[Course Forum] Norwegian 1-7 by Memrise

Native Norwegian speaker here. Had a look at course 1 and 2 with a view to potentially recommending it to my girlfriend. Spotted quite a bit of mistakes and unnatural language, as set out below.

Course 1

Level 1:

unnskyld - It does mean “I’m sorry (I did that)”, but I would say the primary meaning is “excuse me”. Using unnskyld for minor transgressions is rather old-fashioned - saying sorry or beklager is more common.

vi sees senere - It does mean “see you later” but it implies that there is a specific time in mind. For a more generic “I’m sure we’ll see each other at some point”, I would recommend using “vi snakkes”.

Level 2:

det går - “it goes; it walks” is a bizzarre translation. “It’s going” catches the meaning better.

hvordan går det? - “how are you?” captures the meaning well enough, but “how is it going?” is both a more direct translation and closer to the meaning, as the phrase is fairly versatile.

det går veldig bra - For the same reasons as above, “it’s going very well” works better than to say I am very well

Level 3:

en feil - does mean a mistake. It also means an error. It does not mean a foul in sports.

Level 4:

storfekjøtt is a more common term for beef than oksekjøtt. (Especially in supermarkets)

Level 5:

These two phrases sound unnatural:

hva er ditt telefonnummer? - what’s your phone number?
mitt telefonnummer er … - my number is …

In Norwegian you can choose between putting the possessive in front or after the noun, so you can say ditt telefonnummer/telefonnummeret ditt and mitt telefonnummer/telefonnummeret mitt. The way it is currently written it emphasis your/my, instead of phone number. That may be appropriate if somebody is asking people in a group for their phone numbers one at a time, but hardly otherwise.

I suggest replacing the phrases with this (but keep the current one as an alternative when people write):
hva er telefonnummeret ditt ? - what’s your phone number?
telefonnummeret mitt er … - my number is …

Level 9:

et bord for to takk - a table for two please # add a comma between to and takk

kan vi få … vær så snill? - can we have … please?
kan vi få menyen vær så snill? - can we have the menu please?

Native speakers are very unlikely to add vær så snill at the end of these phrases. At a restaurant, it could come across as sarcastic. The first phrase would be fine to say at home, but in any case there should be a comma before vær så snill.

ja, takk - yes, please
nei, takk - no, thank you

No commas. (And it should be thanks, not thank you.)

Level 10:

greit - cool; fine; okay # Probably get rid of cool. It only means cool in the sense that you can use cool as a synonym to fine and okay. It does not mean cool as a synonym to hip, etc.

små - small; little # The definition is correct, but små is mainly used as a prefix and is a difficult word to use correctly on its own. I suggest substituting små for “liten”, which means the same thing but can be used in more settings. (And in the same way the other adjectives thought in the same level.)

jeg syns det er greit - I think it’s cool
This one is flat out wrong. Either put “jeg syns det er kult” or “I think it’s ok”.

Course 2

Level 1
jeg vil gjerne ha en kopp te takk - I would like a cup of tea please # Need a comma between te and takk

Level 6
en drink (en drikke) - a drink
en drink means specifically an alcoholic drink (as opposed to a soft drink). Also, the alternative form is wrong. Drikke is an uncountable noun (cf. food in english). The term for a (soft or alcoholic) drink is “en drikk”.

Level 8
har kjæresten din en jobb? - does your boyfriend have a job?
The Norwegian doesn’t specify boyfriend or girlfriend, so it seems natural to swap boyfriend for “partner” (like in other phrases in the level).

Level 10
unnskyld meg - excuse me
Not sure if the course should teach this. If you are trying to get somebodies attention or walk past them, you should say unnskyld. Unnskyld meg can be a genuine apology, but it is more likely to be sarcastic. (Compare with English: “Uhm, excuse me, who do you think you are?”

synd - a shame; unlucky # Also means sin.

Level 12

å må - to have to …; must
Wrong tense. Should be either “å måtte - to have to …” or “må - must”

Level 13

As pointed out above, it should be vegetArianer not vegetErianer.

Level 14

ei ku - a cow
ei høne - a chicken

Why is the course suddenly using feminine forms? Sure, these two may be the most common ones, but even for these using ei isn’t very common.

Level 19

For the phrase you’re teaching, “klokkeslett” is a better word than “tidspunkt”.


Hi all, thanks for the Memrise Norwegian language courses. I’m having a blast so far! :smiley:

Anyway, I noticed an error in Norwegian 7-1. The translation of the word ‘overhode’ Memrise gives is ‘at all’. If I got it right, ‘overhode’ could be a neuter noun (‘head’ or ‘chief’), in which case ‘overhodet’ would translate as ‘the chief’ (which would be appropriate in this particular word list called Business). If translated as ‘at all’, however, the proper (and only) form would be the adverb ‘overhodet’, I think?


[EDIT 27-03-2017]

I spotted another small error. In Norwegian 7-21 the word ‘å ta’ is translated with ‘to pick up (telephone)’. When I was asked the Norwegian translation of the English expression in a multiple choice question, however, two different options appeared with the same word ‘å ta’. Apparently I picked the wrong one, because my answer was not accepted. One of the options is probably the ‘å ta’ from Norwegian 1 (‘to take’). I don’t really know how this should be fixed (and it doesn’t really seem to be a serious problem either, since it has only happened once so far), but maybe someone can look at it. :slight_smile:


Can some of the translations of some of the idioms be tightened please. Often the English translation is way off or chooses a related idiom. For instance in Norwegian 6 “å smake sin egen medisin’ should be ‘to taste one’s own medicine’ - to get a taste of your own medicine is the same idiom in (British) English. Instead it’s translated as ‘what goes around comes around’ which makes it harder to remember and doesn’t quite capture the meaning. 'Det som kommer lett, går lett” is ‘easy come, easy go’ and not ‘easy comes easy goes’ as it is translated.

Likewise ‘Du er sjefen’ in Norwegian 7 is also ‘You’re the boss’ in English and means the same thing in this context.

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Another question is about the use of igjennom and hverken…eller in Norwegian 7.

Usually, ‘gjennom’ means through and ‘igjennom’ is used for more abstract uses for ‘through’.

In addition, hverken…eller is usually ‘verken…eller’ (neither …nor).

Norwegian 3:

  1. The audio of the phrase “ah herregud” only says “ah gud”
  2. The audio of the phrase “kan du snakke saktere, vaer sa snill?” says “kan du snakke saktere, er du snill?”
  3. The audio of the vocab “Bagasjen min er for tung” says “Min bagasje er for tung”
  4. For the word “en dato” you have to choose between two translations “a date” of which one belongs to “en date”. If you choose this one (which can’t be distinguished from the other) you have a wrong answer.
  5. The audio of the phrase “å gjøre en avtale” says “å lage en avtale”
  6. The audio of the phrase “jeg fant ut av det” only says something like “jeg fante ut”
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Though nothing wrong with female forms. They are correct.

I didn’t say that they were wrong, merely that using the ei article is uncommon. Of course, it is completely optional whether to use en or ei with feminine words, regardless of whether you use feminine or masculine conjugation. (I believe it is even “correct” to use ei and masculine conjugation - even if in practice this is obviously not done.)

Now the issue is really that as the course is currently made, the learners are marked as being incorrect if they write en ku or en høne - despite this actually more common than saying ei ku or ei høne.* In general however, it is good that the course teaches the existence of ei/feminine conjugations so people don’t get stumped if they come across it, but using it definitely shouldn’t be the only acceptable answer.

  • You can do a google search yourself. En ku brings back about twice as many results as ei ku - the difference is much bigger for en høne/ei høne.

I’m an English speaker learning Norwegian, and I’ve noticed something odd in In Norwegian 6, Level 5.

The English terms “for the record…” and “this is off the record” are translated to “sånn helt uoffisielt” and “dette er uoffisielt”. Surely “for the record…” should translate to “sånn helt offisielt”?

That’s not a great example though as “en ku” brings back results for things other than “a cow”, and “en høne” includes Danish results. If you add “site:.no” as a modifier in the Google search, “ei ku” and “ei høne” both bring back more hits.

To honest, both those translations sound unnatural. I don’t think there’s any good direct Norwegian translation for that example.

I did some more reviewing, picked up where @Bergeton stopped.

Course 3

Level 2
Et kredittkort - A credit card:
We have two words meaning “credit card”: Bankkort (debit-credit card) and kredittkort (credit card). In most cases, we use “bankkort”, and not “kredittkort”.

kan jeg få regningen, vær så snill?
can I have the check please?
As mentioned earlier, we don’t use “vær så snill” like this. In Norwegian for “please” we either use “takk” or simply leave it out all together.But in this case this would be the most natural way to say it: “Unnskyld, kan jeg få regningen?” - “Excuse me, can I have the check?”

Level 4

kan jeg spørre deg et spørsmål?
can I ask you a question?

It sounds more natural like this: “Kan jeg stille deg et spørsmål?”

kan du snakke saktere, vær så snill?
can you speak slower please?
Again “vær så snill” is not natural. Beginning to wonder if the people that made this course used Google Translate.
The correct phrase would be: “Kan du vennligst snakke saktere?” or “Kan du snakke saktere, er du snill?”

Level 9
du burde se en lege
you should see a doctor

“Å se en lege” isn’t even grammatical, let alone natural. The translation should be: “Du burde dra til legen” - “You should go to the doctor”. If you’re going to use “se”, it should be like this: “Du burde få en lege til å se på det” - “You should have a doctor look at it”.

Level 10

This is very misleading. The general term for “time” is “tid”. “Gang” only applies in certain situations, like: “Den gangen var jeg ganske ung” - “At that time, I was very young”. “Jeg har gjort the flere ganger” - “I have done it several times”.
“Gang” can also mean “hallway”.
Those subtleties are lost when you simply translate it like that,


This only applies if you are from Northern Norway. It should be “faen”.

Level 12
jeg må kjøpe en gave til min mor
I have to buy a present for my mom

min mor vil også ha en klokke
my mom also wants a watch

mine barn trenger ikke flere spill
my children don’t need another video game_

While it is perfectly OK to say, it might come across as somewhat old fashioned. Younger people would probably say it like this:

  1. “Jeg må kjøpe en gave til moren/mora min/mi”
  2. “Moren/mora min/mi vil også ha en/ei klokke”
  3. “Barna mine trenger ikke flere spill”

Level 14

kan du gjenta det vær så snill?
can you repeat that please?

kan du kjøre meg til dette hotellet vær så snill?
can you drive me to this hotel please?

Again “vær så snill” is not used. Either drop it, or add “vennligst” after “kan du”.

Level 16

en videregående skole
a college

The English translation should be “a high school”

Level 20


A little “risky” translation, as “sick” can mean “syk”, and “fett” also can mean “fat”. In this case “fett” can also mean “awesome”, “cool” and similar expressions.

bare glem det
just forget that

"Never mind" should be the translation, unless people use “just forget that” in the same way as they use “neve mind”.

Level 31

jeg tror de vil gå og handle i stedet
I think they’ll go shopping instead

It would sound more natural with “shoppe” instead of “handle”. Usually when people use “handle”, they mean “shopping groceries”.

Level 34

ingen har
no one

I suspect you’ve tried to give word for word translation of the expressions in the end of each level, but it is really not a good way to do it. And in this case, it is plain wrong. “No one” should be “ingen”. “Ingen har” ,means “no one has”, but “no one has” does not fit with the English translation of the expression.

Level 37
ikke forlat bagasjen uten oppsyn
don’t leave your luggage unattended

"Tilsyn" is more commonly used in this case.


Course 4

Level 1
han skal dra på museumet i ettermiddag
he’s going to go to a museum this afternoon

This is plain wrong. It should be “Han skal på museet i dag”

Level 2
vil din datter ha en utdannelse?
does your daughter want an education?

It sounds more natural (to younger people) with: “Vil datteren/dattera din/di ta en utdannelse?”.
The same goes for similar sentences, so I will not spend more time repeating myself.

Course 5

Level 1

å stå på ski
to go skiing

While this is accurate, you should also include “gå på ski”. “Stå på ski” means “alpine skiing”, while “gå på ski” means cross country skiing".

mine foreldre går fortsatt på ski
my grandparents still go skiing

The translation is wrong. Is should either be EN:“parents” or NO:“besteforeldre”

Level 3
hvorfor dro dere til Europa?
why did you go to Europe?

If travelling from Norway, we don’t say that. Norway is a part of Europe.

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Here is the forum.

Thank you.

I do not see how to post a message, so I shall reply to the welcome message.

Norwegian 3-20. Fett is “sick” in the lesson. My dictionaries give “sjuk”. Fett is always “fat”.

I have seen a few errors, this is the first one I have tried to report.

I think you are posting in the right place, actually.

Fett means awesome, too - like an English idiom “this is totally sick, dude.”

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I did some reviewing. The course has a lot of inaccuracies, so I think it would be good to read it (I’m Norwegian btw).

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I’m actually having the opposite issue. For Canadian English, we use the two terms interchangeably - underwear and underpants are the same thing.

Norwegian 3-26, spoken versus displayed:

å gjøre en avtale
å lage en avtale (spoken)

Norwegian 3-21, spoken versus displayed:

bagasjen min er for tung
min bagasje er for tung (spoken)