[Course Forum] SGJL series - Tae Kim's Basic Japanese Grammar by Charles_Applin35

SGJL 04 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 1 - Basic

SGJL 06 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 2 - Essential

SGJL 09 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 3 - Essential

SGJL 11 - Tae Kim’s Japanese Grammar pt 4 - Special

All feedback, questions and corrections to any courses in this series welcomed.

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Some of the choices in the multiple choice questions do not make sense. The following screenshot is just an example of couple problematic ones that I came across.

That is a left over from a bad copy/paste bulk import. I had deleted those entries from the database, but they apparently still pop up as a distraction (wrong answer choice). It might requiring clearing cached files from your browser if you downloaded the older database before I updated it. If nothing else, consider it an obvious non-answer so only seven left to pick.

*Hint, the answer is #5.

I just start using your course like 30 mins back so I don’t think I have anything cached. And I know it’s obviously wrong but it’s just something for you to consider as you might not want to have too many choices too obviously wrong. :smiling_imp:

I’d known this Kanji maybe since primary school if not kindergarten. :blush:

I’m not sure then. I rechecked both databases for that course and all are correct. Guess it’s a memrise bug which is out of my hands. Luckily it’s not a show stopper.

When you’ve done the course for a bit, can you please give feedback. Always interested in what I did right and what I can correct if possible.

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Just so you know, it appears item 6 on level 33 of SGJL 04 (立入 - entering) has the wrong voice file. It’s actually really close, I think it’s parsing the word as たていり which is 立 and 入 separately but the proper pronunciation should be たちいり

Minor, I know, I haven’t caught any other errors besides that, so y’know, the course is great! :+1:

Fixed. Glad the errors are now at a minimum. Trust me, they weren’t when I first went through that course. I’ll be going through SGJL 06 (Tae Kim and ADoBJG) and begin error correcting them right after I finish Zettai Kareshi JDI.

Found another one, this one isn’t actually wrong per se, but I remember it throwing me off when I was first learning them. Throughout level 8, the name ジム for ‘Jim’ is thrown around a lot, which is weird since the lessons use the names トム and ジョン. Not a big deal, but items 2 and 3 in particular are weird because contextually, ジム does make sense if you mean ジム as in ‘Gym’, but the translation is ‘Jim’, which is also funny because the lesson itself touches on how weird it is contextually to say “John is tomorrow”.

Not even sure why I’m bringing this up, it doesn’t break the lesson at all, but… y’know, whatevs.

Hit a roadblock with one of the courses. In SGJL 06 - Level 13, there’s a couple sentences that mean the exact same thing, namely the two translations for “It is very calm here because it is quiet.” and “That’s why there’s no time to meet friend.”: due to the grammar points “ので” and “んで” meaning the same thing.

Two other sentences also (basically) mean the same thing: “時間がなかったからパーティーに行きませんでした。” and “時間がなかったんでパーティーに行かなかった。” which translate as “There was no time so didn’t go to party.” and “Didn’t go to the party because there was no time.” respectively. I know there’s a subtle difference between から and んで here but the English translation doesn’t help with that at all.

Added a temporary solution by including and stressing “for that reason” when から is used instead of ので since Tae Kim suggests から makes the preceding phrase the main cause of the issue while ので just sort of connects the two sentences. Hopefully this is good enough. In not, I’ll just add から and ので to the end of the sentence so it’s much more obvious.

Finished adding and formatting Tae Kim’s website lessons to SGJL 06, Part 2. There’s a number of people actively on this course now so hopefully they find it useful. Any problems, questions or suggestions please make them here.

Heya, sorry for the late reply. Appreciate the added emphasis to distinguish から and ので, has definitely helped guide me on which particle to look for.

Unfortunately the lesson’s still a bit of a bitch because of the んで and ので thing. The translation is still identical so if both options pop up (and it often does) then it’s a 50/50 chance of getting it right. Namely items 15 and 18, and then 16 and 19.

I can add you as a contributor you can make reasonable corrections if you’re up for it. I’m also about to go through part 2 question by question (just finished up Zettai Kareshi drama immersion course). I’ll go through fast, but I also have to do ADoBJG part 2 at the same time so it won’t be that fast.

Heh, yeah, that’d be fine, always happy to help. I know I mostly just suggest small corrections anyway, but yeah, if you’re cool with it, I’d be willing to make the changes myself. jysk I won’t do anything beyond minor corrections, but I’ll post a changelog somewhere just in case if that helps.

Aculem’s Changelog

  • SGJL 06 - 24 Essential Sentences - Marked sentences to distinguish between んで and ので
  • SGJL 06 - 25 Essential Sentences - Marked sentences to distinguish between ている and てる
  • SGJL 06 - 25 Essential Sentences - Marked sentences to distinguish between ておく and とく
  • SGJL 06 - 26 Essential Sentences - Marked sentences to distinguish between 見られた and 見ることができた
  • SGJL 06 - 26 Essential Sentences - Marked sentences to distinguish between the ありえる and ありうる pronunciations
  • SGJL 06 - 28 Essential Sentences - Removed conflicting sentences and added clarification
  • There were initially two examples of three sentences that had conflicting translations, they were as follows:
    • 友達に会えれば、買い物に行きます。 translating to: “If I can meet with my friend, we will go shopping.”
    • 友達に会えれば、買い物に行きます。 translating to: “We will go shopping, if I can meet with my friend.”
    • 友達に会えたら、買い物に行きます。 translating to: “If I can meet with my friend, we will go shopping.”
  • And:
    • お金があればいいね。 translating to: “If I had money, it would be good, huh?”
    • お金があればいいね。 translating to: “It would be good, if I had money, huh?”
    • お金があったらいいね。 translating to: “If I had money, it would be good, huh?”
  • As you can see, this wasn’t suitable, I’ve thus decided to delete one sentence from each example and add a marker to distinguish the subtle change in emphasis. The sentences are now as follows:
    • 友達に会えれば、買い物に行きます。 translates to: “We will go shopping, if I can meet with my friend. (Focus on condition)”
    • 友達に会えたら、買い物に行きます。 translates to: “If I can meet with my friend, we will go shopping. (Focus after condition)”
  • And:
    • お金があればいいね。 translates to: “It would be good, if I had money, huh? (Focus on condition)”
    • お金があったらいいね。 translates to: “If I had money, it would be good, huh? (Focus after condition)”
  • Hopefully this clears up confusion.
  • SGJL 06 - 29 Essential Sentences - Marked sentences to distinguish between the Negative te-form + 「は」 forms, Negative verb + 「と」 forms, and Negative verb + 「ば, ければ」 forms when concerning the “Must be done” sentences.
  • SGJL 06 - 29 Essential Sentences - Marked sentences to distinguish between ては, では and the more casual ちゃ, じゃ abbreviations
  • SGJL 06 - 29 Essential Sentences - Marked sentences to clarify that なくちゃ, なきゃ, and と are casual ways of expressing the ‘must’ grammar rules for なくて, なければ, and だめ/いけない/ならない respectively.
    • This change wasn’t necessary, but they are denoted as casual and informal slang speech, so I figured it’d be useful to the student to remind them of what grammar point they signify and that it’s not ‘proper’.
  • SGJL 04 - 11 Essential Sentences - Fixed a sentence that addresses Bob where the English translation doesn’t mention his name.

Aculem, I changed it to be explicit so there’s no guessing. It’s similar to the visible entry notes on the ADoBJG course that way.

Sounds good to me! Wanted your input on the next Sentences level though; I marked some sentences to distinguish between the ている and てる forms, but the sentences sometimes used various conjugations. I decided to make it explicit (~でいる, ~てない, etc) but I was wondering if I should change it to (ている Form) and (てる Form) and let the student figure out the conjugations on their own.

Probably keep is a form for now, so (~ている) or (~てる abbr). If you think it’s not working, change it.

Had to delete a couple sentences from SGJL 06 - 28 Essential Sentences, due to duplicity. I don’t think you’ll take issue with my changes or their reasoning, but I chronicled the changes in the changelog for thoroughness’s sake anyway.

I remember editing those a long time back in my Anki deck where “れば” would have “if (and only if)” added to the English phrase just as Tae Kim suggests. Still, if a sentence is listed twice it can be deleted. I’ll smooth it over when I get to that level soon. Thanks for keeping up with this.