[Course Forum] SGJL series - Tae Kim's Basic Japanese Grammar by Charles_Applin35

I’ll go with the later. Should be able to update the sentence soon.

The reason there’s nothing for Numbers and Counting is there are no sentences in that chapter. There are a number of vocabulary, but I create those more to help with sentences. Some time in the future I do need to create a bonus course based on appendix in ADoBJG that includes counters.

Yeah, got it.

In Tae Kim 1, Lesson 39 can someone explain to me why:

Means: It is that breakfast wasn’t to eat.

I thought that would of ment: The breakfast wasn’t it to eat?

From what I thought, the correct way of saying “It is that breakfast wasn’t to eat.” would be: 朝ご飯を食べ ないんじゃなかった
This is because たべない is the base conjugation, then you add の or ん and じゃなかった to ask wasn’t it.

*Maybe Tae Kim made a typo or am I doing something wrong??

朝ご飯を食べる is the sentence. んじゃなかった modifies that sentence sort of adding the English equivalent of “Wasn’t it …”. Remember that it’s difficult to get a natural sounding one to one translation, but the sentence could be you hear that in tomorrow’s plan, breakfast is getting skipped. You thought it was planned to have breakfast so you say “Wasn’t it that we eat breakfast?”

Japanese speakers like to soften their statements, so get used to hearing a lot of のだ、じゃない、だろう, etc. Also get used to not having a straight translation or one that doesn’t make sense if literal. Just nature of differences between Japanese and English.

Hi, thanks for the great course series, I’m really enjoying it. I’ve found a couple of things that are either small errors in SGJL04 or in my understanding, could you explain which?

In SGJL 04 Level 19 (Basic sentences 5) there is

with translation
There is no money. (lit: As for money, does not exist.)

Since the particle is が, should the literal translation not be “Money is the thing that does not exist” (which is sadly often true, but anyway…)? That’s the translation given in the lesson on the previous level.

The same thing seems to happen in the two other sentences about money - Level 16 (basic sentences 4), Level 22 (basic sentences 6).

It’s not really a problem in practice, as there are no sentences about money with は, but since these are the levels where は and が are introduced it would be great if you could please clarify?

You’re right. I also think the same thing when I see it. I was hesitant to change it as it’s directly from his webpage, but I’ll probably do it as he usually uses “About …” for は and “…is the thing that / is the one that” for が.

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Thanks! And in fact, I just checked on the website
and there the “is the thing that” construction is what appears - it must just have copied over wrongly somehow.

Hello, in the Tae Kim part 3 course in chapter 32 Vocab there are two entries for the word 意味.

Thanks. I deleted the repeated word.


In Tae Kim part 3, chapter 21 (35 - Making Requests) there is a word, ’ 落書き’ (graffiti), in a sentence which was not in the prior vocab chapter and isn’t exactly a basic word IMO. It should be in chapter 19 (35 - Vocab). This appears to be a Tae Kim error/ omission and not yours.