to be used quite a lot.
What I have gathered from my research is:
olvidar algo - quite formal e.g. ‘help, I forgot my password’ - ¡Ayúdame! Olvidé mi contraseña
olvidarse (de algo) - deliberate/accepting fault e.g. ‘The nation will never forget its heroes.’ - El pueblo nunca se olvidará de sus héroes.
olvidársele (de algo) - accidental (it slipped my mind) e.g. ‘one day I forgot the car keys’ - Un día se me olvidaron las llaves del coche
I’ll check this with my Spanish friends in the next day or so, and ask them about frequency of usage.
Well, what a can of worms! On both Monday & Tuesday, the discussion didn’t get past the grammatical usage of impersonal verbs in Spanish. Anyway, the grammar side of what I wrote was correct, though I must amend the way I wrote the 3rd form (you got this right in your eg):
Olvidársele algo - accidental (it slipped my mind) e.g. ‘one day I forgot the car keys’ - Un día se me olvidaron las llaves del coche
Ofcourse, the ‘de’ doesn’t’ make sense here.
All I can do is offer my sources:
From Butt & Benjamin (my Spanish Bible)
26.7.26 Olvidar / olvidarse (de) / olvidársele algo a uno
The verb means ‘to forget’, and there are four possibilities: olvidar algo, olvidarse algo, olvidarse de
algo and olvidársele algo a alguien.
(a) When deliberate forgetting is implied, the first form is rather formal and is usually replaced
in colloquial styles by olvidarse de: no puedo olvidarla / no puedo olvidarme de ella ‘I can’t forget her’.
(b) For absent-minded forgetting olvidar and olvidársele can be used, the former again being
rather formal: he olvidado mi agenda / se me olvidó la agenda ‘I’ve forgotten my diary’, se le olvidaban los otros compromisos , se le olvidaba todo menos ella (G. García Márquez, Col.) ‘he forgot his other commitments, he forgot everything except her’. In the latter construction, the thing forgotten is the subject of the verb: se me olvidaron las flores ‘I forgot the flowers’ (lit. ‘the flowers forgot themselves "on" me’).
(c ) Olvidarse algo (without the de ) is colloquial and is censured by some grammarians, including
Manuel Seco; the DPD recommends avoiding it, but notes that it is a construction that has a long
history. Foreigners should probably say me he olvidado de eIIa or la he olvidado and not me la he olvidado. It can, however, be used colloquially for the accidental forgetting of objects : me he olvidado el Iibro / se me olvidó eI libro ‘I’ve forgotten the book’ (but, since this is absent-minded forgetting, not me he olvidado del libro ). Olvidarse algo is also common in Latin America.