[Course Forum] SGJL series - Tae Kim's Basic Japanese Grammar by Charles_Applin35

One of the example sentences in SGJL 06 - 28 Essential Sentences: もしよかったら、映画を観に行きますか, appears to have a mistake. During the vocab part it introduces you to a new kanji for a familiar word: 観る (みる), but the sentence treats the kanji as a noun: 観 (かん). The sentence is almost correct, but there’s no transitive verb affecting the word 映画 as indicated by the を particle. I’m thinking the sentence was supposed to either be 映画の観に or 映画を観るに, (probably the latter) but I’m not confident enough in my Japanese to say for certain, or maybe I missed some previous obvious grammar point. Thoughts?

Aculem, so long as the sentence is the same as Tae Kim wrote in his guide then it is fine. What you should worry about is correcting typos that don’t match what Tae Kim has on his website (the info I copied directly into the lessons). From now on, try not to delete anything or change English translations except with the intent to either fix typos or to add context to help remove ambiguity from English sentences that are closely the same.

To you question, what you’re seeing is the Japanese equivalent of “Go (with express intent) to (do verb)”. That takes the form of “Verb stem” + に + “行く” such as 食べに行く (go to eat)、勉強しに行く (go to study). So the sentence is asking “If it’s good with you, (go to see) the movie?” This is different from ~ていく which is like saying “(do verb) and go” 食べていく (eat then go) and 勉強していく (study then go).

Also, you just noticed that Japanese use Kanji to give context to a verb. You’ll see this with 見る (see), 観る (see something being presented), 看る (see something being looked after), 会う (meet), 逢う (meet someone you love), 遭う (meet about something you don’t like) and others. You’ll see this more in grammar and as vocabulary words later.

Ah, gotcha, thanks for the explanation! That’s actually what I initially thought, but Rikaichan wasn’t picking up on the grammar point which it’s usually good for, then I tried a TTV app which translated 観に to かんに which took me for a spin. I don’t think the “Verb stem” + に" grammar point was discussed yet, which is pretty atypical of Tae Kim, but I’ll search around a bit further next time I begin to doubt him. :sweat:

But yeah, all my corrections so far (except one) were only out of necessity in order to make the courses completable, I won’t do anything out of hand.

SGJL 09 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 03 | Level 4 Errors

There isn’t a way to differentiate between the two sentences (the attributes also didn’t appear during testing). The audio doesn’t say “Tomoko” correctly.

I added a note on each sentence to make it obvious. I also fixed the audio. Thanks for the heads up.

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SGJL 09 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 03 | Level 4 Errors

ていうか、もう帰らないとだめですけど。” -Rather than that, I have to go home already.

てゆうか、もう帰らないとだめですけど。” - Rather than that, I have to go home already.

Thanks for the swift fix. These prompts also need to be updated.

SGJL 09 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 03 | Level 8 Errors

友達が私にプレゼントをくれた。- Friend gave present to me.

友達がプレゼントを私にくれた。- Friend gave present to me.

These prompts need to be updated.

Hello Nukemarine (is your name Charles?)

I am starting your Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar Course, pt. 01. お願いします!

Off the bat, I saw a spelling error in the title of Multimedia Lesson 28 - the word trans_a_tive.

This is the most thoroughly done Tae Kim adaptation for Memrise that I have seen so far. It’s a shame that this isn’t at the top of the Japanese courses list, but it’s getting there fast!

Piggy, sorry about not following up. I just fixed the errors you listed. Hope it wasn’t too inconvenient.

Fixed the typo. Thanks for the compliment on the course. Hopefully it can get to top page status for course. In a few weeks I should start working on adding/formatting Part 3 lessons. A few weeks after that will be Part 4 and pretty much the end for Basic Japanese.

No problem and thanks for fixing the errors :slight_smile:

SGJL 09 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 03 Corrections

Level 12

There is an audio issue with this sentence (if i remember correctly)

Level 14

いい大学に行けるかな? - I wonder if I can go to a good college.

いい大学に入れるかしら? - I wonder if I can enter a good college.

Also need a different prompt for these sentences. There is also an audio issue with one of them (can’t remember which one)

Level 18

There should be a note in the prompt to make it easier to distinguish between the two.

お手洗いはこのビルの二階にあります。- The bathroom is in the second floor of this building.
お手洗いはこのビルの二階にございます。- The bathroom is in the second floor of this building.

The prompt should be updated for these two sentences as well. Maybe (politer/formal) or (ございます) for the second sentence.

いらっしゃいませ。 - Please come in!
いらっしゃい! - Please come in!

Similarly, the second sentence in this case could be updated with (abbr). Maybe the ending punctuation for the Japanese sentences should be the same for consistency.

いらっしゃい and いらっしゃいませ are also listed in the previous vocab level (17)

SGJL 09 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 04 Corrections

Level 10

The audio for 方 should be ほう instead of かた.

SGJL 09 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 04

41 Vocab (Japanese Core Vocabulary)

The vocab for Item 5 is “トイレ” but the audio file is clearly “飛行機” (ひこうき)

Fixed. Thanks for helping all this time. I need to get my ass in gear and finish up the audio for vocab and prep for Intermediate courses.

Oh no worries, glad to help, this is basically the best Japanese resource I’ve seen online. (especially for free) I’ve been making good progress lately, but I still got a ways to go.

Just a heads up. I’ll be adding all the videos I’ve made so far (30 hours at the moment) to lessons in parts1, 2 and 3. In a couple of weeks, I’ll be making videos the final part 4. After that, I’d say the entire course series is complete.

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Is the Advanced Grammar chapter intentionally left out? It is still part of the course I suppose. It would be nice to have the option to learn at least the example sentences provided in this chapter like the rest of the material.

Tae Kim’s advanced section was a mixed bag and not well developed so I opted to not include it. The resources to recreate it are readily available, but I personally won’t be creating them on Memrise. Instead, I recommend people go on to the A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar courses to fully round out the essential basic grammar in a more in depth fashion prior to moving on to the upcoming intermediate courses.

In lesson 18 of the third course, “Can you write this in kanji for me?” is translated as 「漢字 書いてもらえませんか。」, but on Tae Kim’s website it’s 「漢字 書いてもらえませんか。」. Which one is it?

Besides from that, I noticed that the section about Numbers and Counting is missing, but I can guess that there is some kind of reason for that.