[Course Forum] Swedish 1-7 by Memrise

Thanks, I have noted the missing audio and will get it sorten asap.
About the other query, go is often left out in Swedish in sentences like these; vi ska på middag, vi ska på bio, vi ska på fest. But its perfectly fine to add gå if you want!

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In Swedish 7 the pronunciation for att fokusera is wrong. The one that plays is that for att tvinga.

There is also a typo for field in the English text for ett område.

Hi WildSage, thanks for notifying us about problems with the courses. It helps a lot when you give examples, so if you come across another sentence where audio is missing, please let us know! I will do my best to be more consistant in the Swedish course, but unfortunately it is one of those languages where logic dosent always apply… Will pass on your flag suggestion to the engineers, though!

This is probably a regional thing, then. It seems that using “trädet” is more common overall (based on internet search results) but that “päronträdet” also has a strong following.

In Swedish 3, level 5, it says that Danmark translates as Sweden.


In Swedish 3 level 6, the audio for en författare seems to be missing. I cleared my browser cache in case it was an issue on my end but I can’t get it to play.

Edit to add: I verified that the audio for this word doesn’t play in the Android app as well as on my PC.

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Hej @LenaE,

In Swedish 3 level 13, He’s one meter and seventy-five centimeters tall is translated as Han är en och sjuttio lång. Should the English translation be He’s one meter and seventy centimeters tall instead?

Also in Swedish 3, unsure what level because I saw it in a review just now:
train station is translated as tågstation, but when I was asked to translate Where is the train station? the only acceptable answer was Var ligger stationen? Could Var ligger tågstationen? be added as an acceptable alternate answer since the course is teaching tågstation as train station, or else possibly train could be put in parantheses in the English version of the question to indicate that it’s not looking for a literal translation of train station?


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LenaE i have found some more could you give me a direct way of communication instead of posting here, ( check also in swedish 5 att förlora the sound is att vinna ). Thanks :wink:

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The audio in Swedish 6 level 1 is broken. The app freezes waiting for it. I’ve tried the web page and there is no sound as well.

Swedish 1–Level 7 the answer for six is in the English translation. Tack.

Swedish 1–Level 9. The is no audio for “kan vi få … tack?”, but there an audio symbol. Nothing plays and it’s slightly difficult to answer the audio questions. Tack.

Swedish 4, level 4: “Jag köpte den där bilen för tjugo år sedan” is translated as “He bought that car twenty years ago”

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Not sure if @LenaE or anyone else on staff is still watching this thread, but:

Swedish 5, level 1 - In this phrase, I’m asked to translate my grandparents still go skiing. It’s not clear from the English text which set of grandparents, but only morföraldrar is acceptable. Can farföräldrar be added as an alternate answer? It’s not possible to determine from the English phrase which grandparents are being referred to.


I have a question about the order which words are introduced. I noticed occasional compound words are introduced prior to the parts that make it up. For example, I was previewing 6 I like it! in Swedish 2 and “kaffe är min älsklingsdryck” was introduced before “en älsklings-” and before “en dryck”.

I would have thought it would be easier for beginners to start with the parts before the larger words at the lower levels. I’m curious is there is a reason behind the order.

Also, overall I really do love the Swedish course.

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Hi, thanks for all the feedback, and sorry I haven’t been very fast at replying! I do appreciate you finding the buggs and typos, and it’s really good that you tell me exactly where in the course they are, so I can find them quickly and correct them. Bra jobbat! Cheers, Lena

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Hi there, I’m glad you’re enjoying the course! The introduction order can definitely be tweaked, so thanks for the feedback. Lena

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Hi, the Swedish word ‘sex’ means both six, as in the number, and sex, as in … well, you know! (I’ve asked the techs to look into the audio bugg. ) Cheers, Lena

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Any idea when video clips will be added to the “official” Swedish course? Thanks!

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Awesome - tack! Re-reading it, my earlier post sounded a little cranky, which I didn’t intend :slight_smile: I was just concerned that I wasn’t reporting them in the right place.

In Swedish 5 level 7, there’s a stray number in the English for Jag vill gärna höra den där historien igen:

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