[Course Forum] Russian 1 - 7 by Memrise

Присоединить is not hinzufügen. I’ve been using the app just for 10 min and found three totally wrong translations. This app teaches you wrong Russian.

Who even says приметить in a regular context :joy: What an awkward word to teach foreigners. It’s also compounded by the fact that they limit translations to only 1 word. The привлечь translation is indeed totally wrong :joy: “Присоединить”…:joy: It’s like they were given several definitions and chose the most awkward one on purpose

GG brother. Try a community course.

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I’ve just come to this post and I have flagged 2 posts as using inappropriate language. I can see how I could have flagged some others too.

I do understand you might feel frustrated when you are not in agreement with what you find in a product. We really appreciate the feedback that you give us and you can see how we try and improve the product based on what you tell us.

However, this is not a place to use inappropriate language. You can read on the forum rules that we will not tolerate any form of abusive language. Please respect others.


both audios for “убедительный” seem to say “уверительный”.
edit: this is in Russian 7 (British English), by the way.

Noticed some issues with translations + typos. Originally sent an email not realising there was a forum, but here’s a few that I’ve noticed. They’re all between Russian 1 - 3 for English. Can only attach one screenshot just now because I’m new to the forums.

maybe I’m being dense, but i don’t see anything wrong with the first two screenshots - though in the third, “laughinh” is a typo.

@Sonia_S @pavel70 @JBorrego

Guys, it’s been almost two weeks or nine work days since I’ve reported a bunch of incorrect translations in the Italian course. Will you fix anything? How much time do you need to take care of your main product?

@Sonia_S @pavel70 @JBorrego

Three weeks and a half and still no reaction. People are learning wrong translations while you are don’t even bother to correct them. Great support indeed, most surely it’s worth to pay you for your work.

Yep and I got blocked for a week because i criticized the staff :joy::joy: what a bunch of…


I feel we need to reiterate that while everybody is in their right to express criticism towards Memrise, they must do so respectfully towards staff and other members of the community. Insulting, disrespecting threatening or disqualifying people are very strong forms of abuse that will not be tolerated, publicly or privately.

Willingly and repeatedly breaking said rules, grants temporary suspensions. Eventually repeated suspensions for continuously abusing staff grants permanent suspension.

You can read more on our Community Forum Guidelines: Community Forum Guidelines

People that post nonsense, false statements, attack other members of the community or staff and diverts attention from the main purpose of this community will receive a system warning and be banned.

PLEASE respect other people, whether they are staff or not.



Russian - 1 (newbie)
Is there a way that I can see a list of all my words and phrases for Russian 1?
I want the flexibility of picking individual items for review.

n Russian, for words that I entered or selected from existing words, in some spelling tests, available letters often don’t have the emphasis on the correct letter. For example, for пиво (beer), the accented letter that is offered is о. Also, it is not clear how to accent a letter when using the computer keyboard.

Since I’m using the free Anki app with the possibility to connect free audio samples from Forvo I don’t even understand why I’ve ever used Memrise before. I wish this company “best of luck”.

And just cancelled my memrise subscription. Was only 18€ per year but even that’s too much for this “service”. Wish I had never started with memrise at the first place. Should have been doing Babbel or Anki straight away. What an awful Ressource this is here.

I think I found a wrong translation in Russian 1-Lv11

это не для меня
that’s not my cup of tea

Should it be “that’s not for me”, right?

Memrise is a great app, but in the case of the Russian I course at least it would be so much better if the virtual keyboard that appears were to match the usual Russian keyboard. This would effectively help users to learn how to properly type in Russian at the same time as learning the language.
The provided virtual keyboard layout has the letters in the correct order but the top row shows only 10 letters instead of 12, with the extra 2 being bumped to the next row. This then makes the whole keyboard “out of synch” with a real one.
If it makes any difference I am using the old version of the website (because it has MEMS, which I consider as essential for learning Russian).

there are so many translation mistakes at a basic level of the language that I avoid doing these courses. I only use Memrise to learn the names of objects in the course I have created for my own use.