[Course Forum] Spanish 1 to 7 by Memrise

Hi @LarBoylan,

I see what you mean. Normally, when you start learning a word (i.e. planting the seed, watering it etc.) at every step the male and female audio will alternate. It is true though, as you said, that on the preview mode only one audio icon with an audio file is displayed. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we will look into eventually showing two icons where there is more than one audio available for an item.



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Well that’s really good news

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Hallo MerlijnB,

Bedankt voor de toevoeging aan de omschrijving.

Hieronder heb ik nog wat kleinere probleempjes in de cursussen Spaans 1 en 2 gezet.

Spaans 1
level 3
¿estoy equivocada? - heb ik het fout?
Graag aangeven dat het een vrouw is.

level 5
te gusta - jij houdt van (één ding)
te gustan - jij houdt van (meer dan één ding)
bij beide een foutje in Literal translation: “jouw bevalt/len” i.p.v. “jou bevalt/len”

level 6
¿eres española? - ben jij Spaans?
no soy española - ik ben niet Spaans
Graag aangeven dat het een vrouw is.

level 8
¿están listos? - bent u klaar?
¿están listos para pedir? - bent u klaar om te bestellen?
Graag aangeven dat het meervoud moet zijn.

level 11
es maravillosa - ze is prachtig
antwoord “ella es maravillosa” wordt niet geaccepteerd

level 12
aquí tienes - alstublieft; alsjeblieft
onduidelijk wat bedoeld wordt met de Nederlandse omschrijving en “por favor” is fout

Spaans 2
level 1
dónde - waar
Literal translation “enkele beetjes”???

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Level 3. Quick, quickly. I know that quick is rápido and quickly is rápidamente. Rápidamente was incorrect for quick, quickly. If I want to say that someone should do smth quickly should I use rápido or rápidamente.


Hi @Atikker,

You can say both, rápido is an adjective but can work as an adverb sometimes, rápidamente is just an adverb.
I will add rápidamente as an alternative because it is also correct. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!



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Hallo Duaal,

Stuk voor stuk scherp opgemerkt! Ze zijn inmiddels allemaal aangepast. Ik hoor het graag mocht je verder in de cursus nog meer van dit soort problemen tegenkomen, dit soort feedback van gebruikers is erg behulpzaam bij het verbeteren van onze cursussen :).




Gracias por tu respuesta rápida. Todo está y funciona bien =)


hi again,
Spanish (Spain) 6, level 13, video for the phrase “mañana lloverá, así que necesitarán los impermeables”.
The guy in the video definitely says something different and I really would like to know what. All I can figure out is “mañana hay lloverá así enente reglos impermeables” and it does not make much sense :smiley:

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Spanish 6, lvl5. Video ends before she can say videojuego

It does say videojuego, just the audio fades out a bit at the end of the word. If you listen carefully you should hear the whole sentence.

Thank you!


Hi @lenagardariki,

Thank you for your feedback and apologies for this video. It certainly makes little sense and it is very hard to understand. We will try to remove that video and replace it with a clearer one! Thanks again!



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The end dissapears… there is no juego. It should be a tiny bit bigger

@Atikker as I said, it fades out and it’s a bit lower, but she still says it.


Spanish (Spain) 6
two minor mistakes if no one has mentioned them yet.
Level 3. “Ahora esta casa es de Jose”. It is pronounced exactly as written so technically everything is ok but maybe it would be better to change the name from “Jose” to “José”? :slight_smile:
Level 5. “Estas flores son para mi madre”. The male voice pronounces “Esas” instead of “Estas”.

I am currently doing Spanish4 and I’m having trouble with Level 4. This level goes over past tense. My problem arises when some sentences has ayer or esta noche at the beginning of the sentence while the English sentence has it at the end but not always. I didn’t think the position mattered yet in examples were ayer is at the beginning it’s wrong if I put it at the end to match the English sentence. Is there some Spanish grammar that I am missing?

Hi @angileptol,

I noticed a bug today while in ‘learning mode’ in Level 1 of Spanish (Spain) 2. It was on the website version using Chrome.

I was shown a multiple choice question for the item “I speak English” and all the options shown except one (“hablo inglés”) were the same.

Hi @lenagardariki,

The first mistake you mention is not really a mistake, the name “Jose” can be pronounced with the stress on the first or second syllable. About the second problem, I don’t seem to find that item on the course! It might have been deleted so I will have to see why, thank you for your great feedback again!



Hi @alanh!

Apologies for this issue, we are aware of the problem and our tech team is working hard to fix the bug wherever it appears, thank you for reporting it to us!



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Hi Ángela,

Thanks for the quick reply.

Yes, it’s an old bug that crops up now and then. I’ve done some learning in a couple of levels in Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 today and that was the only occasion when the bug showed itself.

Thanks again


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Hi @jamie.arnst!

Thank you for your feedback. I understand the adverb placement can be confusing. We just want you to teach you the most natural order in Spanish. By learning and reviewing the phrase you will get to remember where the adverb should be. It is true that adverbs placement in Spanish is generally flexible, but it still differs from the structure in English. I hope it makes sense! Thanks again and keep up the good work!

