[Course Forum] Swedish 1-7 by Memrise

att strejka, with an A at the end for a verb, I think.

Good question!

For what it’s worth (I’m no expert, either), I think your latter assumption is correct.

It is some kind of special phrase “vi ska ut och …”, I think (a lexical chunk, so to speak) and I think the “gå” isn’t necessary here.

But as I am also just a learner (three years of intensive learning of Swedish under my belt now!) I shall be interested to hear what the Swedish expert at memrise has to say on the matter :slight_smile:

Level 1 - audio for “ja”

The video has the correct audio, but the “ja” in the regular audio only has the “ah” sound and no “j” sound.

Can a new recording be made?

Hello, please excuse me for writing a post mostly in Swedish, but this is feedback from a native Swede specifically to the staff managing the course.

Hej, min man håller för tillfället på att lära sig svenska genom bl.a. Memrise men också andra appar. Något som både jag själv har märkt, men som också min man har klagat lite över är att det är väldigt svårt att höra vad som sägs i ljudklippen. Jag studerar själv Memrises officiella japanskakurser, så jag har kunnat använda de lite som referens när jag har suttit med och lyssnat när han har studerat.

Till att börja med så talas det väldigt snabbt i ljudklippen men dessutom som så kunde artikulationen vara bättre, samt att det nog skulle vara bättre att använda mer “formella” uttal när man lär sig nya ord. (Ett bra exempel är ordet “någon” vilket uttalas i ljudklippet på ett mer vardagligt sätt som “nå’n”.)

I “Meet the Natives” så kan jag förstå mer att det är lite poängen att man ska höra det som sägs så som folk faktiskt talar “i verkligheten”. Här vill jag då dra paralleller till japanskakurserna här på Memrise. Ljudklippen är i sig väldigt artikulerade och har något långsammare uttal, vilket gör det mycket lättare att sedan känna igen orden när de uttalas snabbare av modersmålstalarna.

Tack i övrigt för att ni hjälper till att göra det lättare att lära sig språk på ett simplare sätt. :slight_smile:


You make very good points here!

Personally, I think it is better for beginners to hear an over-exaggerated over-articulated pronunciation at first and then to introduce them to more natural-sounding pronunciation later.

That said, nobody says “jaG” with the G pronuounced at the end, as far as I know, so it is very difficult to know where to draw the line…

But I do think that the audio on these beginner courses is too fast and unclear for people who really are beginners.

Maybe this course would also be useful for your husband:

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In Swedish 2 Level 2 The Audio for “Jag skulle vilja ha” just says “Jag skulle ha” . I also consulted a native on this and they said the Aduo means something else than the original text

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In Swedish 5 Level 20 we have:
fullständigt : completely

In Swedish 5 Level 9 we have:
alldeles : completely

Both cards have identical english translations. When these cards are reviewed via the ios app, it is possible to deduce the expected swedish based on the character set presented but when reviewed in the browser there are no cues presented to indicated which Swedish translation is expected. Therefore when reviewing in the browser there is a 50% chance of getting the wrong translation. Is it possible to update these cards to distinguish them?

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In the first part of the 8,000+ Most Common Swedish Words course, this problem cropped up again and again, too, but since I was made course contributor by sehiralti about two years ago, I have been working on trying to disambiguate similar words. This is what I did with “alldeles”:

As you can see from the example, “alldeles” doesn’t only mean “completely”. It is also often used with “nyss”, as in “alldeles nyss”, meaning “just a short time ago”.

I don’t know if the memrise team - @LenaE for Swedish - are willing to use the addition of small phrases for disambiguation purposes.

The other possibility is to simply write in brackets (not “alldeles”) or (not “fullständigt”).

Hi, In Swedish 6 Level 11 the sound clip for ärlig actual says “om jag ska vara helt ärlig” rather than just “ärlig”.


Hi, In Swedish 6 Level 12 the sound clips for “nyttig”, “onyttig” and “patienten borde undvika onyttig mat” are recorded at significantly lower volume that the other sound clips in the course. Can their volume level be adjusted to match the other sound clips?

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I swedish 3 Level 3 “en stund” lists “an eye-blink” as literal translation, but wouldnt that be ögonblick?


Hi, Another hickup in Swedish 6, “du kan räkna med mig” has an audio clip that says “håll ut”.

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Hi, sorry to be a bit late on the ball here, but that is a fair point and I have changed it in the course! Thanks for pointing it out, cheers Lena

Thanks for the course, all. In Swedish 2, level 2, the audio for “jag skulle vilja ha …” sounds like “jag skulle ha”. Is this how it is pronounced? Or is that an error? Tack så mycket.


Your query belongs here, actually. This is the forum for the memrise Swedish courses, Levels 1 - 7.

You mentioned Level 6, so I presume you meant these courses?

For the attention of: @LenaE

from @Larry_Johnson70:

Level 6

Förmåga vs färdighet? Which word is being requested?

I assume that there is a difference in meaning between these two words, but the English prompts in Swedish level 6 make it difficult to distinguish which word I should supply.

The same is true for “att prova” vs “att försöka”. It seems that I have to memorize in which level each word was introduced in order to give the appropriate response. Is there a difference between these words that can be used to help explain which word is being sought?

Larry didn’t know exactly where to post this, so I just copied and pasted his query here for him)

In Swedish 7, level 17, the word originell is misspelled as orginell.


In Swedish 7, level 10, the English translation for en strejk should be a strike, not to strike



If you are doing the Swedish courses that memrise made, this is the place to report problems.

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Which is the correct way to say “I speak Swedish”
“Pratar du svenska” or "Talar du svenska"
I have always thought these two were different ways of saying the same thing, but each course I have done seems to require a different answer. This one requires “Talar du svenska” and the “hacking swedish” course requires “pratar du svenska”


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