[Course Forum] Russian 1 - 7 by Memrise

@pavel70: are you hiding? What is the matter …?

When you think it can’t get more ridiculous, suddenly this pops up:

Теоретический is spelled this way, not теоретически. Yet another mistake

Hi @FlorianDAcquisto @Hombre_sin_nombre @ian_mn @vincoof @Olaf.Rabbachin
I want to thank you for wanting to help and contribute to make our courses better. For the mistakes you have found and which are clear errors, I can only promise we will take corrective action as soon as possible. Once that is done, we will also let you know.
These courses have been crafted over a period of time. Some areas of translation are very open to interpretation and potentially open to different meanings, which is in itself the beauty of languages. To be able to convey all of that in a very small screen is a significant challenge, so in cases we need to make some tough decisions as to which meanings/wordings we choose. That being said, it doesn’t justify a typo or transcription error.
We try to make improvements wherever possible. Sometimes we need to balance it with the introduction of new content features, which many of you love and appreciate, I hope. We’re a pretty small team handling a lot of different tasks and are not able to reach to all messages in the forum, but the issues you have brought up above will be looked into.
I hope you continue learning with us. If not, I hope we can some day in the future welcome you again and continue fantastic language exchanges in our forums that alongside highlighting issues also celebrate the joy of learning new words and expressions.
All the best in your journey to discover new languages and cultures.
Hasta pronto,

Dear Sonia, could you trade your plethora of words for fixing some things? :slight_smile: I took a look around, this incorrect translation mentioned by me earlier is still not fixed.

Also, what is more urgent for your team? You are selling your product to millions of people and those mistakes, which are being here for years… It’s like selling pizzas with cockroaches inside (hope no one is eating while reading my post).

Are you new here? Another reinforcement from Spain?

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In case anyone doesn’t get it, this is a line from Sergio Leone’s A Fistful of Dollars (1964).

You must be kidding me.

Dear @FlorianDAcquisto @Hombre_sin_nombre @ian_mn @vincoof @Olaf.Rabbachin
Thank you for your time and effort in flagging the issues. We are investigating them and will implement the relevant changes as soon as possible. Thank you for learning with us. Pavel


Either you guys accept заработать as equally correct as зарабатывать or even better: you think about how you teach both aspects of Russian in a comprehensive way. Babbel definitely does a better job here. Not accepting заработать is not only wrong but also very annoying.

They are not the same, though I don’t know what you are translating.

заработать is to gain money once (он заработал много денег в прошлом месяце/в прошлом году),
зарабатывать is to gain money over a period of time / as a rule (он зарабатывает много денег (вообще) ).

Yes, gricia is also not carbonara. One is the perfect form and one is the imperfect form. Got it now?

Yep, and these two verbs are not interchangeable. You can’t say хорошо заработаю instead of хорошо зарабатываю. It would have a totally different meaning. I suppose in this case your complaint is not substantiated.

Ты не должен зарабатывать свои деньги на репетиторстве…

Perhaps, because if everyone is doing something it does not mean that it is correct? :slight_smile:

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As the memrise translations are obviously very unreliable one always needs to double check the vocabs with dictionaries in order to avoid learning bad Russian. To translate “bemerken” with „приметить“ is at least questionable. Most dictionaries don’t even include “приметить”. For example it’s not listed on
Leo.org, reverse context doesn’t give out any useful result etc. Memrise often teaches you useless vocabs, and they especially like to do that in the earlier courses (Russian 1-3) which makes learning with it an even more pleasurable experience. От себя, на себя are minor examples if you take into account that the app wants you to learn железнодорожная станция by heart. Now, they often make you learn these useless words just because they are part of a sentence which they also make you learn, which are often useless too :slight_smile: The point is that as useless as приметить is, it doesn’t even appear in a (useless) sentence anywhere in the course. So the real question is, why do they want you to learn it?

Присоединить is not hinzufügen. I’ve been using the app just for 10 min and found three totally wrong translations. This app teaches you wrong Russian.

Who even says приметить in a regular context :joy: What an awkward word to teach foreigners. It’s also compounded by the fact that they limit translations to only 1 word. The привлечь translation is indeed totally wrong :joy: “Присоединить”…:joy: It’s like they were given several definitions and chose the most awkward one on purpose

GG brother. Try a community course.

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I’ve just come to this post and I have flagged 2 posts as using inappropriate language. I can see how I could have flagged some others too.

I do understand you might feel frustrated when you are not in agreement with what you find in a product. We really appreciate the feedback that you give us and you can see how we try and improve the product based on what you tell us.

However, this is not a place to use inappropriate language. You can read on the forum rules that we will not tolerate any form of abusive language. Please respect others.


both audios for “убедительный” seem to say “уверительный”.
edit: this is in Russian 7 (British English), by the way.

Noticed some issues with translations + typos. Originally sent an email not realising there was a forum, but here’s a few that I’ve noticed. They’re all between Russian 1 - 3 for English. Can only attach one screenshot just now because I’m new to the forums.