[Course Forum] Spanish 1 to 7 by Memrise

Hi Ángela,

Memrise 6 Level 18
as long as you know what you’re doing
= siempre y cuando sepas qué estás haciendo

Should the qué be without an accent?

Memrise 6 Level 16
my daughter wants to be a pop star
=mi hija quiere ser una estrella de pop

Should this be ‘del pop’ as taught earlier in the same level?

Many thanks

Hi @silverbear!

Thank you for posting! In the first sentence the qué needs to have the accent, because it refers to “what” and not “that”. So it is like the “qué” in a question, but indirectly. I hope that makes sense! :slight_smile:
You are right about the second though, that was an oversight and I will correct it immediately! :point_up:
Thanks again for your feedback and keep up the good work!



Thanks Ángela.

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you are very welcome @silverbear!


Greetings Memrise!

I have just finished the A1 Spanish course and I can see that it’s already outdated among with its followup course, the A2. Could you advise me a suitable next step in the new 1-7 course system without repeating too much but without missing too much either? I tried to look for an answer to this question in the course descriptions and the forum but with no luck.

Thank you in advance, and keep up the awesome work!


This earlier thread may help: Links to A1 and A2 Spanish by Memrise


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Hi! Will someone please explain me this thing. If joke is el chiste and chistoso is funny. Why funny (joke) is not chistoso, Spanish 4. When do I need to use chistoso and when gracioso. Thanks

Alanh, thank you very much for the answer, I missed this one.

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From the textbook “Breaking out of Beginner’s Spanish” by Joseph J Keenan:

Does it make you laugh or wonder? That’s the first question you’ll need to ask (and answer). If it’s the former, you can choose from chistoso, gracioso, and cómico. If the latter, stick to extraño and raro. Pick your favourite and use it; they are virtually interchangeable. Anything having to do with “fun”, incidentally, should be carefully distinguished from things that are “funny”, since what’s fun isn’t always funny. “Fun” needs either the adjective divertido or the noun diversión to describe it.”

In your Spanish 4 example, I think they should be acceptable alternatives. Maybe @angileptol could take a look at those entries.

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Hi @Atikker!

Good point! As a native speaker, I can say that chistoso and gracioso are in fact interchangeable, true. However, would we hear the word chistoso in Spain? The answer is no, it is only used in Latin America and in Spain, it would just sound very funny ;).



I noticed up thread that there was a report regarding a phrase in Spanish 3:

… And it was promptly fixed by Ángela (thanks!), however, in a recent review that particular phrase came up with the prompt to translate “I’m a little confused” into Spanish and I entered “estoy un poco confuso” and was marked wrong, with the follow-up exercise suggesting the correct answer of “estoy un poco confusa” but accompanied by the male voice saying “estoy un poco confus_o_”. I went back and checked the female voice recording and she also says “confuso”.

Are both set to be accepted in the system since the prompt phrase doesn’t clarify whether it is asking for confuso/confusa and both non-video audio examples are “confuso”, or can it be changed to be so?

Thanks @Atikker!

I have fixed it to “estoy un poco confusa” to match the video and I will have to request new audios for that. I am sorry about the confusion ;).



3 posts were merged into an existing topic: French, Japanese, Arabic courses suddenly requiring strict typing

Hi Ángela,

Could you check one of the videos in Level 15 of Spanish (Spain) 2, please?

The phrase is “how old is he?” but, in the video featuring the boy wearing a red T-shirt, he is clearly saying “¿cuántos años tienes?” instead of “cuántos años tiene?”.


Hi @alanh!

Thank you very much for spotting that! Yes, you are right, the video is saying something else. We will therefore have to delete that video. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.




Hi Ángela,

I think it’s probably part of a wider bug reported elsewhere but, in Level 16 of Spanish (Spain) 2, it’s not possible to answer the tapping test for “Washington D.C.” correctly.

Also, in the same level, the audio tests for “por qué” and “porque” are really difficult to tell apart. I´ll keep trying to listen for any distinguishing features, though! :head_bandage:

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In Spanish 4 level 4 one of the voices is incorrect for “dormimos en el tren porque no teníamos dinero para un hotel” . The female voice says “dormimos en el parque porque no teníamos dinero para un hotel”.
The male voice is correct.

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I can confirm that. Mostly have heard a male voice but while reviewing a female voice really said they slept in the park

Hi @alanh,

Yes, that is a bug and the tech team is aware of that, so they will work to fix it! Thank you very much for bringing it into out attention and apologies for the issue.



@alanh [quote=“alanh, post:168, topic:2932”]
Also, in the same level, the audio tests for “por qué” and “porque” are really difficult to tell apart

Regarding that, I will have a look at both audios for male and female and see if we can replace one or the other to make it more distinct. Thanks again!



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