[Course Forum] Norwegian 1-7 by Memrise

Please post any feedback/suggestions about the official Norwegian courses here.


In the Norwegian 2 course, underbukser and undertĂžy both mean underwear. Because of this, questions like this one above pop up where there are two possible answers but the app only allows for one. Perhaps the meaning of underbukser could be changed to underpants to avoid this?

@aasoerensen1 Can you have a look at the above please?

I do get caught out quite regularly with this kind of thing. Especially in revision, I will be presented with a word to translate, such as for example “right”, and will give an answer like “rett” - which is not wrong, but is not what is being asked for and is not accepted. The word being asked for in this case is “hþyre.” The problem is a common one, and it is caused by the course creators not being specific as to which “right” they are talking about. (“right” as in right and wrong or a legal right, or “right” as in right and left.)

I’ve completed Norwegian 1 and 2, and I’m a third of the way through Norwegian 3. It seems to be a common problem in all these courses so far. I’m enjoying the courses, but a little disambiguation would be good. Well, just some good old-fashioned proof reading I guess.


Hi hoppernnn

I have corrected the translation of “underbukser” form “underwear” to “panties” in the Norwegian 2 course for American English speakers. Thank you very much for pointing this out. Please let us know if you find anything else like this that we have missed. We will strive towards correcting it as quickly as we can.

Kind regards

  • Anne

Hi Paulgato

I am happy to hear that you are getting through the courses :slight_smile: Thank you very much for this feedback!

I will make a note to look for duplicates in the translations in the Norwegian courses. At the moment, however, I do not have a Norwegian specialist readily at hand, so I might have to delay this task a little. Please have patience with me. I will address it as soon as I get the chance.


  • Anne
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Is that correct though? I was under the impression that men’s boxer brief type of underwear would be considered underbukser, but they definitely aren’t considered panties. Along a similar line of thought, bras and lingerie would be considered underwear and undertþy, but not underpants or underbukser unless I’m mistaken.

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“underbukser” refers to both men and female underpants. I’ll just add both translations. Thanks


Thanks for your swift reply Anne.

(Sorry everyone for the long post: the system wouldn’t allow me to make an email reply via a different email address, so I’m posting here publicly instead.)

The specific thing about English words having more than one meaning
(eg, right/left vs morally-right/wrong vs right/incorrect vs right as
in human rights, etc. (not to mention write, rite, wright and so
!) I’d imagine just requires knowledge of English rather than

Sometimes one can skip over details because one is TOO familiar with a
language. One example (I guess) is that although we are taught that
the phrase “
,please?” after requests formed as questions in
Norwegian is “
, vĂŠr sĂ„ snill?” (be so kind) it is in at least one
sentence in the course pronounced “
er du snill?” (are you kind?)
although still written “vĂŠr sĂ„ snill?” I’m guessing this is a
possible variation in the phrase which is also correct Norwegian usage
(?) but it’s rough to have to remember that if one hears “er du
snill?” one cannot type in what one hears, but must type in “vĂŠr sĂ„
snill?” otherwise one will be deemed to have made an error and be
forced to repeat.

(This is similar I guess to the voice using one gender for a word and
the text treating the same word as a different gender (I wrote
to you about a week ago with the word ‘mouse’ (ei mus vs en mus) and I notice that has already been corrected.)
There are other examples of ‘variable gender’ words in the course
being pronounced one way and written another, which I haven’t pointed
out. I have assumed that either gender is correct for these nouns
(although of course there may have been a typo error in the text) but
from a learner’s point of view it is much much easier to be taught
just one version or dialect of a language to begin with.)

The other broader point is, I am surprised I seem to be the first to
have written to you about some of these errors in the course, because
every single student before me will have noticed them. You obviously
respond promptly when people do write with corrections, etc. so it
must be that students are not telling you about the errors as
frequently as they might. I found it quite hard to discover HOW to
contact you about these errors. Would it be perhaps possible to make
it possible to contact you with errors using fewer clicks? Or maybe
have a “That’s not right.” button a student can click on without even
interrupting the learning session, so that you guys can then see
points at which the greatest number of students are being tripped up
or confused, and check that point for errors or ambiguities?

The students are in many cases the best people to use for error
checking, but their problem is that at the very point where they spot
an error they are too busy learning the language to want to be
interrupted, and then later they forget what or where the error was.
If you make it very very easy for them to MARK the point at which the
error occurs, without having to break their concentration by entering
into some long winded correspondence on the issue (pleasant though
some of us find that at times!) then you could make better use of the
students as error-checkers.

I know that’s a ‘new feature’ I’m suggesting, and I really should hunt
down the correct place on the web site to make that suggestion, but my
mouse-clicking finger is tired, and I can’t be bothered, 
and then
that’s kind of the point.

Anyway, nothing is ever perfect or finished or permanent, and I’m
really enjoying Memrise, so thanks for all the good work. (If I
didn’t think it was good I wouldn’t bother trying to improve it I

Best regards,



Hi, I’m a first time poster, so apologies if this is in the wrong topic.

In the first part of Norwegian 5, I believe there is a slight error (though I am English speaking, not Norwegian speaking). The Norwegian phrase “Vi drar som regel til utlandet” means “We usually go abroad”, but the translation given is “We usually go abroad in winter”. Should the Norwegian be “Vi drar som regel til utlandet om vinteren”?


Hi, I’ve completed Norwegian 1. I noticed a few things, these are the ones I remember:

7 - only accepts syv and not sju
Are you ready? and Are you ready to order? - requires the plural “dere” to be used but there is no hint to that in the English
Sentences that use “syns” should accept "synes"
Mine, Yours - should accept “min” and “din” (not just “mitt” and “ditt”)
Ordering food - one sentence uses “takk” for please and others use “vĂŠr sĂ„ snill”, this is confusing and both should be accepted

And a minor one which I think I saw but can’t replicate to check: â€œĂ„ ta” had a duplication in the multiple choice.


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Norwegian 2, Level 13: The translation of “a vegetarian” is spelled wrong - should be “en vegetarianer” (not vegetErianer).

Also second petazeta’s feedback in relation to Norwegian 1.


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In Norwegian one, the translation for glad for Ă„ kunne hjelpe (happy to help) in English is misleading as it ignores the work kunne and I get it wrong every time - surely you could write “glad I can help” or “glad to be able to help” - thanks


In Norwegian 1, Word Good Bye - Hadet it’s wrong. Hadet is common way of writing it but technically incorrect
 Should be Ha det.

Thanks M.

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There is an error in Norwegian 3, level 26: the audio of Ă„ gjĂžre en avtale (to make a deal) is Ă„ lage en avtale

It looks like video content is in the process of being added to the Norwegian courses, but they won’t play. A message instead appears that reads, “The video playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the video used features your browser did not support.” I’m able to play videos from other courses, so it’s not my browser. I’ve been stuck on Norwegian 3 level 18 for a while now because of this. Any idea when it’ll be resolved? Thank you!

Issue resolved. Norwegian courses have working videos!

Native Norwegian speaker here. Had a look at course 1 and 2 with a view to potentially recommending it to my girlfriend. Spotted quite a bit of mistakes and unnatural language, as set out below.

Course 1

Level 1:

unnskyld - It does mean “I’m sorry (I did that)”, but I would say the primary meaning is “excuse me”. Using unnskyld for minor transgressions is rather old-fashioned - saying sorry or beklager is more common.

vi sees senere - It does mean “see you later” but it implies that there is a specific time in mind. For a more generic “I’m sure we’ll see each other at some point”, I would recommend using “vi snakkes”.

Level 2:

det gĂ„r - “it goes; it walks” is a bizzarre translation. “It’s going” catches the meaning better.

hvordan gĂ„r det? - “how are you?” captures the meaning well enough, but “how is it going?” is both a more direct translation and closer to the meaning, as the phrase is fairly versatile.

det gĂ„r veldig bra - For the same reasons as above, “it’s going very well” works better than to say I am very well

Level 3:

en feil - does mean a mistake. It also means an error. It does not mean a foul in sports.

Level 4:

storfekjĂžtt is a more common term for beef than oksekjĂžtt. (Especially in supermarkets)

Level 5:

These two phrases sound unnatural:

hva er ditt telefonnummer? - what’s your phone number?
mitt telefonnummer er 
 - my number is 

In Norwegian you can choose between putting the possessive in front or after the noun, so you can say ditt telefonnummer/telefonnummeret ditt and mitt telefonnummer/telefonnummeret mitt. The way it is currently written it emphasis your/my, instead of phone number. That may be appropriate if somebody is asking people in a group for their phone numbers one at a time, but hardly otherwise.

I suggest replacing the phrases with this (but keep the current one as an alternative when people write):
hva er telefonnummeret ditt ? - what’s your phone number?
telefonnummeret mitt er 
 - my number is 

Level 9:

et bord for to takk - a table for two please # add a comma between to and takk

kan vi fÄ 
 vÊr sÄ snill? - can we have 
kan vi fÄ menyen vÊr sÄ snill? - can we have the menu please?

Native speakers are very unlikely to add vÊr sÄ snill at the end of these phrases. At a restaurant, it could come across as sarcastic. The first phrase would be fine to say at home, but in any case there should be a comma before vÊr sÄ snill.

ja, takk - yes, please
nei, takk - no, thank you

No commas. (And it should be thanks, not thank you.)

Level 10:

greit - cool; fine; okay # Probably get rid of cool. It only means cool in the sense that you can use cool as a synonym to fine and okay. It does not mean cool as a synonym to hip, etc.

smĂ„ - small; little # The definition is correct, but smĂ„ is mainly used as a prefix and is a difficult word to use correctly on its own. I suggest substituting smĂ„ for “liten”, which means the same thing but can be used in more settings. (And in the same way the other adjectives thought in the same level.)

jeg syns det er greit - I think it’s cool
This one is flat out wrong. Either put “jeg syns det er kult” or “I think it’s ok”.

Course 2

Level 1
jeg vil gjerne ha en kopp te takk - I would like a cup of tea please # Need a comma between te and takk

Level 6
en drink (en drikke) - a drink
en drink means specifically an alcoholic drink (as opposed to a soft drink). Also, the alternative form is wrong. Drikke is an uncountable noun (cf. food in english). The term for a (soft or alcoholic) drink is “en drikk”.

Level 8
har kjĂŠresten din en jobb? - does your boyfriend have a job?
The Norwegian doesn’t specify boyfriend or girlfriend, so it seems natural to swap boyfriend for “partner” (like in other phrases in the level).

Level 10
unnskyld meg - excuse me
Not sure if the course should teach this. If you are trying to get somebodies attention or walk past them, you should say unnskyld. Unnskyld meg can be a genuine apology, but it is more likely to be sarcastic. (Compare with English: “Uhm, excuse me, who do you think you are?”

synd - a shame; unlucky # Also means sin.

Level 12

Ä mÄ - to have to 
; must
Wrong tense. Should be either â€œĂ„ mĂ„tte - to have to 
” or “mĂ„ - must”

Level 13

As pointed out above, it should be vegetArianer not vegetErianer.

Level 14

ei ku - a cow
ei hĂžne - a chicken

Why is the course suddenly using feminine forms? Sure, these two may be the most common ones, but even for these using ei isn’t very common.

Level 19

For the phrase you’re teaching, “klokkeslett” is a better word than “tidspunkt”.


Hi all, thanks for the Memrise Norwegian language courses. I’m having a blast so far! :smiley:

Anyway, I noticed an error in Norwegian 7-1. The translation of the word ‘overhode’ Memrise gives is ‘at all’. If I got it right, ‘overhode’ could be a neuter noun (‘head’ or ‘chief’), in which case ‘overhodet’ would translate as ‘the chief’ (which would be appropriate in this particular word list called Business). If translated as ‘at all’, however, the proper (and only) form would be the adverb ‘overhodet’, I think?


[EDIT 27-03-2017]

I spotted another small error. In Norwegian 7-21 the word â€˜Ă„ ta’ is translated with ‘to pick up (telephone)’. When I was asked the Norwegian translation of the English expression in a multiple choice question, however, two different options appeared with the same word â€˜Ă„ ta’. Apparently I picked the wrong one, because my answer was not accepted. One of the options is probably the â€˜Ă„ ta’ from Norwegian 1 (‘to take’). I don’t really know how this should be fixed (and it doesn’t really seem to be a serious problem either, since it has only happened once so far), but maybe someone can look at it. :slight_smile:


Can some of the translations of some of the idioms be tightened please. Often the English translation is way off or chooses a related idiom. For instance in Norwegian 6 â€œĂ„ smake sin egen medisin’ should be ‘to taste one’s own medicine’ - to get a taste of your own medicine is the same idiom in (British) English. Instead it’s translated as ‘what goes around comes around’ which makes it harder to remember and doesn’t quite capture the meaning. 'Det som kommer lett, gĂ„r lett” is ‘easy come, easy go’ and not ‘easy comes easy goes’ as it is translated.

Likewise ‘Du er sjefen’ in Norwegian 7 is also ‘You’re the boss’ in English and means the same thing in this context.

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